Project description:Elucidation of molecular basis of Iron and zinc homeostasis is crucial to breed iron and zinc use efficient and iron -zinc biofortified maize cultivars. The present investigation was framed to decipher the global expression snapshot maize seedlings in response to iron and zinc starvtion. Genome-wide transcriptome assay was performed with ~18,000 transcripts distributed across the maize genome, in maize seedlings after exposing the seedlings to three Fe and Zn stress treatments (+Fe–Zn, –Fe+Zn, –Fe–Zn) along with control (+Fe+Zn). Microarrays were used to study the global gene expression pattern iron and zinc starvation responsive genes in maize.
Project description:To identify novel miRNA and NAT-siRNAs that are associated with abiotic stresses in maize, we generated small RNA sequences from maize seedlings that grew under control and under dought, salt, and cold stress treatments.
Project description:A whole transcriptome (RNA-seq) study of maize root and shoots under iron sufficient, deficient and resupply conditions was carried out to determine the genes that are iron-regulated in the roots and shoots.
Project description:To identify novel miRNA and NAT-siRNAs that are associated with abiotic stresses in maize, we generated small RNA sequences from maize seedlings that grew under control and under dought, salt, and cold stress treatments. Sequencing of small RNAs in maize under control, drought, salt, and cold stress conditions.
Project description:To identify differentially expressed genes and key biological pathways that define toxicity following nanomaterial exposure, we performed microarray analyses on NR8383 macrophages exposed for 4 h to 17 µg/mL of zinc iron oxide (ZnFe2O4, NRCWE021). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°. 686098
Project description:Intercropping is a vital technology in resource-limited agricultural systems with low inputs. Peanut/maize intercropping enhances iron (Fe) nutrition in calcareous soil. Proteomic studies of the differences in peanut leaves, maize leaves and maize roots between intercropping and monocropping systems indicated that peanut/maize intercropping not only improves Fe availability in the rhizosphere but also influences the levels of proteins related to carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Moreover, intercropping may enhance stress resistance in the peanut plant (Xiong et al. 2013b). Although the mechanism and molecular ecological significance of peanut/maize intercropping have been investigated, little is known about the genes and/or gene products in peanut and maize roots that mediate the benefits of intercropping. In the present study, we investigated the transcriptomes of maize roots grown in intercropping and monocropping systems by microarray analysis. The results enabled exploration differentially expressed genes in intercropped maize. Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. cv. Luhua14) and maize (Zea mays L. cv. Nongda108) seeds were grown in calcareous sandy soil in a greenhouse. The soil was enhanced with basal fertilizers [composition (mg·kg−1 soil): N, 100 (Ca (NO3)2·4H2O); P, 150 (KH2PO4); K, 100 (KCl); Mg, 50 (MgSO4·7H2O); Cu, 5 (CuSO4·5H2O); and Zn, 5 (ZnSO4·7H2O)]. The experiment consisted of three cropping treatments: peanut monocropping, maize monocropping and intercropping of peanut and maize. After germination of peanut for 10 days, maize was sown. Maize samples were harvested after 63 days of growth of peanut plants based on the degree of Fe chlorosis in the leaves of monocropped peanut. The leaves of monocropped peanut plants exhibited symptoms of Fe-deficiency chlorosis at 63 days, while the leaves of peanut plants intercropped with maize maintained a green color.
Project description:Microarray analysis on human neuroblastoma cells exposed to iron, B-amyloid or the B-amyloid iron complex. Alzheimer's disease is associated with an abnormal accumulation of certain metal ions.
Project description:Iron-resistant Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant was obtained by evolutionary engineering selection strategy. The mutant obtained “M8FE” is much more resistant to iron stress than the reference strain which was used to select this mutant. Mutant can resist up to 35mM Iron* stress whereas the reference strain cannot. Whole-genome microarray analysis might be promising to identify the iron resistance mechanisms and stress response upon high levels of iron in the yeast cells. Iron-resistant mutant is also cross resistant to Cobalt, Chromium and Nickel but sensitive to Zinc. * refers to [NH4]2[Fe][SO4]2 and FeCl2.