Project description:Toxin A and B from Clostridium difficile are the primary virulence factors in Clostridium difficile disease. The changes in gene transcription of human colon epithelial cells were investigated in vitro in order to better understand the many effects of both toxins.
Project description:The response to iron limitation of several bacteria is regulated by the ferric uptake regulator (Fur). The Fur-regulated transcriptional, translational and metabolic networks of the Gram-positive, pathogen Clostridioides difficile were investigated by a combined RNA sequencing, proteomic, metabolomic and electron microscopy approach. At high iron conditions (760 g/l) the C. difficile fur mutant displayed a growth deficiency compared to wild type C. difficile cells. Several iron transporters were found induced by Fur regulation during low iron (11 g/l) conditions. The major adaptation to low iron conditions was observed for the central energy metabolism. Most ferredoxin-dependent amino acid fermentations were found significantly down regulated (had, etf, acd, grd, trx, bdc, hbd). The substrates of these pathways phenylalanine, leucine, glycine and some initial intermediates (phenylpyruvate, oxo-isocaproate, 3-hydroxy-butanoyl-CoA, crotonyl-CoA) were found accumulated, while some end product like isocaproate and butanoate were found reduced. Flavodoxin (fldX) formation and riboflavin biosynthesis (rib) were found enhanced, most likely to replace the missing ferredoxins. Proline reductase (prd), the corresponding ion pumping RNF complex (rnf) and the reaction product 5-aminovalerate were significantly enhanced. An ATP forming ATPase (atpCDGAHFEB,) of the F0F1-type was found induced while the formation of a V-type, mostly proton-pumping, ATP-consuming ATPase (atpDBAFCEKI, was decreased. The [Fe-S] enzyme-dependent pyruvate formate lyase (pfl), formate dehydrogenase (fdh) and hydrogenase (hyd) branch of glucose utilization and glycogen biosynthesis (glg) were significantly reduced, leading to an accumulation of glucose and pyruvate. The formation of [Fe-S] enzyme carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (coo) was inhibited. An intensive remodeling of the cell wall was observed most likely to increase antibiotic resistance. Polyamine biosynthesis (spe) was found induced leading to an accumulation of spermine, spermidine and putrescine. The fur mutant lost most of its flagella. Finally, the CRISPR/Cas and a prophage encoding operon were downregulated. Fur binding sites were found upstream of 20 of the regulated genes. Overall, adaptation to low iron conditions in C. difficile focused on an increase of iron import, significant decrease in metabolic iron utilization and protection during the complex transition.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Clostridium difficile fur (ferric uptake regulator) mutant, compared to the wild type strain 630 erm. The fur mutant analyzed in this study is further described in Ho and Ellermeier (2015) J. Bacteriology A microarray study using total RNA recovered from three separate wild type cultures of Clostridium difficile 630 erm strain and three separate cultures of a fur mutant strain (ltrA::ermR) were grown in Tryptone-Yeast Extract medium containing 0.25 mM ferric chloride . Each chip measures the expression level of 3,786 of the 3,787 open reading frames of the C. difficile 630 genome with 18 probes (60 oligomers each) for each gene.
Project description:Transcriptional analysis of Clostridium difficile R20291 in biofilm formation, planktonic state and grown on blood agar RNA sequencing was performed on Clostridium difficile R20291 in three different conditions: Biofilm formation, plantonic state and grown on blood agar plates. Each condtion has 3 replicates.
Project description:Analysis of Clostridium difficile (Cd) from the cecal contents of germ-free mice or Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (Bt)-monocolonized mice on a standard, polysaccharide rich diet or polysaccharide deficient diet 5 days after infection. Results identify genes that are involved in the Cd response to diet, in vivo colonization and in interactions with Bt. In vitro transcriptional profiles of Clostridium difficile obtained from cecal contents of germ-free or Bt-monocolonized mice on a standard, polysaccharide rich or polysaccharide deficient diet. 4 samples/group. 2 control genomic DNA samples for Clostridium difficile and 2 reference genomic DNA samples for Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron Please note that 4 control samples (genomic DNA) were used to determine whether the genomic DNA correctly bound to the probes and thus, were not included in data processing (i.e no processed/normalized data).
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Clostridium difficile fur (ferric uptake regulator) mutant, compared to the wild type strain 630 erm. The fur mutant analyzed in this study is further described in Ho and Ellermeier (2015) J. Bacteriology
Project description:Clostridium difficile is an anaerobic spore-forming rod-shaped gram-positive bacterium that can infect both humans and animals. Most studies on the pathogenesis of C. difficile have focused on its toxins and their effect on the host cells. Recently, we utilized microarrays to identify conserved and divergent genes associated with virulence in C. difficile isolates from humans and animals. Our data provided the first clue toward a complex mechanism underlying host adaptation and pathogenesis. Microarray technology offers an efficient high-throughput tool to study the transcriptional profiles of pathogens and infected host cells. Transcriptomes of C. difficile after exposure to environmental and antibiotic stresses and those of human epithelial colorectal Caco-2 cells upon TcdA treatment have been analyzed. To our knowledge, there are still no reports on the transcriptomic study of host-pathogen interactions for C. difficile infection (CDI). In vitro analyses of interplay between host and pathogen are essential to unravel the mechanisms of infection and to investigate the host response to infection. We therefore employed microarrays to study both bacterial and human cellular transcriptome kinetics during CDI to Caco-2 cells. Here we present a large-scale analysis of transcriptional profiles to reveal molecular determinants playing a role in C. difficile pathogenesis and the host response. We found that there were 254 and 224 differentially-expressed genes after CDI in C. difficile and Caco-2 cells, respectively. These genes are clustered according to their functional categories and their potential roles in pathogenesis and host response are discussed. Our results will not only increase our understanding on the host-pathogen interaction, but may also provide targets for drug development. Clostridium difficile: Control vs Infection (time course) mRNA with genomic DNA of tested and reference strains Caco-2 cells: Control vs Infected with Clostridium difficile Time-course experiments of Caco-2 cells infected with C. difficile for 30, 60 and 120 min