Project description:In this study we developed metaproteomics based methods for quantifying taxonomic composition of microbiomes (microbial communities). We also compared metaproteomics based quantification to other quantification methods, namely metagenomics and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. The metagenomic and 16S rRNA data can be found in the European Nucleotide Archive (Study number: PRJEB19901). For the method development and comparison of the methods we analyzed three types of mock communities with all three methods. The communities contain between 28 to 32 species and strains of bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes and bacteriophage. For each community type 4 biological replicate communities were generated. All four replicates were analyzed by 16S rRNA sequencing and metaproteomics. Three replicates of each community type were analyzed with metagenomics. The "C" type communities have same cell/phage particle number for all community members (C1 to C4). The "P" type communities have the same protein content for all community members (P1 to P4). The "U" (UNEVEN) type communities cover a large range of protein amounts and cell numbers (U1 to U4). We also generated proteomic data for four pure cultures to test the specificity of the protein inference method. This data is also included in this submission.
Project description:We aimed to investigate the microbial community composition in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and its effect on prognosis. The relationship between changes in bacterial flora and the prognosis of spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage was studied in two cohort studies. Fecal samples from healthy volunteers and patients with intracerebral hemorrhage were subjected to 16S rRNA sequencing at three time points: T1 (within 24 hours of admission), T2 (3 days post-surgery), and T3 (7 days post-surgery) using Illumina high-throughput sequencing technology.
Project description:To explore the bacterial community profile of the gut of the African palm weevil and to identify the abundance and diversity of lignin degradation-associated bacteria in each gut segment.
Project description:Human skin microbiome dysbiosis can have clinical consequences. Characterizing taxonomic composition of bacterial communities associated with skin disorders is important for dermatological advancement in both diagnosis and novel treatments. This study aims to analyze and improve the accuracy of taxonomic classification of skin bacteria with MinION™ nanopore sequencing using a defined skin mock community and a skin microbiome sample. We compared the Oxford Nanopore Technologies recommended procedures and concluded that their protocols highly bias the relative abundance of certain skin microbiome genera, most notably a large overrepresentation of Staphylococcus and underrepresentation of Cutibacterium and Corynebacterium. We demonstrated that changes in the amplification protocols improved the accuracy of the taxonomic classification for these three main skin bacterial genera. This study shows that MinION™ nanopore could be an efficient technology for full-length 16S rRNA sequencing; however, the analytical advantage is strongly influenced by the methodologies. The suggested alternatives in the sample processing improved characterization of a complex skin microbiome community using MinION™ nanopore sequencing.
Project description:Here we report 16S rRNA data in gut microbiota of autism spectrum disorders compared with healthy volunteers. A total of 1322 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified in the sequence data. The Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes were both dominated phylum in ausitic subjects and healthy controls. Phylum level analysis showed a clear alteration of the bacterial gut community in ASD characterized by a higher Firmicutes (P < 0.05), Proteobacteria (P < 0.001), and Actinobacteria (P < 0.001) than that in healthy controls. However, Bacteroidetes were significantly decreased in ASD patients (P < 0.001).
Project description:High Arctic soils have low nutrient availability, low moisture content and very low temperatures and, as such, they pose a particular problem in terms of hydrocarbon bioremediation. An in-depth knowledge of the microbiology involved in this process is likely to be crucial to understand and optimize the factors most influencing bioremediation. Here, we compared two distinct large-scale field bioremediation experiments, located at Alert (ex situ approach) and Eureka (in situ approach), in the Canadian high Arctic. Bacterial community structure and function were assessed using microarrays targeting the 16S rRNA genes of bacteria found in cold environments and hydrocarbon degradation genes as well as reverse-transcriptase real-time PCR targeting key functional genes. Results indicated a large difference between sampling sites in terms of both soil microbiology and decontamination rates. A rapid reorganization of the bacterial community structure and functional potential as well as rapid increases in the expression of alkane monooxygenases and polyaromatic hydrocarbon ring-hydroxylating-dioxygenases were observed one month after the bioremediation treatment commenced in the Alert soils. In contrast, no clear changes in community structure were observed in Eureka soils, while key gene expression increased after a relatively long lag period (1 year). Such discrepancies are likely caused by differences in bioremediation treatments (i.e. ex situ vs. in situ), weathering of the hydrocarbons, indigenous microbial communities, and environmental factors such as soil humidity and temperature. In addition, this study demonstrates the value of molecular tools for the monitoring of polar bacteria and their associated functions during bioremediation. 38 soil samples from two high arctic locations that were contaminated-treated, contaminated or not contaminated followed for up to 4 years
Project description:Human breast milk contains a diverse community of bacteria but factors that produce variation in the breast milk microbiome are largely unknown. We evaluated if 1) maternal factors including breastfeeding practices modified the diversity and abundance of bacterial communities in breast milk and 2) if subclinical mastitis (SCM), an asymptomatic inflammatory condition occurring during lactation, induced a distinctive microbiota signature.
Project description:High Arctic soils have low nutrient availability, low moisture content and very low temperatures and, as such, they pose a particular problem in terms of hydrocarbon bioremediation. An in-depth knowledge of the microbiology involved in this process is likely to be crucial to understand and optimize the factors most influencing bioremediation. Here, we compared two distinct large-scale field bioremediation experiments, located at Alert (ex situ approach) and Eureka (in situ approach), in the Canadian high Arctic. Bacterial community structure and function were assessed using microarrays targeting the 16S rRNA genes of bacteria found in cold environments and hydrocarbon degradation genes as well as reverse-transcriptase real-time PCR targeting key functional genes. Results indicated a large difference between sampling sites in terms of both soil microbiology and decontamination rates. A rapid reorganization of the bacterial community structure and functional potential as well as rapid increases in the expression of alkane monooxygenases and polyaromatic hydrocarbon ring-hydroxylating-dioxygenases were observed one month after the bioremediation treatment commenced in the Alert soils. In contrast, no clear changes in community structure were observed in Eureka soils, while key gene expression increased after a relatively long lag period (1 year). Such discrepancies are likely caused by differences in bioremediation treatments (i.e. ex situ vs. in situ), weathering of the hydrocarbons, indigenous microbial communities, and environmental factors such as soil humidity and temperature. In addition, this study demonstrates the value of molecular tools for the monitoring of polar bacteria and their associated functions during bioremediation.