Project description:We cultured bone marrow derived dendritic cells from WT and CD11c KO mice. Then, a group of bone marrow dendritic cells were stimulated with LPS overnight. We obtained bone marrow derived dendritic cells with or without LPS stimulation and analyzed proteomics profiles.
Project description:To comprehensively understand how dendritic cells (DCs) are reprogrammed by lung fibroblasts- and their derived COX-2/PGE2, we employed lung fibroblasts isolated from WT or Ptgs2-/- mice, and collect their conditioned medium (CM) to stimulate the ex vivo cultured bone marrow (BM)-derived DCs (BM-DCs), with the PGE2 treatment as a control. After the treatment, BM-DCs were harvested for RNA extraction and the transcriptional profiles were analyzed by RNA sequencing (RNA-seq).