Project description:One possible mechanism leading to the apparent polymorphic placenta-specific DMRs would be the failure to maintain allelic methylation during gestation. For a temporal comparison, we performed methylation profiling on first trimester chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and compared it with corresponding samples at term. This revealed that DNA methylation level at placenta-specific DMRs is highly stable between the two points. In addition, to ensure that the methylation profiles were uniform across the placental plate, we determined the placenta-specific DMR profiles from multiple biopsies from the same term placentas. Biopsies collected from the opposite sides of the cord insertion site also showed high correlations, suggesting that methylation does not vary greatly between sampling sites. Finally, we compared placenta samples from dizygotic twins and triplets. As in the other cases, this revealed that the correlations between samples of the same gestations (sharing the same in utero environment and maternal exposures) were also higher than between unrelated samples.
Project description:In early embryos, DNA methylation is remodelled to initiate the developmental program. For mostly unknown reasons, methylation marks are acquired unequally between embryonic and placental cells. To better understand this, we generated high-resolution maps of DNA methylation in mouse mid-gestation (E10.5) embryo and placenta. We uncovered specific subtypes of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) that contribute directly to the developmental asymmetry existing between mid-gestation embryo and placenta. We show that the asymmetry between embryonic and placental DNA methylation patterns occurs rapidly during the acquisition of marks in the post-implanted conceptus (E3.5-E6.5), and that these patterns are long-lasting across subtypes of DMRs throughout prenatal development and in somatic tissues. We reveal that at the peri-implantation stages, the de novo methyltransferase activity of DNMT3B is the main driver of methylation marks on asymmetric DMRs, and that DNMT3B can largely compensate for lack of DNMT3A in the epiblast and extraembryonic ectoderm, whereas DNMT3A can only partially palliate for the absence of DNMT3B. However, as development progresses and as DNMT3A becomes the principal de novo methyltransferase, the compensatory DNA methylation mechanism on DMRs becomes less effective.
Project description:Background: The placenta is vital for fetal development and its contributions to various developmental issues, such as pregnancy complications, fetal growth restriction, and maternal exposure, have been extensively studied in mice. Contrary to popular belief, the placenta forms mainly from fetal tissue; therefore, it has the same biological sex as the fetus it supports. However, while placental function is linked to increased risks of pregnancy complications and neurodevelopmental diseases in male offspring in particular, the sex-specific epigenetic (e.g., DNA methylation) and transcriptomic features of the late-gestation mouse placenta remain largely unknown.Methods: We collected male and female mouse placentas at late gestation (E18.5, n = 3/sex) and performed next-generation sequencing to identify genome-wide sex-specific differences in transcription and DNA methylation. Results: Our sex-specific analysis revealed 358 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) on autosomes, which were associated with signaling pathways involved in transmembrane transport and the responses to viruses and external stimuli. X chromosome DEGs (n = 39) were associated with different pathways, including those regulating chromatin modification and small GTPase-mediated signal transduction. Sex-specific differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were more common on the X chromosomes (n = 3756) than on autosomes (n = 1705). Interestingly, while most X chromosome DMRs had higher DNA methylation levels in female placentas and tended to be included in CpG dinucleotide-rich regions, 73% of autosomal DMRs had higher methylation levels in male placentas and were distant from CpG-rich regions. Several sex-specific DEGs were correlated with sex-specific DMRs. A subset of the sex-specific DMRs present in late-stage placentas were already established in mid-gestation (E10.5) placentas, while others were acquired later in placental development.Conclusion: Our study provides comprehensive lists of sex-specific DEGs and DMRs that collectively cause profound differences in the DNA methylation and gene expression profiles of late-gestation mouse placentas. Our results demonstrate the importance of incorporating sex-specific analyses into epigenetic and transcription studies to enhance the accuracy and comprehensiveness of their conclusions and help address the significant knowledge gap regarding how sex differences influence placental function.
