Project description:Heat-evolved Symbiodiniaceae can improve the physiological performances of their coral host under heat stress, but their gene expression responses to heat remained unknown. We explore here the transcriptomic basis of differential thermal stress responses between in hospite wild-type and heat-evolved Cladocopium proliferum strains and their coral host Platygyra daedealea.
Project description:Samples are from a screening experiment on 5 laboratory cultures of the coral endosymbiont: Symbiodiniaceae (Symbiodinium linuchae, Breviolum psygmophilum, Durusdinium trenchii, Effrenium voratum and Fugacium kawagutii). Samples are also from a thermal stress experiment (increased temperatures from 26 to 32 degrees C) carried out on Durusdinium trenchii and Cladocopium goreaui, two common coral endosymbionts on the Great Barrier Reef. All samples were collected on Markes Tenax TA thermal desorption tubes.
Lawson, C.A., Possell, M., Seymour, J.R., Raina, J.B. and Suggett, D.J., 2019. Coral endosymbionts (Symbiodiniaceae) emit species-specific volatilomes that shift when exposed to thermal stress. Scientific reports, 9(1), pp.1-11.
Project description:Reef-building corals live in a mutualistic relationship with photosynthetic algae (family Symbiodiniaceae) that usually provide the bulk of the energy required by the coral host. This relationship is very sensitive to temperature stress, with as little as 1°C increase above mean in sea surface temperatures (SSTs) often leading to the collapse of the association. The meta-stability of these associations has led to interest in the potential of more stress tolerant algae to supplement or substitute for the normal Symbiodiniaceae mutualists. In this respect, the apicomplexan-like microalga Chromera is of particular interest as it is considerably more temperature tolerant than are most members of the Symbiodiniaceae. Here we generated a de novo transcriptome for a Chromera strain isolated from a GBR coral (“GBR Chromera”) and compared to those of the reference strain of Chromera (“Sydney Chromera”), and to those of Symbiodiniaceae algae (Fugacium, Cladocopium and Breviolum), as well as the apicomplexan parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. By contrast with the Symbiodiniaceae, the two Chromera strains had a high level of sequence similarity evident by very low levels of divergence in orthologous genes. Although surveys of specific KEGG categories provided few general criteria by which true coral mutualists might be identified, they provide a molecular rationalization for the near ubiquitous association of Cladocopium strains with Indo-Pacific reef corals in general and with Acropora spp. in particular. In addition, HSP20 genes may underlie the higher thermal tolerance shown by Chromera compared to Symbiodiniaceae
Project description:The declining health of coral reefs worldwide is likely to intensify in response to continued anthropogenic disturbance from coastal development, pollution, and climate change. In response to these stresses, reef-building corals may exhibit bleaching, which marks the breakdown in symbiosis between coral and zooxanthellae. Mass coral bleaching due to elevated water temperature can devastate coral reefs on a large geographic scale. In order to understand the molecular and cellular basis of bleaching in corals, we have measured gene expression changes associated with thermal stress and bleaching using a cDNA microarray containing 1,310 genes of the Caribbean coral Montastraea faveolata. In a first experiment, we identified differentially expressed genes by comparing experimentally bleached M. faveolata fragments to control non-heat-stressed fragments. We also identified differentially expressed genes during a time course experiment with four time points across nine days. Results suggest that thermal stress and bleaching in M. faveolata affect the following processes: oxidative stress, Ca2+ homeostasis, cytoskeletal organization, cell death, calcification, metabolism, protein synthesis, heat shock protein activity, and transposon activity. These results represent the first large-scale transcriptomic study focused on revealing the cellular foundation of thermal stress-induced coral bleaching. We postulate that oxidative stress in thermal-stressed corals causes a disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis, which in turn leads to cytoskeletal and cell adhesion changes, decreased calcification, and the initiation of cell death via apoptosis and necrosis. Keywords: thermal stress response; coral bleaching 5 control and 5 heat-stressed RNA samples were hybridized in a 5-replicate dye-swap design (10 total hyb's).
Project description:The declining health of coral reefs worldwide is likely to intensify in response to continued anthropogenic disturbance from coastal development, pollution, and climate change. In response to these stresses, reef-building corals may exhibit bleaching, which marks the breakdown in symbiosis between coral and zooxanthellae. Mass coral bleaching due to elevated water temperature can devastate coral reefs on a large geographic scale. In order to understand the molecular and cellular basis of bleaching in corals, we have measured gene expression changes associated with thermal stress and bleaching using a cDNA microarray containing 1,310 genes of the Caribbean coral Montastraea faveolata. In a first experiment, we identified differentially expressed genes by comparing experimentally bleached M. faveolata fragments to control non-heat-stressed fragments. We also identified differentially expressed genes during a time course experiment with four time points across nine days. Results suggest that thermal stress and bleaching in M. faveolata affect the following processes: oxidative stress, Ca2+ homeostasis, cytoskeletal organization, cell death, calcification, metabolism, protein synthesis, heat shock protein activity, and transposon activity. These results represent the first large-scale transcriptomic study focused on revealing the cellular foundation of thermal stress-induced coral bleaching. We postulate that oxidative stress in thermal-stressed corals causes a disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis, which in turn leads to cytoskeletal and cell adhesion changes, decreased calcification, and the initiation of cell death via apoptosis and necrosis. Keywords: thermal stress response, time course, coral bleaching Time course with 4 time points and 4 biological replicates per time point. Each biological replicate at each time point was hybridized to a pooled reference control sample containing RNA from all control non-heat-stressed coral fragments.
