Project description:3 individuals of Pinus sylvestris x 1 series of pooled RNA-seq data from longitudinal tangential cryosections of tree trunk spanning differentiated phloem to differentiated xylem
Project description:To identify specific gene networks induced in host roots by C. geophilum, we inoculated seedlings of Scots pine simultaneously with C. geophilum and either Suillus granulatus or Rhizopogon roseolus, two common ECM fungi associated to pines. We then measured the differential expression of Scots pine genes in the respective mycorrhizas using oligoarrays. We performed 14 hybridizations (NimbleGen) with samples derived from Pinus sylvestris mycorrhiza with Cenococcum geophilum, Rhizopogon roseolus or Suillus granulatus (3 biological replicates each), as well as from non-mycorrhizal control roots (two replicates). Only the Pinus-derived sequences from the array were considered for this analysis. All samples were labeled with Cy3.
Project description:The response mechanisms, recognition and specificity of conifer trees during interaction with pathogenic, saprotrophic or symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungus were investigated. The roots of Pinus sylvestris were challenged for five days with either Heterobasidion annosum (a pathogenic root rot fungus which attacks Norway spruce, Scots pine and broad leaf trees); Laccaria bicolor (an obligate ectomycorrhizal symbiont); or Trichoderma aureoviride (an obligate saprotroph). The gene expression data from cDNA micro-arrays consisting of 2176 Pinus taeda genes were analysed using 2-interconnected mixed linear model statistical approach. The result of the pairwise comparisons of the different treatments against un-inoculated control led to identification of genes specifically differentially expressed in the pathogenic, saprotrophic and symbiotic interactions. The results were compared with similar data obtained for two other interaction stages: 1 and 15 days post inoculation. The result of this comprehensive expression profiling will hopefully shed more light on the mechanistic basis for recognition and response of conifer trees to pathogenic and non-pathogenic fungi. Keywords: stress response
Project description:The response mechanisms, recognition and specificity of conifer trees during interaction with pathogenic, saprotrophic or symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungus were investigated. The roots of Pinus sylvestris were challenged for fifteen days with either Heterobasidion annosum (a pathogenic root rot fungus which attacks Norway spruce, Scots pine and broad leaf trees); Laccaria bicolor (an obligate ectomycorrhizal symbiont); or Trichoderma aureoviride (an obligate saprotroph). The gene expression data from cDNA micro-arrays consisting of 2176 Pinus taeda genes were analysed using 2-interconnected mixed linear model statistical approach. The result of the pairwise comparisons of the different treatments against un-inoculated control led to identification of genes specifically differentially expressed in the pathogenic, saprotrophic and symbiotic interactions. The results were compared with similar data obtained for two other interaction stages: 1 and 5 days post inoculation. The result of this comprehensive expression profiling will hopefully shed more light on the mechanistic basis for recognition and response of conifer trees to pathogenic and non-pathogenic fungi. Keywords: stress response