Project description:Background: The placenta is vital for fetal development and its contributions to various developmental issues, such as pregnancy complications, fetal growth restriction, and maternal exposure, have been extensively studied in mice. Contrary to popular belief, the placenta forms mainly from fetal tissue; therefore, it has the same biological sex as the fetus it supports. However, while placental function is linked to increased risks of pregnancy complications and neurodevelopmental diseases in male offspring in particular, the sex-specific epigenetic (e.g., DNA methylation) and transcriptomic features of the late-gestation mouse placenta remain largely unknown.Methods: We collected male and female mouse placentas at late gestation (E18.5, n = 3/sex) and performed next-generation sequencing to identify genome-wide sex-specific differences in transcription and DNA methylation. Results: Our sex-specific analysis revealed 358 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) on autosomes, which were associated with signaling pathways involved in transmembrane transport and the responses to viruses and external stimuli. X chromosome DEGs (n = 39) were associated with different pathways, including those regulating chromatin modification and small GTPase-mediated signal transduction. Sex-specific differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were more common on the X chromosomes (n = 3756) than on autosomes (n = 1705). Interestingly, while most X chromosome DMRs had higher DNA methylation levels in female placentas and tended to be included in CpG dinucleotide-rich regions, 73% of autosomal DMRs had higher methylation levels in male placentas and were distant from CpG-rich regions. Several sex-specific DEGs were correlated with sex-specific DMRs. A subset of the sex-specific DMRs present in late-stage placentas were already established in mid-gestation (E10.5) placentas, while others were acquired later in placental development.Conclusion: Our study provides comprehensive lists of sex-specific DEGs and DMRs that collectively cause profound differences in the DNA methylation and gene expression profiles of late-gestation mouse placentas. Our results demonstrate the importance of incorporating sex-specific analyses into epigenetic and transcription studies to enhance the accuracy and comprehensiveness of their conclusions and help address the significant knowledge gap regarding how sex differences influence placental function.
Project description:Background : The placenta is vital for fetal development and its contributions to various developmental issues, such as pregnancy complications, fetal growth restriction, and maternal exposure, have been extensively studied in mice. The placenta forms mainly from fetal tissue and therefore has the same biological sex as the fetus it supports. Extensive research has delved into the placenta’s involvement in pregnancy complications and future offspring development, with a notable emphasis on exploring sex-specific disparities. However, despite these investigations, sex-based disparities in epigenetic (e.g., DNA methylation) and transcriptomic features of the late-gestation mouse placenta remain largely unknown. Methods : We collected male and female mouse placentas at late gestation (E18.5, n = 3/sex) and performed next-generation sequencing to identify genome-wide sex differences in transcription and DNA methylation. Results Our comparison between male and female revealed 358 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) on autosomes, which were associated with signaling pathways involved in transmembrane transport and the responses to viruses and external stimuli. X chromosome DEGs (n = 39) were associated with different pathways, including those regulating chromatin modification and small GTPase-mediated signal transduction. Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were more common on the X chromosomes (n = 3756) than on autosomes (n = 1705). Interestingly, while most X chromosome DMRs had higher DNA methylation levels in female placentas and tended to be included in CpG dinucleotide-rich regions, 73% of autosomal DMRs had higher methylation levels in male placentas and were distant from CpG-rich regions. Several DEGs were correlated with DMRs. A subset of the DMRs present in late-stage placentas were already established in mid-gestation (E10.5) placentas (n = 348 DMRs on X chromosome and 19 DMRs on autosomes), while others were acquired later in placental development. Conclusion : Our study provides comprehensive lists of DEGs and DMRs between male and female that collectively cause profound differences in the DNA methylation and gene expression profiles of late-gestation mouse placentas. Our results demonstrate the importance of incorporating sex-specific analyses into epigenetic and transcription studies to enhance the accuracy and comprehensiveness of their conclusions and help address the significant knowledge gap regarding how sex differences influence placental function.
Project description:The maternal and paternal copies of the genome are both required for mammalian development and this is primarily due to imprinted genes, those that are mono-allelically expressed based on parent-of-origin. Typically, this pattern of expression is regulated by differentially methylated regions (DMRs) that are established in the germline and maintained after fertilisation. There are a large number of germline DMRs that have not yet been associated with imprinting and their function in development is unknown. In this study, we developed a genome-wide approach to identify novel imprinted DMRs, specifically in the human placenta, and investigated the dynamics of imprinted DMRs during development in somatic and extra-embryonic tissues. DNA methylation was evaluated using the Illumina HumanMethylation450 array in 116 human tissue samples, publically available reduced representation bisulfite sequencing in the human embryo and germ cells, and targeted bisulfite sequencing in term placentas. 43 known and 101 novel imprinted DMRs were identified in the human placenta, by comparing methylation between diandric and digynic triploids and female and male gametes. 72 novel DMRs showed a pattern consistent with placental-specific imprinting and this mono-allelic methylation was entirely maternal in origin. Strikingly, these DMRs exhibited polymorphic imprinted methylation specifically in placenta. These data suggest that imprinting in human development is far more extensive and dynamic than previously reported and that the placenta preferentially maintains maternal germline-derived DNA methylation
Project description:The maternal and paternal copies of the genome are both required for mammalian development and this is primarily due to imprinted genes, those that are mono-allelically expressed based on parent-of-origin. Typically, this pattern of expression is regulated by differentially methylated regions (DMRs) that are established in the germline and maintained after fertilisation. There are a large number of germline DMRs that have not yet been associated with imprinting and their function in development is unknown. In this study, we developed a genome-wide approach to identify novel imprinted DMRs, specifically in the human placenta, and investigated the dynamics of imprinted DMRs during development in somatic and extra-embryonic tissues. DNA methylation was evaluated using the Illumina HumanMethylation450 array in 116 human tissue samples, publically available reduced representation bisulfite sequencing in the human embryo and germ cells, and targeted bisulfite sequencing in term placentas. 43 known and 101 novel imprinted DMRs were identified in the human placenta, by comparing methylation between diandric and digynic triploids and female and male gametes. 72 novel DMRs showed a pattern consistent with placental-specific imprinting and this monoallelic methylation was entirely maternal in origin. Strikingly, these DMRs exhibited polymorphic imprinted methylation specifically in placenta. These data suggest that imprinting in human development is far more extensive and dynamic than previously reported and that the placenta preferentially maintains maternal germline-derived DNA methylation.
