Project description:Retrograde signals emanate from the DNA-containing cell organelles (plastids and mitochondria) and control the expression of a large number of nuclear genes in response to environmental and developmental cues. GENOMES UNCOUPLED1 (GUN1) participating in multiple retrograde signaling pathways that collectively regulate the nuclear transcriptome. We used microarrays to further investigate the regulation of nuclear gene expression by PGE retrograde signals mediated by GUN1.
Project description:Col-0 floral stem was grafted on the msh1 mutant (Col-0/msh1); on the dcl2,3,4,msh1 quadruple mutant (Col-0/dcl2,3,4,msh1); on Col-0 (Col-0/Col-0). Seeds were collected from the grafted Col-0 scion after grafts were established. Seed coming from the graft then were grown on the peat mix, leaf tissue was collected at the bolting and used for the total RNA sequencing.
Project description:Col-0 floral stem was grafted on the msh1 mutant (Col-0/msh1); on the dcl2,3,4,msh1 quadruple mutant (Col-0/dcl2,3,4,msh1); on Col-0 (Col-0/Col-0). Seeds were collected from the grafted Col-0 scion after grafts were established. Seed coming from the graft then were grown on the peat mix, leaf tissue was collected at the bolting and used for the bisulfite sequencing (methylome). Tissue from the msh1 mutant and dcl2,3,4,msh1 quadruple mutants used as rootstocks was similarly collected at the bolting stage and used for the bisulfite sequencing.
Project description:To investigate the deposition of HTR5 in Arabidopsis, we analysed genome-wide HTR5 density in the wild-type Col-0 by ChIP-seq. We then performed HTR5 occupancy analysis using data obtained from ChIP-seq of 3 different plants including HA-HTR5/Col-0 and Col-0. Col-0 acted as negative control.
Project description:Plastid gene expression (PGE) acts as a signal that regulates the expression of photosynthesis-associated nuclear genes (PhANGs) via GENOMES UNCOUPLED1 (GUN1)-dependent retrograde signaling. We recently isolated Arabidopsis sugar-inducible cotyledon yellow-192 (sicy-192), a gain-of-function mutant of plastidic invertase (INV-E), and showed that following the treatment of this mutant with sucrose, the expression of PhANGs decreased while that of nitrate reductase 1 (NIA1) increased. Plastid-encoded RNA polymerase (PEP)-dependent PGE was markedly suppressed in the sicy-192 mutant by the sucrose treatment. A double mutant of sicy-192 and gun1-101, a null mutant of GUN1, revealed that metabolic perturbation in the sucrose-treated sicy-192 mutant was, at least in part, dependent on GUN1. To confirm whether there is a relationship between plastid sugar metabolism and nuclear gene expression, we performed a microarray analysis using Suc-treated 3 genotypes consisting of wild-type, sicy-192, and sicy-192 gun1-101 plants.
Project description:Quantification of Tic-Toc subunits in the wild type and gun1-101 mutants in the control conditions and treated with lincomycin or norflurazon to determine if there are differences between genotypes.
Project description:Plastid gene expression (PGE) acts as a signal that regulates the expression of photosynthesis-associated nuclear genes (PhANGs) via GENOMES UNCOUPLED1 (GUN1)-dependent retrograde signaling. We recently isolated Arabidopsis sugar-inducible cotyledon yellow-192 (sicy-192), a gain-of-function mutant of plastidic invertase (INV-E), and showed that following the treatment of this mutant with sucrose, the expression of PhANGs decreased while that of nitrate reductase 1 (NIA1) increased. Plastid-encoded RNA polymerase (PEP)-dependent PGE was markedly suppressed in the sicy-192 mutant by the sucrose treatment. A double mutant of sicy-192 and gun1-101, a null mutant of GUN1, revealed that metabolic perturbation in the sucrose-treated sicy-192 mutant was, at least in part, dependent on GUN1. To confirm whether there is a relationship between plastid sugar metabolism and nuclear gene expression, we performed a microarray analysis using Suc-treated 3 genotypes consisting of wild-type, sicy-192, and sicy-192 gun1-101 plants. Wild-type, sicy-192, and sicy-192 gun1-101 plants were grown on MS medium containing 100 mM sucrose in a growth chamber kept at 25°C during 16 h of light (100 µmol/m2/s) and at 22°C during 8 h of darkness for 4 days. At 4 days of age, cotyledons were collected as samples for microarray analysis.