Project description:We extracted RNA of 39 mouse tissue of various genotypes and performed expression microarrays. Subsequently a screen was conducted using the Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon to identify breast cancer candidate genes. 39 mouse samples expression data.
Project description:We extracted RNA of 39 mouse tissue of various genotypes and performed expression microarrays. Subsequently a screen was conducted using the Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon to identify breast cancer candidate genes.
Project description:A Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon forward genetic screen was performed to identify the genes that promote osteosarcoma (OS) development and metastasis. Mutagenesis induced OS in wild type mice and accelerated it on a Trp53 deficient background. Analysis of tumors demonstrated that Trp53 deficiency is correlated with genomic instability, which was virtually absent in tumors induced by SB mutagenesis alone. Metastases developed in a subset of animals and in nearly all cases were clonal related to primary tumors. Over 200 candidate genes were identified, many of which are altered in human cancers including OS. Signaling pathways enriched for candidate genes were also identified and a subset of these pathways and genes were functionally validated and represent new targets for OS treatment. Bisulphite converted DNA from the 21 diagnosis osteosarcoma patients and 3 hOB cell line replicates were hybridised to the Illumina Infinium 450K Human Methylation Beadchip.
Project description:A Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon forward genetic screen was performed to identify the genes that promote osteosarcoma (OS) development and metastasis. Mutagenesis induced OS in wild type mice and accelerated it on a Trp53 deficient background. Analysis of tumors demonstrated that Trp53 deficiency is correlated with genomic instability, which was virtually absent in tumors induced by SB mutagenesis alone. Metastases developed in a subset of animals and in nearly all cases were clonal related to primary tumors. Over 200 candidate genes were identified, many of which are altered in human cancers including OS. Signaling pathways enriched for candidate genes were also identified and a subset of these pathways and genes were functionally validated and represent new targets for OS treatment.
Project description:Ptch+/- mice, which are predisposed to SHH subgroup medulloblastoma, were mutagenised using the Sleeping Beauty transposon to identify genes which increase the frequency of medulloblastoma formation. Gene expression in tumours was assessed both to investigate their relationship to human subgroup tumours, and to identify genes where expression was altered by mutagenesis.
Project description:Ptch+/- mice, which are predisposed to SHH subgroup medulloblastoma, were mutagenised using the Sleeping Beauty transposon to identify genes which increase the frequency of medulloblastoma formation. Gene expression in tumours was assessed both to investigate their relationship to human subgroup tumours, and to identify genes where expression was altered by mutagenesis. Total RNA isolated from tumours induced by SB mutagenesis were compared to normal cerebellum, tumours induced witout SB mutagenesis, and tumours from a distinct model of disease (GTML).
Project description:Long-Term Follow-Up Study for Subjects Enrolled in the Phase I/II Study of Autologous T Cells Engineered using the Sleeping Beauty System to Express T cell Receptors (TCRs) Reactive Against Cancer-specific Mutations in Subjects with Solid Tumors
Project description:ChIP-sequencing of H3.3-G34R and H3.3-WT HGG cells was performed for several histone marks to uncover differences on histone mark deposition related to the presence of H3.3-G34R mutation, using a Sleeping beauty derived genetically engenieered mouse model.