Project description:We used B. melitensis M5-90 wild type to construct gene-deleted strains of B. melitensis ∆per, RAW264.7 cells infected with B. melitensis M5-90 and B. melitensis M5-90 ∆per for 4h, respectively. miRNA microarray and mRNA array experiments were performed, qRT-PCR validation for miRNAs and mRNAs. We performed a joint analysis of differentially expressed miRNAs and mRNAs, and proved that the target gene of miRNA-146b is Tbc1d14. It further confirmed that miR-146b targeting tbc1d14 regulates brucella-mediated autophagy of RAW264.7 cells. Finally, the molecular mechanism of tbc1d14 influencing brucella-mediated autophagy of RAW264.7 cells was preliminarily revealed by DGE sequencing.
Project description:We used B. melitensis M5-90 wild type to construct gene-deleted strains of B. melitensis ∆per, RAW264.7 cells infected with B. melitensis M5-90 and B. melitensis M5-90 ∆per for 4h, respectively. miRNA microarray and mRNA array experiments were performed, qRT-PCR validation for miRNAs and mRNAs. We performed a joint analysis of differentially expressed miRNAs and mRNAs, and proved that the target gene of miRNA-146b is Tbc1d14. It further confirmed that miR-146b targeting tbc1d14 regulates brucella-mediated autophagy of RAW264.7 cells. Finally, the molecular mechanism of tbc1d14 influencing brucella-mediated autophagy of RAW264.7 cells was preliminarily revealed by DGE sequencing.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Brucella melitensis delta prlr mutant compared to the wild type strain. The mutants analyzed in this study are further described in A. Mirabella, R-M Yanez, R.M. Delrue, S. Uzureau, M.S. Zygmunt, A. Cloeckaert, X. De Bolle, J.J. Letesson (2012). The two component system PrlS/PrlR of Brucella melitensis is required for persistence in mice and appears to respond to ionic strength. Microbiology
Project description:Brucella spp. is an intracellular pathogen in vivo. The intracellular B. melitensis transcriptome was determined by initially enriched and then amplified B. melitensis RNA from total RNA of B. melitensis-infected HeLa cells. Analysis of microarray results identified 161 and 115 genes differentially expressed at 4 and 12 h p.i., respectively. Most of the genes (78%) differentially expressed were down-regulated at the earliest time point, but up-regulated (75%) at 12 h p.i. The analysis of the results indicates that Brucella undergo an adaptation period during the first 4 h p.i. that is overcome by 12 h p.i., permitting Brucella to replicate intracellularly. Specific genes and biological processes identified in this study will further help elucidate how Brucella act during the early infectious process to their eventual benefit and to the detriment of the naïve host. Keywords: Time course study of intracellular B. melitensis gene expression
Project description:Brucella spp. are gram-negative, facultative intracellular pathogens that cause brucellosis in humans and animals. Iron is an essential element required for all organisms. Iron response regulator (Irr) is a crucial transcriptional regulator and can affect the growth and iron uptake of Brucella. The growth rate of Brucella melitensis M5-90 irr mutant was significantly lower than that of B. melitensis M5-90 under normal or iron-sufficient conditions, however, the growth rate of the B. melitensis M5-90 irr mutant was significantly higher than that of B. melitensis M5-90 under iron-limited conditions. In addition, irr mutation significantly reduced iron uptake under iron-limited conditions. Currently, bhuA (a heme transporter), bhuQ (heme utilization oxygenase Q), and RirA (iron-responsive regulator) have been identified as iron metabolism genes and are regulated by the Irr protein. These results suggest that the Irr protein has multiple target genes in the Brucella genome that are involved in iron metabolism. Therefore, a combination of RNA-seq and Dap-seq was used to investigate the other iron metabolism genes that are also regulated by the Irr protein in Brucella. A total of seven genes were identified as target genes for Irr in this study and the expression levels of these seven genes were similar in both the RNA-seq and qRT-PCR results. Furthermore, the DNA bases C and G and amino acids asparagine, arginine, histidine, and serine were predicted as predominant docking sites for DNA and Irr using the HDOCK server. The electrophoretic mobility shift assay confirmed that six out of the seven genes, namely rirA (BME_RS13665), membrane protein (BME_RS01725), hypothetical protein (BME_RS09560), Iron transporter (BME_RS14525), cation-transporting P-type ATPase (BME_RS10660), and 2Fe-2S binding protein (BME_RS13655), interact with the Irr protein. In summary, our results identified six genes regulated by the Irr protein that may participate in iron metabolism. In addition, from the RNA-seq results, the mutation of irr resulted in the down/upregulation of many genes that are associated with the bacterial secretion system, lipopolysaccharides, and flagellar assembly, and these three components are the main virulence factors for Brucella. Collectively, these results provide valuable insights for the exploration of Brucella iron metabolism and its effects on virulence.
Project description:Brucella spp. is an intracellular pathogen in vivo. The intracellular B. melitensis transcriptome was determined by initially enriched and then amplified B. melitensis RNA from total RNA of B. melitensis-infected HeLa cells. Analysis of microarray results identified 161 and 115 genes differentially expressed at 4 and 12 h p.i., respectively. Most of the genes (78%) differentially expressed were down-regulated at the earliest time point, but up-regulated (75%) at 12 h p.i. The analysis of the results indicates that Brucella undergo an adaptation period during the first 4 h p.i. that is overcome by 12 h p.i., permitting Brucella to replicate intracellularly. Specific genes and biological processes identified in this study will further help elucidate how Brucella act during the early infectious process to their eventual benefit and to the detriment of the naM-CM-/ve host. Keywords: Time course study of intracellular B. melitensis gene expression Gene expression of the intracellular Brucella melitensis was determined at 4 and 12 h p.i. We generated the following samples: A) B. melitensis total RNA enriched and amplified from total RNA of B. melitensis-infected HeLa cells at 4 h p.i.; B) Total RNA isolated from B. melitensis-infected HeLa cells at 4 h p.i.; C) B. melitensis total RNA enriched and amplified from total RNA of B. melitensis-infected HeLa cells at 12 h p.i.; D) Total RNA isolated from B. melitensis-infected HeLa cells at 12 h p.i. B. melitensis total RNA was initially enriched and then amplified from total RNA of B. melitensis-infected HeLa cells at 4 and 12 h p.i. in quadruplicate, indirectly labeled and co-hybridized against B. melitensis gDNA to a custom 3.2K B. melitensis oligo-array (n = 8). As there was a possibility that some HeLa transcripts cross-hybridize with probes on B. melitensis microarrays, the original total RNA from B. melitensis-infected HeLa cells were also co-hybridized against B. melitensis gDNA to B. melitensis oligo-arrays (n = 8), and any oligospots with signals were considered non-specific and eliminated from all analysis to avoid false positive gene detection. The intracellular B. melitensis gene expression was compared to the gene expression of the inoculum (n = 2). Every Brucella melitensis open reading frame was printed in triplicate on each microarray, thereby providing three technical replicates for each biological replicates. Each replicate was normalized against labeled Brucella melitensis genomic DNA.