Project description:Blood CD14+ monocytes are the frontline immunomodulators categorized into classical, intermediate or non-classical subsets, subsequently differentiating into M1 pro- or M2 anti-inflammatory macrophages upon stimulation. While Zika virus (ZIKV) rapidly establishes viremia, the target cells and immune responses, particularly during pregnancy, remain elusive. Furthermore, it is unknown whether African- and Asian-lineage ZIKV have different phenotypic impacts on host immune responses. Using human blood infection, we identified CD14+ monocytes as the primary target for African- or Asian-lineage ZIKV infection. When immunoprofiles of human blood infected with ZIKV were compared, a classical/intermediate monocyte-mediated M1-skewed inflammation by African-lineage ZIKV infection was observed, in contrast to a non-classical monocyte-mediated M2-skewed immunosuppression by Asian-lineage ZIKV infection. Importantly, infection of pregnant women’s blood revealed enhanced susceptibility to ZIKV infection. Specifically, Asian-lineage ZIKV infection of pregnant women’s blood led to an exacerbated M2-skewed immunosuppression of non-classical monocytes in conjunction with global suppression of type I interferon-signaling pathway and an aberrant expression of host genes associated with pregnancy complications. 30 ZIKV+ sera from symptomatic pregnant patients also showed elevated levels of M2-skewed immunosuppressive cytokines and pregnancy complication-associated fibronectin-1. This study demonstrates the differential immunomodulatory responses of blood monocytes, particularly during pregnancy, upon infection with different lineages of ZIKV.
Project description:As part of our study in understanding the role of SP140 in inflammatory pathways in macrophages, we inhibited SP140 mRNA using siRNA. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were obtained from whole blood of healthy donors (from Sanquin Institute Amsterdam or from GSK Stevenage Blood Donation Unit) by Ficoll density gradient (Invitrogen). CD14+ monocytes were positively selected from PBMCs using CD14 Microbeads according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Miltenyi Biotec). CD14+ cells were differentiated with 20 ng/mL of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) (R&D systems) for 3 days followed by 3 days of polarization into classically activated (inflammatory) M1 macrophages (100 ng/mL IFN-γ; R&D systems). M1 macrophages were transfected with siGENOME human smartpool SP140 siRNA or non-targeting scrambled siRNA for 48h with DharmaFECT™ transfection reagents according to manufacturer’s protocol (Dharmacon). The cells were left unstimulated or stimulated with 100 ng/mL LPS (E. coli 0111:B4; Sigma) for 4h (for qPCR) or 24h (for Elisa). The cells were lysed (ISOLATE II RNA Lysis Buffer RLY-Bioline) for RNA extraction.150 ng total RNA was labelled using the cRNA labelling kit for Illumina BeadArrays (Ambion) and hybridized with Ref8v3 BeadArrays (Illumina). Arrays were scanned on a BeadArray 500GX scanner and data were normalized using quantile normalization with background subtraction (GenomeStudio software; Illumina). This submission only contains processed data
Project description:human primary monocytes purified from 2 healthy blood donors were infected in vitro with Zika virus or HIV for 48 hours. Proteomics profiling of infected versus non infected cells was performed to identify up/down-regulated proteins associated to the infection
Project description:To search for host factors regulating Zika virus infection, we performed a genome-wide loss-of-function CRISPR/Cas9 screen in haploid human ESCs. The regulators were identified by the quantification of enrichment of their mutant clones within a pooled loss-of-function library upon Zika virus infection.
Project description:Dengue virus (DENV) infects hundreds of millions of people annually, yet there is only a limited knowledge of the host immune response to dengue. Here, we used a systems biological approach to perform a detailed analysis of the innate immune response to DENV infection in the whole blood samples of acutely infected humans in Bangkok, Thailand. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that genes encoding pro-inflammatory mediators and type I IFN related proteins, were associated with high levels of virus during the first few days of infection. Individuals with low or negative viremia at the late stage of fever were enriched with genes associated with pathways involved in cell cycle, proliferation, cell metabolism and translational control. Meta-analysis showed significant enrichment in genes specific for innate cells (monocytes, macrophages and DCs) in the specimens with high VL and enrichment in genes specific for NK cells, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells as well as B cells in specimens with low VL. Furthermore, flow cytometric analysis revealed an expansion in the numbers of CD14+CD16+ monocytes and depletion of CD14dimCD16++ cells and BDCA-1+ myeloid DC in blood. Consistent with this, in a non-human primate model, infection with DENV boosted the numbers of CD14+CD16+ monocytes in the blood and in secondary lymphoid organs. In vitro, freshly isolated blood monocytes infected with DENV up regulated CD16 and mediated robust differentiation of resting B cells to CD27++CD38++ plasmablasts and IgG and IgM secretion. Taken together, these data provide a detailed picture of the innate response to dengue infection in humans, and highlight an unappreciated role for CD14+CD16+ monocytes in promoting the differentiation of plasmablasts and mediating antibody response to DENV.
Project description:Comparative gene expression analyses of purified CD14+ monocytes from human umbilical cord blood, CD14+ monocytes from adult peripheral blood and the cell therapy product DUOC-01
Project description:Dengue virus (DENV) infects hundreds of millions of people annually, yet there is only a limited knowledge of the host immune response to dengue. Here, we used a systems biological approach to perform a detailed analysis of the innate immune response to DENV infection in the whole blood samples of acutely infected humans in Bangkok, Thailand. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that genes encoding pro-inflammatory mediators and type I IFN related proteins, were associated with high levels of virus during the first few days of infection. Individuals with low or negative viremia at the late stage of fever were enriched with genes associated with pathways involved in cell cycle, proliferation, cell metabolism and translational control. Meta-analysis showed significant enrichment in genes specific for innate cells (monocytes, macrophages and DCs) in the specimens with high VL and enrichment in genes specific for NK cells, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells as well as B cells in specimens with low VL. Furthermore, flow cytometric analysis revealed an expansion in the numbers of CD14+CD16+ monocytes and depletion of CD14dimCD16++ cells and BDCA-1+ myeloid DC in blood. Consistent with this, in a non-human primate model, infection with DENV boosted the numbers of CD14+CD16+ monocytes in the blood and in secondary lymphoid organs. In vitro, freshly isolated blood monocytes infected with DENV up regulated CD16 and mediated robust differentiation of resting B cells to CD27++CD38++ plasmablasts and IgG and IgM secretion. Taken together, these data provide a detailed picture of the innate response to dengue infection in humans, and highlight an unappreciated role for CD14+CD16+ monocytes in promoting the differentiation of plasmablasts and mediating antibody response to DENV. We analyzed whole blood samples from 28 dengue patients (DF n=18, DHF=10) hospitalized at the Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand during the season of 2009 The specimens were acquired between days 2 and 9 after onset of symptoms (acute illness), and for 19 patients (DF n=13, DHF=6) also at the convalescence at 4 weeks or later after discharge. Additionally, blood was sampled from 9 healthy, non-infected donors to provide controls for transcriptomic and immunological analysis.
Project description:To better understand the critical drivers of Zika virus pathogenicity, we used microarray analysis to evaluate the host responses triggered by Zika virus infection in MRC-5 cells.