Project description:The placenta has a critical role in fetal growth, with many key functions regulated by genomic imprinting. With the recent description of polymorphic placenta-specific imprinting, the molecular mechanisms leading to this curious epigenetic phenomenon are unknown, as is their involvement in pregnancies complications. Profiling ubiquitous and placenta-specific imprinted differentially methylated regions (DMRs) exposed isolated aberrant methylation at ubiquitous DMRs as well as abundant hypomethylation at placenta-specific DMRs. Analysis of underlying chromatin at polymorphic placenta-specific imprinted DMRs revealed biallelic enrichment of histone H3K4 methylation, a modification normally mutually exclusive with DNA methylation. Furthermore, characterisation of expression in intrauterine growth restricted samples (IUGRs) uncovered coordinated deregulation of the GPR1AS1-ZDBF2-ADAM23 locus. Our results emphasize that methylation is less stable at placenta-specific imprints compared to their ubiquitous counterparts and that further work is required to determine if these differences are the IUGR cause or reflect unique adaption of the placenta epigenome to developmental stresses.
Project description:The goal of this study was to transciprtionally profile the three layers of the human placenta (decidua, fetal membrane and placental villi) from the mid-gestation healthy human placenta.
Project description:The maternal and paternal copies of the genome are both required for mammalian development and this is primarily due to imprinted genes, those that are mono-allelically expressed based on parent-of-origin. Typically, this pattern of expression is regulated by differentially methylated regions (DMRs) that are established in the germline and maintained after fertilisation. There are a large number of germline DMRs that have not yet been associated with imprinting and their function in development is unknown. In this study, we developed a genome-wide approach to identify novel imprinted DMRs, specifically in the human placenta, and investigated the dynamics of imprinted DMRs during development in somatic and extra-embryonic tissues. DNA methylation was evaluated using the Illumina HumanMethylation450 array in 116 human tissue samples, publically available reduced representation bisulfite sequencing in the human embryo and germ cells, and targeted bisulfite sequencing in term placentas. 43 known and 101 novel imprinted DMRs were identified in the human placenta, by comparing methylation between diandric and digynic triploids and female and male gametes. 72 novel DMRs showed a pattern consistent with placental-specific imprinting and this mono-allelic methylation was entirely maternal in origin. Strikingly, these DMRs exhibited polymorphic imprinted methylation specifically in placenta. These data suggest that imprinting in human development is far more extensive and dynamic than previously reported and that the placenta preferentially maintains maternal germline-derived DNA methylation For the identification of imprinted DMRs in the placenta, chorionic villous samples from 5 diandric and 5 digynic triploids pregnancies were assayed, along with a pooled sample of complete hydatiform moles (CHM). Placental chorionic villous samples (n=63) included 29 control pregnancies delivered at term, while the remaining 34 were delivered preterm or miscarried, or had abnormal MSS results, IUGR or LOPET. The preterm births were associated with one or more of: preterm labour, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), chorioamnionitis, placental abruption, and incompetent cervix. All samples were determined to be chromosomally normal using standard karyotyping or comparative genome hybridization, as previously described (Robinson et al. 2010). Two to four independent sites were taken from each placenta and after DNA extraction from chorionic villous, the DNA was pooled before being utilized in this study. Thirty-three fetal tissues, including brain (n=8), spinal cord (n=7), muscle (n=9), and kidney (n=9) were collected from second trimester foetuses, as previously described (Price et al. 2012). Adult female whole blood samples (n=10) were collected from control women. Extra-embryonic cell types (n=19), including cord blood (embryonic), cord, amniotic membrane, chorionic membrane, 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester trophoblast and mesenchyme, and decidua (maternal), were isolated from control placental samples.