Project description:RNA binding proteins (RBPs) interact with RNA targets to control an array of processes, including RNA splicing, stability, transport, and translation1-3. Dysfunctional RNA-RBP interactions contribute to pathogenesis of a plethora of human diseases1,4,5, underscoring the need for a greater understanding of the nature and dynamics of RNA-protein assemblies. The capacity to study native RNA-dependent protein assemblies in living cells, however, has been limited. To address this, non-isotopic ligation-based ultraviolet crosslinking immunoprecipitation6 was combined with mass spectrometry (irCLIP-RNP) to identify RNA-dependent associated proteins (RDAPs) co-bound to RNA with specific RBPs of interest. irCLIP-RNP defined landscapes of complex and multimeric protein assemblies on RNA, uncovering previously unknown patterns of RBP associations on RNA. This included cell-type-selective patterned relationships between RDAPs and primary RBPs, such as cell context-dependent reciprocal impacts of HNRNPU and NONO on each other’s RDAP landscapes. irCLIP-RNP also defined dynamic RDAP remodeling patterns in response to epidermal growth factor (EGF) and uncovered EGF-induced recruitment of UPF1 adjacent to HNRNPC to effect splicing surveillance of mRNAs that mediate cell proliferation. The development of sequential immunoprecipitation irCLIP (RE-irCLIP) supported the same-RNA-molecule co-localization of irCLIP-RNP-identified associations. Thus, irCLIP-RNP and RE-irCLIP provide a framework to identify and characterize dynamic RNA-protein assemblies in living cells.
Project description:we performed infrared crosslinking immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (irCLIP-seq) (Zarnegar et al., 2016) for Rbm15 to directly map its binding sites on RNA. As a principle of concept, the cells were engineered to simultaneously express emGFP-Rbm15 and Xist RNA together, as Rbm15 strongly interacts with Xist A-repeat to deposit the m6A methylation downstream. Cross-linking induced truncation site (CITS or RT stops) is the main signature occurring at our irCLIP-seq datasets. RNA meta-profile plot against normalized transcripts shows that these CITSs reside across the transcript, with 2 main peaks in transcript starts and near the stop-codon regions, in agreement with the RBM15/15B binding profile in human cells (Patil et al., 2016).Motif analysis against CITSs revealed that Rbm15 binding sites prefer U-rich stretches, namely 3 or 4 consecutive Us. This is also true for crosslinking induced mutations (CIMS).
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE36958: Gene expression profiles of WT and ime4-/- mutant yeast cells, under vegetative and meiosis-inducing conditions GSE37001: METTL3 KD in HepG2 cells GSE37002: m6A mapping in human RNA (with treatments) GSE37003: m6A mapping in human RNA (untreated) GSE37004: m6A mapping in mouse RNA (mouse liver and human brain) Refer to individual Series
Project description:We developed a novel approach, m6A-seq, for high-resolution mapping of the transcriptome-wide m6A landscape, based on antibody-mediated capture followed by massively parallel sequencing Identification of m6A modified sequences in mouse liver and human brain
Project description:RNA binding proteins (RBPs) control varied processes, including RNA splicing, stability, transport, and translation. Dysfunctional RNA-RBP interactions contribute to the pathogenesis of human disease, however, characterizing the nature and dynamics of multiprotein assemblies on RNA has been challenging. To address this, non-isotopic ligation-based ultraviolet crosslinking immunoprecipitation was combined with mass spectrometry (irCLIP-RNP) to identify RNA-dependent associated proteins (RDAPs) co-bound to RNA with any RBP of interest. irCLIP-RNP defined landscapes of multimeric protein assemblies on RNA, uncovering previously unknown patterns of RBP-RNA associations, including cell-type-selective combinatorial relationships between RDAPs and primary RBPs. irCLIP-RNP also defined dynamic RDAP remodeling in response to epidermal growth factor (EGF), uncovering EGF-induced recruitment of UPF1 adjacent to HNRNPC to effect splicing surveillance of cell proliferation mRNAs. To identify the RNAs simultaneously co-bound by multiple studied RBPs, a sequential immunoprecipitation irCLIP (Re-CLIP) method was also developed. Re-CLIP confirmed binding relationships seen in irCLIP-RNP and identified HNRNPC and UPF1 RBP co-binding on RND3 and DDX3X mRNAs. irCLIP-RNP and Re-CLIP provide a framework to identify and characterize dynamic RNA-protein assemblies in living cells.
Project description:RNA binding proteins (RBPs) control varied processes, including RNA splicing, stability, transport, and translation. Dysfunctional RNA-RBP interactions contribute to the pathogenesis of human disease, however, characterizing the nature and dynamics of multiprotein assemblies on RNA has been challenging. To address this, non-isotopic ligation-based ultraviolet crosslinking immunoprecipitation was combined with mass spectrometry (irCLIP-RNP) to identify RNA-dependent associated proteins (RDAPs) co-bound to RNA with any RBP of interest. irCLIP-RNP defined landscapes of multimeric protein assemblies on RNA, uncovering previously unknown patterns of RBP-RNA associations, including cell-type-selective combinatorial relationships between RDAPs and primary RBPs. irCLIP-RNP also defined dynamic RDAP remodeling in response to epidermal growth factor (EGF), uncovering EGF-induced recruitment of UPF1 adjacent to HNRNPC to effect splicing surveillance of cell proliferation mRNAs. To identify the RNAs simultaneously co-bound by multiple studied RBPs, a sequential immunoprecipitation irCLIP (Re-CLIP) method was also developed. Re-CLIP confirmed binding relationships seen in irCLIP-RNP and identified HNRNPC and UPF1 RBP co-binding on RND3 and DDX3X mRNAs. irCLIP-RNP and Re-CLIP provide a framework to identify and characterize dynamic RNA-protein assemblies in living cells.