Project description:Each cell comprising an intact, healthy, confluent epithelial layer ordinarily remains sedentary, firmly adherent to and caged by its neighbors, and thus defines an elemental constituent of a solid-like cellular collective [1,2]. After malignant transformation, however, the cellular collective can become fluid-like and migratory, as evidenced by collective motions that arise in characteristic swirls, strands, ducts, sheets, or clusters [3,4]. To transition from a solid-like to a fluid-like phase and thereafter to migrate collectively, it has been recently argued that cells comprising the disordered but confluent epithelial collective can undergo changes of cell shape so as to overcome geometric constraints attributable to the newly discovered phenomenon of cell jamming and the associated unjamming transition (UJT) [1,2,5-9]. Relevance of the jamming concept to carcinoma cells lines of graded degrees of invasive potential has never been investigated, however. Using classical in vitro cultures of six breast cancer model systems, here we investigate structural and dynamical signatures of cell jamming, and the relationship between them [1,2,10,11]. In order of roughly increasing invasive potential as previously reported, model systems examined included MCF10A, MCF10A.Vector; MCF10A.14-3-3ζ; MCF10.ErbB2, MCF10AT; and MCF10CA1a [12-15]. Migratory speed depended on the particular cell line. Unsurprisingly, for example, the MCF10CA1a cell line exhibited much faster migratory speed relative to the others. But unexpectedly, across different cell lines higher speeds were associated with enhanced size of cooperative cell packs in a manner reminiscent of a peloton [9]. Nevertheless, within each of the cell lines evaluated, cell shape and shape variability from cell-to-cell conformed with predicted structural signatures of cell layer unjamming [1]. Moreover, both structure and migratory dynamics were compatible with previous theoretical descriptions of the cell jamming mechanism [2,10,11,16,17]. As such, these findings demonstrate the richness of the cell jamming mechanism, which is now seen to apply across these cancer cell lines but remains poorly understood.
Project description:KRAS mutations occur in one third of human cancers and cluster in several hotspots, with codons 12 and 13 being most commonly affected. It has been suggested that the position and type of amino acid exchange influence the transforming capacity of mutant KRAS proteins. We used MCF10A human mammary epithelial cells to establish isogenic cell lines that express different cancer-associated KRAS mutations (G12C, G12D, G12V, G13C, G13D, A18D, Q61H, K117N) at physiological or elevated levels, and investigated the biochemical and functional consequences of the different variants. The overall effects of low-expressing mutants were moderate compared to overexpressed variants, but allowed delineation of biological functions that were related to specific alleles rather than KRAS expression level. None of the mutations induced morphological changes, migratory abilities, or increased phosphorylation of ERK, PDK1, and AKT. KRAS-G12D, G12V, G13D, and K117N mediated EGF-independent proliferation, whereas anchorage-independent growth was primarily induced by K117N and Q61H. Both codon 13 mutations were associated with increased EGFR expression. Finally, global gene expression analysis of MCF10A-G13D versus MCF10A-G12D revealed distinct transcriptional changes. Together, we describe a useful resource for investigating the function of multiple KRAS mutations and provide insights into the differential effects of these variants in MCF10A cells.
Project description:CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) is a conserved zinc finger transcription factor involved in chromatin looping. Recent evidence has shown a role for CTCF in ER biology. This experiment maps CTCF binding genome-wide in breast cancer cells and shows that CTCF binding does not change with estrogen or tamoxifen treatment. We find a small but reproducible proportion of CTCF binding events that overlap with both the nuclear receptor estrogen receptor and the forkhead protein FoxA1. These overlapping binding events are likely to be functional as they are biased towards estrogen-regulated genes. In addition, we identify cell-line specific CTCF binding events. These cell-line specific CTCF binding events are more likely to be associated with cell-line specific ER vinding events and are also more likely to be adjacent to genes that are expressed in that particular cell line. These data suggest a positive, pro-transcriptional role for CTCF in ER-mediated gene expression in breast cancer cells.
