Project description:We infected DF-1 cells with avian reovirus, and then used high-throughput sequencing to detect changes in miRNA expression profiles. This research provides a more comprehensive understanding of the interaction between viruses and host cells
Project description:The inner ear utilizes sensory hair cells as mechano-electric transducers for sensing sound and balance. In mammals, these hair cells lack the capacity for regeneration. Unlike mammals, hair cells from non-mammalian vertebrates, such as birds, can be regenerated throughout the life of the organism making them a useful model for studying inner ear genetics pathways. The zinc finger transcription factor GATA3 is required for inner ear development and mutations cause sensory neural deafness in humans. In the avian cochlea GATA3 is expressed throughout the sensory epithelia; however, expression is limited to the striola of the utricle. The striola corresponds to an abrupt change in morphologically distinct hair cell types and a 180° shift in hair cell orientation. We used 3 complimentary approaches to identify potential downstream targets of GATA3 in the avian utricle. Specifically we used microarray expression profiling of GATA3 knockdown by siRNA and GATA3 over-expression treatments as well as direct comparisons of GATA3 expressing cells from the striola and non GATA3 expressing cells from the extra-striola.
Project description:H5N1 subtype highly pathogenic avian influenza virus has been spreading to Asia, Eurasia and African coutries. An original or six of recombinant H5N1 subtype influenza viruses with varying survivability were infected to chickens for elucidating genes correlated with pathogenicity.
Project description:The pathogenesis of avian influenza A H5N1 virus in human has not been clearly elucidated. There have been increasing evidence suggesting a role for virus-induced cytokine dysregulation in contributing to the pathogenesis of human H5N1 disease. However, the role of aberrant innate immune response in human lungs infected by avian influenza H5N1 virus has not been explored and direct evidence for inappropriate innate responses in lungs of avian influenza H5N1 virus infected patients is lacking. In order to obtain evidences for the proposed role of aberrant innate immune response in avian influenza H5N1 virus pathogenesis in human, we analyzed expression profile of lung tissues from two fatal cases of avian influenza H5N1 virus infected patients in comparison to normal human lung using an expression microarray.
Project description:The inner ear utilizes sensory hair cells as mechano-electric transducers for sensing sound and balance. In mammals, these hair cells lack the capacity for regeneration. Unlike mammals, hair cells from non-mammalian vertebrates, such as birds, can be regenerated throughout the life of the organism making them a useful model for studying inner ear genetics pathways. The zinc finger transcription factor GATA3 is required for inner ear development and mutations cause sensory neural deafness in humans. In the avian cochlea GATA3 is expressed throughout the sensory epithelia; however, expression is limited to the striola of the utricle. The striola corresponds to an abrupt change in morphologically distinct hair cell types and a 180° shift in hair cell orientation. We used 3 complimentary approaches to identify potential downstream targets of GATA3 in the avian utricle. Specifically we used microarray expression profiling of GATA3 knockdown by siRNA and GATA3 over-expression treatments as well as direct comparisons of GATA3 expressing cells from the striola and non GATA3 expressing cells from the extra-striola. To identify genes that are co-expressed with GATA3 at the striola reversal zone, we compared gene expression in cells micro-dissected from the sensory epithelia of the chick utricle striola to cells from the surrounding extra-striola. There are 2 biological samples and experiments include technical replicates as well as dye-switches for a total of 8 microarrays.
Project description:A minor population of M cells within the follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) of intestinal Peyer’s patches (PP) serves as a major portal for entry of exogenous antigens. Characterization of the mammalian M cells, including identification of M-cell surface molecules used for bacterial uptake, has been hampered by their relative rarity. In contrast, M cells constitute virtually all of the FAE cells in the avian bursa of Fabricius. We therefore performed comparative gene expression profiling of chicken and murine FAE to identify commonly expressed genes by M cells in both species. The comprehensive transcriptome analysis revealed that 28 genes were commonly up-regulated in FAE from both species. In situ hybridization (ISH) revealed that annexin A10 (Anxa10) mRNA was scattered in FAE, and co-localized with Ulex europaeus agglutinin-1(UEA-1) that binds to M cells. Whole-mount immunostaining also revealed that cellular prion protein (PrPC) was expressed on the luminal side of the apical plasma membrane of M cells, and co-localized with grycoprotein2 (GP2) that recognizes only M cells in murine PP. Taken together, we found new M-cell-specific molecules by using comprehensive transcriptome analysis. These molecules conserved in M cells from both species might play critical roles in M-cell function and/or differentiation.
Project description:H5N1 subtype highly pathogenic avian influenza virus has been spreading to Asia, Eurasia and African coutries. An original or six of recombinant H5N1 subtype influenza viruses with varying survivability were infected to chickens for elucidating genes correlated with pathogenicity. Two chickens were infected with each 10^6EID50/ head virus intranasally, and their lung was collected from infected chicken at 24 hours after infection.