Project description:In this study, transcriptomics was used to investigate Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) sampled from three different field locations within Baltic Sea (Baltic Main Basin (CBS), Gulf of Finland (GoF) and Bothnian Sea (BS)) during marine migration. RNA labeling, hybridizations, and scanning were performed by the Finnish Microarray and Sequencing Centre in Turku Centre for Biotechnology.
Project description:The fitness and reproductive output of fishes can be affected by environmental disturbances. In this study, transcriptomics and label-free proteomics were combined to investigate Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) sampled from three different field locations within the Baltic Sea (Baltic Main Basin (BMB), Gulf of Finland (GoF) and Bothnian Sea (BS)) during marine migration. The expression of several stress related mRNAs and proteins of xenobiotic metabolism, oxidative stress, DNA damage and cell death were increased in salmon from GoF compared to salmon from BMB or BS. Respiratory electron chain and ATP synthesis related gene ontology-categories were upregulated in GoF salmon whereas those associated with RNA processing and synthesis, translation and protein folding decreased. Differences were seen also in metabolism and immune function related gene expression. Comparisons of the transcriptomic and proteomic profiles between salmon from GoF and salmon from BMB or BS suggest environmental stressors, especially exposure to environmental contaminants, as a main explanation for differences. Salmon feeding in GoF are thus “disturbed by hazardous substances”. The results may also be applied in evaluating the conditions of pelagic ecosystems in the different parts of Baltic Sea.
Project description:Total RNA was extracted from liver tissues of lab-reared threespine stickleback. The dataset combines transcripts common to two experiments: first generation fish originating from the Baltic Sea near Helsinki (Finland) bred using a paternal half-sib design (E-MTAB-3098), and second generation fish originating from three different Fennoscandian populations bred from a full-sib design. Annotated R scripts defining the normalization procedures are available as additional files (see Additional files also include a metadata file (matrix.df.csv) to facilitate construction of design matrices used by the snm package.
Project description:Total RNA was extracted from liver tissues of lab-reared threespine stickleback. First generation fish originating from the Baltic Sea near Helsinki (Finland) were bred using a paternal half-sib design. At 6 months individuals were randomly assigned to either a treatment or control group: the temperature of treated fish (T) was raised 1oC per hour over the course of 6h to a final temperature of 23oC, then maintained for 1h at final temperature; control (C) fish were maintained at 17oC under similar holding conditions. Immediately following experimental (or sham) treatment, fish were euthanized by anaesthetic overdose. Liver tissues were immediately dissected and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen for subsequent RNA extraction. Annotated R scripts defining the normalization procedures are available as additional files (see Additional files also include a targets file to assist with reading raw data into R (Targs.txt), and a metadata file (matrix.df.csv) to facilitate construction of design matrices used by the M-bsnmM-b package.
Project description:The Baltic Sea is one of the largest brackish water bodies in the world. Redoxclines that form between oxic and anoxic layers in the deepest sub-basins are a semi-permanent character of the pelagic Baltic Sea. The microbially mediated nitrogen removal processes in these redoxclines have been recognized as important ecosystem service that removes large proportion of the nitrogen load originating from the drainage basin. However, nitrification, which links mineralization of organic nitrogen and nitrogen removal processes, has remained poorly understood. To gain better understanding of the nitrogen cycling in the Baltic Sea, we analyzed the assemblage of ammonia oxidizing bacteria and archaea in the central Baltic Sea using functional gene microarrays and measured the biogeochemical properties along with potential nitrification rates. Overall, the ammonia oxidizer communities in the Baltic Sea redoxcline were very evenly distributed. However, the communities were clearly different between the eastern and western Gotland Basin and the correlations between different components of the ammonia oxidizer assemblages and environmental variables suggest ecological basis for the community composition. The more even community ammonia oxidizer composition in the eastern Gotland Basin may be related to the constantly oscillating redoxcline that does not allow domination of single archetype. The oscillating redoxcline also creates long depth range of optimal nitrification conditions. The rate measurements suggest that nitrification in the central Baltic Sea is able to produce all nitrate required by denitrification occurring below the nitrification zone.
Project description:The Baltic Sea is one of the largest brackish water bodies in the world. Redoxclines that form between oxic and anoxic layers in the deepest sub-basins are a semi-permanent character of the pelagic Baltic Sea. The microbially mediated nitrogen removal processes in these redoxclines have been recognized as important ecosystem service that removes large proportion of the nitrogen load originating from the drainage basin. However, nitrification, which links mineralization of organic nitrogen and nitrogen removal processes, has remained poorly understood. To gain better understanding of the nitrogen cycling in the Baltic Sea, we analyzed the assemblage of ammonia oxidizing bacteria and archaea in the central Baltic Sea using functional gene microarrays and measured the biogeochemical properties along with potential nitrification rates. Overall, the ammonia oxidizer communities in the Baltic Sea redoxcline were very evenly distributed. However, the communities were clearly different between the eastern and western Gotland Basin and the correlations between different components of the ammonia oxidizer assemblages and environmental variables suggest ecological basis for the community composition. The more even community ammonia oxidizer composition in the eastern Gotland Basin may be related to the constantly oscillating redoxcline that does not allow domination of single archetype. The oscillating redoxcline also creates long depth range of optimal nitrification conditions. The rate measurements suggest that nitrification in the central Baltic Sea is able to produce all nitrate required by denitrification occurring below the nitrification zone. Two color array (Cy3 and Cy5): the universal standard 20-mer oligo is printed to the slide with a 70-mer oligo (an archetype). Environmental DNA sequences (fluoresced with Cy3) within 15% of the 70-mer conjugated to a 20-mer oligo (fluoresced with Cy5) complementary to the universal standard will bind to the oligo probes on the array. Signal is the ratio of Cy3 to Cy5. Three replicate probes were printed for each archetype. Two replicate arrays were run on duplicate targets.
Project description:The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) is one of the most important species in the Baltic Sea with high ecological and economical value. To explore the differences in adaptation to salinity between Baltic cod subpopulation: western (Kiel Bight) and eastern (Gdańsk Bay) samples were analyzed through genome-wide oligonucleotide microarray.
Project description:The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) is one of the most important species in the Baltic Sea with high ecological and economical value. To explore the differences in adaptation to salinity between Baltic cod from different regions, western (Kiel Bight) and eastern (Gdańsk Bay) samples were analyzed through oligonucleotide microarray.