Project description:Examine protein phosphorylation status during peripheral nerve regeneration when using autologous nerve graft or tissue engineered nerve graft to bridge nerve gap.
Project description:We applied Solexa sequencing technology to identify rat microRNA genes in proximal sciatic nerve following sciatic nerve resection. Using Solexa sequencing, computational analysis and Q-PCR verification, 93 novel miRNAs in rats were discovered and identified, of which 42 novel miRNAs were first reported in proximal sciatic nerve of rat and 51 novel miRNAs were produced at days 1, 4, 7 and 14 after sciatic nerve resection. These data provide an important resource relating to the role and regulation of miRNAs for future studies relating to peripheral nerve injury and regeneration. Keywords: Small RNA sequencing
Project description:We applied Solexa sequencing technology to identify rat microRNA genes in proximal sciatic nerve following sciatic nerve resection. Using Solexa sequencing, computational analysis and Q-PCR verification, 93 novel miRNAs in rats were discovered and identified, of which 42 novel miRNAs were first reported in proximal sciatic nerve of rat and 51 novel miRNAs were produced at days 1, 4, 7 and 14 after sciatic nerve resection. These data provide an important resource relating to the role and regulation of miRNAs for future studies relating to peripheral nerve injury and regeneration. Keywords: Small RNA sequencing 18-30 nt small RNAs from proximal sciatic nerve of 30 Thirty Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were sequenced at one Solexa lane
Project description:Here, we established a rat sciatic nerve injury model and investigated the circRNA expression profiles by Next-generation sequencing. In all, 7222 distinct circRNA candidates were found in these tissues and 4942 of these circRNAs contained at least two unique back-spliced reads. On the basis of expression of circRNA analysis, we found 131 circRNAs to be significantly (p-value<=0.05, Fold-change>=2) differently expressed in injured sciatic nerve tissues compared with matched normal tissues. All these circRNAs are derived from 21 rat chromosomes.
Project description:Analysis of extruded axoplasm proteomes from adult rat sciatic nerves in vivo by Label Free Quantitative Proteomics (LFQ) and comparison of normal and injury (18 hours post complete nerve transection) conditions. A combination of BONCAT and MS/MS were also performed to analyze the top axonal newly synthetized proteins in vivo.
Project description:Wallerian degeneration (WD) involves the fragmentation of axonal segments disconnected from their cell bodies, segmentation of the myelin sheath, and removal of debris by Schwann cells and immune cells. The removal and downregulation of myelin-associated inhibitors of axonal regeneration and synthesis of growth factors by these two cell types are critical responses to successful nerve repair. Here, we analyzed the transcriptome of the sciatic nerve of mice carrying the Wallerian degeneration slow (WldS) mutant gene, a gene that confers axonal protection in the distal stump after injury, therefore causing significant delays in WD, neuroinflammation, and axonal regeneration. 56 C57BL6 mice and 56 C57BL/6 OlaHsd-Wlds mice were anesthetized with isoflurane and underwent a microcrush lesion of their left sciatic nerve at the mid-thigh level (exept naive mice, t0). At 0, 3, 7 and 14 days post-injury, mice were anesthetized and killed by cervical dislocation. Sciatic nerves were collected and conective tissue removed. A 4-mm long sciatic nerve segment was taken from the nerve distal stump, starting at 1 mm distal from the lesion up to 5 mm distal. Distal nerve stumps were pooled by group and RNA extracted. Samples were hybridized to GeneChip® Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (Affymetrix). Biological replicate was done.
Project description:Sciatic nerve ligation was performed on cohorts of 2-month and 24-month old animals. Resulting gene-expression data were generated from sciatic nerve 1 and 4 days after injury compared to naïve animals. Results show differences in sciatic nerve responses with normal aging. Total RNA taken from sciatic nerves from 2-month and 24-month old animals at either day 0, 1 and 4 after sciatic nerve crush injury.
Project description:As rats do not develop neuropathic pain like hypersensitivity as neonates post nerve injury but do as adults we have used these arrays to help define the processes involved in this process. Rat spinal cord (ipsilateral dorsal horn) was assayed 7 days post SNI injury to the sciatic nerve relative to sham injury. Two age groups of animals were tested Neonates (P10) and Adult (8-12wks). Experiment Overall Design: Six biologically indepenedent arrays were hybridized per assay point. Dorsal horn total RNA was prepared using standard Affymetrix protocols. Affymetrix Rat Expression 230A array used.
Project description:Sciatic nerve ligation was performed on cohorts of 2-month and 24-month old animals. Resulting gene-expression data were generated from sciatic nerve 1 and 4 days after injury compared to naïve animals. Results show differences in sciatic nerve responses with normal aging.