Project description:Transcriptional profiling of Pinus pinaster adult needles in a complete year. The needles were isolated by year emergence (whorl) in four groups. 0 (2012), 1 (2011), 2 (2010) and 3 (2009). The samples were harvested at 1245 m of altitude at Los Reales de Sierra Bermeja (Spain) (30S X:303.095 Y:4.039.618) one time per month.
Project description:The transcriptome of needles from plants propagated by cuttings and cultured in the same conditions at SERIDA’s greenhouse at Villaviciosa (Asturias, Spain) were analyzed. The cuttings are from two different provenances of Pinus pinaster; Leiria (Portugal) and Tamrabta (Morocco). Their transcriptomes were analyzed using high throughput sequencing
Project description:The transcriptome of needles from plants propagated by cuttings and cultured in the same condictions at SERIDAâs greenhouse at Villaviciosa (Asturias, Spain) were analyzed. The cuttings are from two different provenances of Pinus pinaster; Leiria (Portugal) and Tamrabta (Morocco). Their transcriptomes were analyzed using one color microarrays.
Project description:The transcriptome of needles from plants propagated by cuttings and cultured in the same conditions at SERIDAâ??s greenhouse at Villaviciosa (Asturias, Spain) were analyzed. The cuttings are from two different provenances of Pinus pinaster; Leiria (Portugal) and Tamrabta (Morocco). Their transcriptomes were analyzed using high throughput sequencing 4 samples
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of Pinus pinaster adult needles in a complete year. The needles were isolated by year emergence (whorl) in four groups. 0 (2012), 1 (2011), 2 (2010) and 3 (2009). The samples were harvested at 1245 m of altitude at Los Reales de Sierra Bermeja (Spain) (30S X:303.095 Y:4.039.618) one time per month. Reference design. 6 biological replicates that were pooled two by two resulting in 3 samples for the hybridization. The common reference samples was a pool of RNA samples from January. The reference sample was labeled with Cy5 and the test samples with Cy3.