Project description:Mechanisms of tissue-specific gene expression regulation, particularly via spatial coordination of gene promoters and their regulatory elements are poorly understood. Here we investigated the 3D genome organization of developing murine T cells. We identified a tissue-specific genome organizer SATB1 as a factor enriched at the anchors of promoter-enhancer chromatin loops. To unravel its functions in T cells, we generated Satb1fl/flCd4-Cre+ (Satb1 cKO) conditional knockout animals. Satb1 cKO animals suffer from severe autoimmunity so we sought to investigate a potential link between the autoimmunity and putatively deregulated nuclear architecture caused by SATB1 depletion. This series of ATAC-Seq experiments is a part of SuperSeries including also RNA-Seq, Hi-C and HiChIP experiments to fully understand the deregulation of Satb1 cKO thymocytes and to unravel the roles of SATB1 in T cell chromatin organization. ATAC-Seq experiments supported the repressive nature of Satb1 cKO nuclear environment and together with the other datasets it showed that SATB1 functions primarily as an activator. SATB1 mediates promoter-enhancer chromatin loops affecting a number of master regulator genes whose deregulation in knockout animals may comprise a cell-intrinsic mechanism of the autoimmunity. Our findings indicate a possible existence of a special class of genome organizers controlling tissue and/or time-specific transcriptional programs via spatial chromatin arrangements that are complementary to the function of conventional and ubiquitously expressed genome organizers.
Project description:To gain insight into the role of genomic alterations in breast cancer progression, we conducted a comprehensive genetic characterization of a series of four cell lines derived from MCF10A. MCF10A is an immortalized mammary epithelial cell line (MEC); MCF10AT is a premalignant cell line generated from MCF10A by transformation with an activated HRAS gene; MCF10CA1h and MCF10CA1a, both derived from MCF10AT xenografts, form well-differentiated and poorly-differentiated malignant tumors in the xenograft models, respectively. We analyzed DNA copy number variation using the Affymetrix 500 K SNP arrays with the goal of identifying gene-specific amplification and deletion events. In addition to a previously noted deletion in the CDKN2A locus, our studies identified MYC amplification in all four cell lines. Additionally, we found intragenic deletions in several genes, including LRP1B in MCF10CA1h and MCF10CA1a, FHIT and CDH13 in MCF10CA1h, and RUNX1 in MCF10CA1a. We confirmed the deletion of RUNX1 in MCF10CA1a by DNA and RNA analyses, as well as the absence of the RUNX1 protein in that cell line. Furthermore, we found that RUNX1 expression was reduced in high-grade primary breast tumors compared to low/mid-grade tumors. Mutational analysis identified an activating PIK3CA mutation, H1047R, in MCF10CA1h and MCF10CA1a, which correlates with an increase of AKT1 phosphorylation at Ser473 and Thr308. Furthermore, we showed increased expression levels for genes located in the genomic regions with copy number gain. Thus, our genetic analyses have uncovered sequential molecular events that delineate breast tumor progression. These events include CDKN2A deletion and MYC amplification in immortalization, HRAS activation in transformation, PIK3CA activation in the formation of malignant tumors, and RUNX1 deletion associated with poorly-differentiated malignant tumors.
Project description:SATB1, a nuclear matrix-associated protein, has long been proposed to function as a global chromatin loop organizer in T cells. However, the precise roles of SATB1 in chromatin organization remain elusive. Here we show that the depletion of SATB1 in immortalized T cells led to pronounced changes in gene expression, particularly for genes involved in cell proliferation and T cell activation, as well as 3D genome architecture at multiple scales, including the A/B compartment, topologically associating domains (TADs), and loops. Importantly, SATB1 extensively colocalizes with CTCF throughout the genome. Depletion of SATB1 led to increased association among the SATB1/CTCF co-occupied sites, as well as increased chromatin contacts across these sites, thereby altering the genome-wide chromatin loop landscape. SATB1 does not regulate genome architecture by modulating CTCF occupancy. Rather, the topological effects imposed by SATB1 may be attributed to SATB1-dependent anchoring of CTCF to the salt extraction-resistant nuclear matrix. Together, our findings suggest that the functional interplay between nuclear matrix and CTCF plays a critical role in orchestrating 3D genome organization.
Project description:Special AT-rich binding protein 1 (SATB1) is a global chromatin organizer and a transcription factor induced by interleukin-4 (IL-4) during the early T helper 2 (Th2) cell differentiation. In this study, we investigated the role of SATB1 in T helper cell differentiation by performing ChIP-on-chip analysis of human cord blood CD4+ T cells cultured in Th1 and Th2 conditions. These results were combined with gene expression profiling results from human differentiating Th cells in which expression of SATB1 was downregulated by RNA interference (RNAi).Our results indicate that SATB1 regulates and is bound to sixty genes in primary human CD4+ T cells, including several IL-12 and/or IL-4 regulated factors, suggesting a role in the development or function of Th subtypes. Cross-linked chromatin obtained from human CD4+ T cells isolated from cord blood cultured in Th1 and Th2 conditions for 24 h was immunoprecipitated with anti-SATB1 antibody.
