Project description:<p>The SNP Typing for Association with Multiple Phenotypes from Existing Epidemiologic (STAMPEED) asthma project includes subjects with asthma and controls from the Chicago Asthma Genetics Study (CAG), NHLBI multicenter Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP) and NHLBI Collaborative Studies on the Genetics of Asthma CSGA (Wake Forest). All studies included European American and African American children and adults with asthma ranging from mild to severe and adult controls. CAG participants were collected at the University of Chicago. SARP participants were recruited at the NHLBI SARP sites with an emphasis on recruiting severe asthmatics (Moore et al, Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2010, PMID: <a href="" target="_blank">19892860</a>). CSGA cases and controls collected by the Wake Forest investigators were also included. Asthma status was based on both a physician's diagnosis and either bronchodilator reversibility or hyper-responsiveness to methacholine as well as less than 5 pack years of smoking. Genotyping was performed on the Illumina 1Mv1 platform, with individual genotypes called using clustering algorithms as implemented in the BeadStudio software by Illumina. The total number of markers following standard QC was 1,025,129. Imputation was performed using the HapMap phase 2, release 21 SNPs using MACH with the phased HapMap CEU and YRI haplotypes as a reference. Case/control association tests for asthma status were performed using logistic regression in R (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) on genotype dosages, and adjusting for the first principal component from EIGENSTRAT.</p>