Project description:ra03-07_tor - tor - Study of 2 TOR mutants (7817 Strong, 7846 weak) - Mutant vs wild type on different nitrogen conditions (10mM=control and 100uM) Keywords: treated vs untreated comparison,wt vs mutant comparison
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of an El Tor biotype crp mutant The virulent V. cholerae El Tor Ogawa strain C7258 (Peru isolate 1991) and an isogenic deletion mutant (WL7258) lacking DNA sequences encoding the cAMP receptor protein were grown in LB medium to optical density at 600 nm of 1.5. The cultures were chilled in ice, cells quickly collected by centrifugation and total RNA imediately extracted. RNAwas extracted and purified using the Trizol plus RNA purification system (Invitrogen) followed RNEasy miniElute cleanup (Qiagen). RNA samples were conserved at - 80 C and used within a week. Keywords: Genetic modification