Project description:The aims of this study were to present modifications to the annotations of the genome of C. posadasii, one of two closely related species of Coccidioides, a dimorphic fungal pathogen that causes coccidioidomycosis, also called Valley Fever. Proteins present in lysates and filtrates of in vitro grown mycelia and parasitic phase spherules from C. posadasii strain Silveira were analyzed using a GeLC-MS/MS method.
Project description:Mouse strains have been identified that are resistant (i.e. DBA/2) or susceptible (i.e. C57BL/6) to infection from pathogenic fungus Coccidioides immitis. However, the genetic and immunological basis for this difference has not been fully characterized. Microarray technology was used to identify genes that were differentially expressed in lung tissue between resistant DBA/2 and sensitive C57BL/6 mice after infection with C. immitis.
Project description:Mouse strains have been identified that are resistant (i.e. DBA/2) or susceptible (i.e. C57BL/6) to infection from pathogenic fungus Coccidioides immitis. However, the genetic and immunological basis for this difference has not been fully characterized. Microarray technology was used to identify genes that were differentially expressed in lung tissue between resistant DBA/2 and sensitive C57BL/6 mice after infection with C. immitis. C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice were infected with arthoconidia of C. immitis and RNA was extracted at different days post-infection and hybridized to Affymetrix microarrays (MGU74Av2), in order to identify differentially expressed genes between the two strains.
Project description:Coccidioides immitis and posadasii are dimorphic fungi that transform from mycelia with internal arthroconidia in the soil to a tissue form known as a spherule. Genes that were highly up-regulated in young spherules include a spherule surface protein and iron and copper membrane transporters. Genes that are unique to Coccidioides spp. are also over-represented in this group, suggesting that they may be important for spherule differentiation. Enriched GO terms in up-regulated genes in young spherules include oxidation/reduction, response to stress and membrane proteins. Down-regulated genes are enriched for transcription factors, especially helix-loop-helix and C2H2 type zinc finger domain-containing proteins which is consistent with the dramatic change in transcriptional profile. Almost all genes that are up-regulated in young spherules remain up-regulated in mature spherules, but a small number of genes are differentially expressed in those two stages of spherule development. Mature spherules express more Hsp31, and amylase than young spherules and less tyrosinase. Some expression of transposons was detected and most of the differentially expressed transposons were up-regulated in spherules.
Project description:Coccidioides immitis (C. immitis) is a dimorphic fungus that causes disease in mammals including human beings. It grows as a mycelium in the soil but differentiates into a pathogenic structure called a spherule in the host. We compared the transcriptome of C. immitis mycelia and day 2 and day 8 spherules grown in vitro using a custom custom oligonucleotide microarray from Nimblegen.
Project description:Coccidioides immitis (C. immitis) is a dimorphic fungus that causes disease in mammals including human beings. It grows as a mycelium in the soil but differentiates into a pathogenic structure called a spherule in the host. We compared the transcriptome of C. immitis mycelia and day 2 and day 8 spherules grown in vitro using a custom custom oligonucleotide microarray from Nimblegen. C. immitis RS strain isolated from infected mice was grown on agar. Arthroconidia was harvested and inoculated into mycelial spores. RNA was extracted from spores at different days post-inoculation and hybridized to a custom Nimblegen array, in order to identify differentially expressed genes between mycelia and spherules.