Project description:A hive product propolis has been used for folk medicine for more than 4, 000 years. So far, several line of studies demonstrated that propolis improved glucose metabolism in obese models. In this study, we inverstigated whether propolis modulates stromal cells of mesenteric adipose tissue of ob/ob mice. Male ob/ob mice were inhjected with Brazilian propolis ethanol extract (100mg/kg ip, twice a week) or vehicle for 12 weeks. Subsequently, vasucular stromal fraction was prepared from mesenteric adipose tissue. Total cellular RNA extracted from the fraction was used for microarray analysis. Biological triplicates were subjected.
Project description:A hive product propolis has been used for folk medicine for more than 4, 000 years. So far, several line of studies demonstrated that propolis improved glucose metabolism in obese models. In this study, we inverstigated whether propolis modulates stromal cells of mesenteric adipose tissue of ob/ob mice.
Project description:Propolis is a resinous honeybee product, rich in polyphenolic compounds and with high economic value. Although extensive studies regarding the chemical composition of different propolis extracts have been carried out, the propolis proteome remained unknown. The present study aimed at characterizing the proteome of two geographically-distinct propolis originating from Belgium and Iran. Propolis extracts were analysed by SDS-PAGE followed by MALDI-TOF MS (mass spectrometry) and LC-ESI-MS. Our in-depth proteomic analysis led to the identification of honeybee venom and royal jelly proteins, and numerous plant-defense proteins in propolis, extending our understanding on the antimicrobial properties of this complex natural substance. The proteome of both propolis was mainly made up of proteins belonging to the poplar tree. The poplar PR-2 (β-1,3-glucanases) and PR-8 (acidic endochitinases) proteins were found to be the major components of both propolis extracts, while bee venom (Api m 1) and royal jelly allergens (MJRP 1 and 2) were only identified in the propolis from Belgium. Overall, our proteome analyses revealed that propolis extracts from Belgium and Iran shared a core protein composition originating from the poplar proteome. The majority of identified proteins are involved in the plant defense against pathogens, some belonging to well-known pathogenesis-related families.
Project description:We showed that Brazilian green propolis attenuated Aβ-induced memory and learning impairment. Comprehensive gene expression analysis demonstrated that Brazilian green propolis treatment suppressed inflammation and immune responses via immune cells such as microglia and astrocytes in the brain. These results indicate the potential of Brazilian green propolis as a promising ingredient for preventing AD-type dementia.
2023-06-09 | GSE234109 | GEO
Project description:Bacterial microbiota of Turkish propolis samples
Project description:A propolis-resistant Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant strain was obtained using an evolutionary engineering strategy based on successive batch cultivation under gradually increasing propolis levels. The mutant strain FD 11 was selected at a propolis concentration that the reference strain could not grow at all. Whole-genome transcriptomic analysis of FD11 was performed with respect to its reference strain to determine differences in gene expression levels between the two strains. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Project description:The main objective was to identify genes regulated after the BY4742 yeast cells were exposed to 0.125% for 5 or 10 min. The experiment was further valited by microbiological assays. The control for this experiment that used 0.125% propolis as a treatment have 0.68% ethanol for 5 or 10 min (what corresponds to 60% alcoholic extract for 0.125% propolis). For analysis, the cells were exposed to 0.125% for 5 or 10 min were compared to the control.
Project description:Metabolomics (LC-MS/MS) of propolis and geopropolis samples produced by different species of stingless bees, collected in the city of Bandeirantes (Parana, Brazil). Commercial samples of green and red propolis from Appis mellifera honeybee were also analyzed.
2025-01-16 | MSV000096871 | MassIVE
Project description:The role of propolis in modulating microbiota dynamics amidst Nosema spp. infections