Project description:Regulatory T (Treg) cells are involved in self tolerance, immune homeostasis, prevention of autoimmunity, and suppression of immunity to pathogens or tumours. The forkhead transcription factor FOXP3 is essential for Treg cell development and function as mutations in FOXP3 cause severe autoimmunity in mice and humans. However, the FOXP3-dependent molecular mechanisms leading to this severe phenotype are not well understood. Here we introduce the chromatin remodelling enzyme SATB1 (special AT-rich sequence-binding protein-1) as an important target gene of FOXP3. So far, SATB1 has been associated with normal thymic T-cell development, peripheral T-cell homeostasis, TH1/TH2 polarization, and reprogramming of gene expression. In natural and induced murine and human FOXP3+ Treg cells SATB1 expression is significantly reduced. While there is no differential epigenetic regulation of the SATB1 locus between Treg and Teffector cells, FOXP3 reduces SATB1 expression directly as a transcriptional repressor at the SATB1 locus and indirectly via miR-155 induction, which specifically binds to the 3’UTR of the SATB1 mRNA. Reduced SATB1 expression in FOXP3+ cells achieved either by overexpression or induction of FOXP3 is linked to significant reduction in TH1 and TH2 cytokines, while loss of FOXP3 function either by knock down or genetic mutation leads to significant upregulation of SATB1 and subsequent cytokine production. Alltogether, these findings demonstrate that reduced SATB1 expression in Treg cells is necessary for maintenance of a Treg-cell phenotype in vitro and in vivo and places SATB1-mediated T cell-specific modulation of global chromatin remodelling central during the decision process between effector and regulatory T-cell function. Gene expression profiling of freshly isolated CD4+ T cells, separated into CD25 negative and positive subpopulations, from three different donors. FOXP3 is stably and constitutively expressed at a high level in CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells and at a low level in CD4+CD25- cells.
Project description:Mechanisms of tissue-specific gene expression regulation, particularly via spatial coordination of gene promoters and their regulatory elements are poorly understood. Here we investigated the 3D genome organization of developing murine T cells. We identified a tissue-specific genome organizer SATB1 as a factor enriched at the anchors of promoter-enhancer chromatin loops. To unravel its functions in T cells, we generated Satb1fl/flCd4-Cre+ (Satb1 cKO) conditional knockout animals. Satb1 cKO animals suffer from severe autoimmunity so we sought to investigate a potential link between the autoimmunity and putatively deregulated nuclear architecture caused by SATB1 depletion. This series of Hi-C and HiChIP experiments is a part of SuperSeries including also RNA-Seq and ATAC-Seq experiments to fully understand the deregulation of Satb1 cKO thymocytes and to unravel the roles of SATB1 in T cell chromatin organization. Utilizing the HiChIP data, we compared SATB1 and CTCF-mediated chromatin loops, revealing that SATB1 builds a more refined layer of genome organization upon the CTCF scaffold. Moreover, H3K27ac HiChIP and Hi-C experiments in WT and Satb1 cKO thymocytes helped us to assess the functional impact of SATB1 and its underlying genome-wide regulome. SATB1 primarily mediates promoter-enhancer loops affecting a number of master regulator genes whose deregulation in knockout animals may comprise a cell-intrinsic mechanism of the autoimmunity. Our findings indicate a possible existence of a special class of genome organizers controlling tissue and/or time-specific transcriptional programs via spatial chromatin arrangements that are complementary to the function of conventional ubiquitously expressed genome organizers.
Project description:Spatial genome organization is critical for precise gene regulation during development. Special AT-rich sequence binding protein 1 (SATB1) has long been proposed to act as a global chromatin loop organizer in T cells. However, the exact functions of SATB1 in genome organization remain elusive. Here we show that the depletion of SATB1 in human and murine T cells led to transcriptional dysregulation for genes involved in T cell activation, as well as alterations of 3D genome architecture at multiple scales, including the A/B compartment, topologically associating domains (TADs), and loops. Importantly, SATB1 extensively colocalizes with CTCF throughout the genome. Depletion of SATB1 led to increased chromatin contacts among and across the SATB1/CTCF co-occupied sites, thereby affecting the transcription of critical genes involved in T cell activation. The loss of SATB1 did not affect the genome-wide occupancy of CTCF, but significantly reduced the retention of CTCF in the nuclear matrix. Collectively, our data reveal that SATB1 constrains chromatin topology surrounding CTCF-binding sites by tethering CTCF to the nuclear matrix, and suggest that the functional interplay between SATB1 and CTCF contributes to 3D genome organization.