Project description:Individual cells of the bacterium Proteus mirabilis can elongate up to 40- fold on surfaces before engaging in a cooperative surface-based motility termed swarming. How cells regulate this dramatic morphological remodeling remains an open question. In this paper, we move forward the understanding of this regulation by demonstrating that P. mirabilis requires the gene rffG for swarmer cell elongation and subsequent swarm motility.
Project description:Proteus mirabilis is a leading cause of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (UTIs) and urolithiasis. The transcriptional regulator MrpJ inversely modulates two critical aspects of P. mirabilis UTI progression: fimbria-mediated attachment to the urinary tract, and flagella-mediated motility. Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) was used for the first time in a CAUTI pathogen to probe for in vivo direct targets of MrpJ. ChIP-seq revealed 81 78 direct MrpJ targets, including genes for motility, fimbriae and a type VI secretion system (T6SS), and the putative MrpJ binding sequence ACnCnnnnnnnGnGT.
Project description:The enteric bacterium Proteus mirabilis is a common cause of complicated urinary tract infections. In the study, microrarrays were used to analyze P. mirabilis gene expression in vivo from experimentally infected mice. Urine was collected at 1, 3, and 7d postinfection, and RNA was isolated from bacteria in the urine for transcriptional analysis. Across 9 microarrays, 471 genes were upregulated and 82 were downregulated in vivo compared to in vitro broth culture. Genes upregulated in vivo encoded MR/P fimbriae, urease, iron uptake systems, amino acid and peptide transporters, pyruvate metabolism, and portions of the TCA cycle. Flagella were downregulated. Ammonia assimilation gene glnA (glutamine synthetase) was repressed in vivo while gdhA (glutamate dehydrogenase) was upregulated in vivo. Contrary to our expectations, ammonia availability due to urease activity in P. mirabilis did not drive this gene expression. A gdhA mutant was growth-deficient in minimal medium with citrate as the sole carbon source, and loss of gdhA resulted in a significant fitness defect in the mouse model of urinary tract infection. Unlike Escherichia coli, which represses gdhA and upregulates glnA in vivo and cannot utilize citrate, the data suggest that P. mirabilis uses glutamate dehydrogenase to monitor carbon-nitrogen balance, and this ability contributes to the pathogenic potential of P. mirabilis in the urinary tract. Voided urine from female CBA/J mice infected with Proteus mirabilis was collected and pooled in RNA stabilizing reagent (RNAprotect). Urine was collected at 1, 3, and 7 d postinfection. RNA was isolated from urine and log-phase LB cultures, converted to cDNA, and labeled with CyDye. Three arrays were completed per time point (9 arrays total). Slides were scanned with a ScanArray Express microarray scanner (Perkin Elmer) at 10 μm resolution and quantified using ScanArray Express software. Resulting data were normalized by total intensity and median spot intensities were identified using MIDAS (v. 2.22) software.
Project description:Proteus mirabilis is a primary cause of complicated urinary tract infections (UTI). Surprisingly, iron acquisition systems have been poorly characterized in this uropathogen despite the urinary tract being iron-limited. In this report the transcriptome of strain HI4320, cultured under iron limitation, was examined using microarray analysis. Of genes upregulated at least 2-fold, 45 were statistically significant and comprise 21 putative iron-regulated systems. Two of these systems, PMI0229-0239 and PMI2596-2605, are organized in operons and appear to encode siderophore biosynthesis genes. Five microarrays comparing P. mirabilis HI4320 cultured in LB broth to P. mirabilis cultured in LB broth + 15 uM Desferal (an iron chelator) were analyzed. All five arrays are biological replicates; arrays #2 and 4 are dye swaps.
Project description:The human gut acts as the main reservoir of microbes and a relevant source of life-threatening infections, especially in immunocompromised patients. There, the opportunistic fungal pathogen Candida albicans adapts to the host environment and additionally interacts with residing bacteria. We investigated fungal-bacterial interactions by coinfecting enterocytes with the yeast Candida albicans and the Gram-negative bacterium Proteus mirabilis resulting in enhanced host cell damage. This synergistic effect was conserved across different P. mirabilis isolates and occurred also with non-albicans Candida species and C. albicans mutants defective in filamentation or candidalysin production. Using bacterial deletion mutants, we identified the P. mirabilis hemolysin HpmA to be the key effector for host cell destruction. Spatially separated coinfections demonstrated that synergism between Candida and Proteus is induced by contact, but also by soluble factors. Specifically, we identified Candida-mediated glucose consumption and farnesol production as potential triggers for Proteus virulence. In summary, our study demonstrates that coinfection of enterocytes with C. albicans and P. mirabilis can result in increased host cell damage which is mediated by bacterial virulence factors as a result of fungal niche modification via nutrient consumption and production of soluble factors. This supports the notion that certain fungal-bacterial combinations have the potential to result in enhanced virulence in niches such as the gut and might therefore promote translocation and dissemination.
Project description:Swarming motility by the urinary tract pathogen Proteus mirabilis has been a long-studied, but little understood phenomenon. On agar, a P. mirabilis colony grows outward in a bullseye pattern formed by consecutive waves of rapid swarming followed by consolidation into shorter cells. To examine differential gene expression in these growth phases, a microarray, constructed based on the completed genome sequence and annotation, was undertaken. RNA from 1) broth-cultured, or 2) consolidation-phase cells was extracted to assess transcription during each of these growth states.
Project description:Swarming motility by the urinary tract pathogen Proteus mirabilis has been a long-studied, but little understood phenomenon. On agar, a P. mirabilis colony grows outward in a bullseye pattern formed by consecutive waves of rapid swarming followed by consolidation into shorter cells. To examine differential gene expression in these growth phases, a microarray, constructed based on the completed genome sequence and annotation, was undertaken. RNA from 1) broth-cultured, or 2) swarming cells was extracted to assess transcription during each of these growth states.