Project description:The declining health of coral reefs worldwide is likely to intensify in response to continued anthropogenic disturbance from coastal development, pollution, and climate change. In response to these stresses, reef-building corals may exhibit bleaching, which marks the breakdown in symbiosis between coral and zooxanthellae. Mass coral bleaching due to elevated water temperature can devastate coral reefs on a large geographic scale. In order to understand the molecular and cellular basis of bleaching in corals, we have measured gene expression changes associated with thermal stress and bleaching using a cDNA microarray containing 1,310 genes of the Caribbean coral Montastraea faveolata. In a first experiment, we identified differentially expressed genes by comparing experimentally bleached M. faveolata fragments to control non-heat-stressed fragments. We also identified differentially expressed genes during a time course experiment with four time points across nine days. Results suggest that thermal stress and bleaching in M. faveolata affect the following processes: oxidative stress, Ca2+ homeostasis, cytoskeletal organization, cell death, calcification, metabolism, protein synthesis, heat shock protein activity, and transposon activity. These results represent the first large-scale transcriptomic study focused on revealing the cellular foundation of thermal stress-induced coral bleaching. We postulate that oxidative stress in thermal-stressed corals causes a disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis, which in turn leads to cytoskeletal and cell adhesion changes, decreased calcification, and the initiation of cell death via apoptosis and necrosis. Keywords: thermal stress response, time course, coral bleaching
Project description:The declining health of coral reefs worldwide is likely to intensify in response to continued anthropogenic disturbance from coastal development, pollution, and climate change. In response to these stresses, reef-building corals may exhibit bleaching, which marks the breakdown in symbiosis between coral and zooxanthellae. Mass coral bleaching due to elevated water temperature can devastate coral reefs on a large geographic scale. In order to understand the molecular and cellular basis of bleaching in corals, we have measured gene expression changes associated with thermal stress and bleaching using a cDNA microarray containing 1,310 genes of the Caribbean coral Montastraea faveolata. In a first experiment, we identified differentially expressed genes by comparing experimentally bleached M. faveolata fragments to control non-heat-stressed fragments. We also identified differentially expressed genes during a time course experiment with four time points across nine days. Results suggest that thermal stress and bleaching in M. faveolata affect the following processes: oxidative stress, Ca2+ homeostasis, cytoskeletal organization, cell death, calcification, metabolism, protein synthesis, heat shock protein activity, and transposon activity. These results represent the first large-scale transcriptomic study focused on revealing the cellular foundation of thermal stress-induced coral bleaching. We postulate that oxidative stress in thermal-stressed corals causes a disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis, which in turn leads to cytoskeletal and cell adhesion changes, decreased calcification, and the initiation of cell death via apoptosis and necrosis. Keywords: thermal stress response; coral bleaching
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE12809: Symbiodinium clade content drives host transcriptome more than thermal stress in the coral Montastraea faveolata (part 1) GSE15253: Symbiodinium clade content drives host transcriptome more than thermal stress in the coral Montastraea faveolata (part 2) Refer to individual Series
Project description:Thermal history plays a role in the response of corals to subsequent heat stress. Prior heat stress can have a profound impact on later thermal tolerance, but the mechanism for this plasticity is not clear. The understanding of gene expression changes behind physiological acclimatization is critical in forecasts of coral health in impending climate change scenarios. Acropora millepora fragments were preconditioned to sublethal bleaching threshold stress for a period of 10 days; this prestress conferred bleaching resistance in subsequent thermal challenge, in which non-preconditioned coral bleached. Using microarrays, we analyze the transcriptomes of the coral host, comparing the bleaching-resistant preconditioned treatment to non-preconditioned and control treatments.
Project description:Urea can serve as nitrogen source for coral holobionts and plays a cruscial role in coral calcification, although the degradation of urea by coral symbionts is not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the urea utilized pathway and the responses of the Symbiodiniaceae family to urea under high temperature conditions. Genome screening revealed that all Symbiodiniaceae species contain the urease (URE) and DUR2 subunit of urea amidolyase (UAD) system. However, only three speciesCladocopium goreaui, Cladopium c92, and Symbiodinium pilosum possess a complete UAD system, including both DUR1 and DUR2. Phylogentic analyses revealed that the UAD system in Symbiodiniaceae clusters more closely with symbiotic bacteria, indicating that horizontal gene transfer of UAD system has occured in coral symbionts. Physiology analysis showed that the symbiodiniacean species Cladocopium goreaui, which containing both URE and UAD, grew better under urea than ammonium conditions, as indicated by higher maximum specific growth rates. Furthermore, most genes of Symbiodiniaceae involved in urea utilization appeared to be stable under various conditions such as heat stress (HS), low light density, and nitrogen deficiency, wheras in ammonium and nitrate transporters were significantly regulated. These relatively stable molecular regulatory properties support sustained urea absorption by Symbiodiniaceae, as evidenced by an increase in δ15N2-urea absorption and the decreases in δ5N-NO3-, and δ15N-NH4+ from cultural environment to Symbiodiniaceae under HS conditions. Token together, this study reveals two distinct urea utilization systems in coral ecosystem and highlights the importance of the urea cycle in coral symbionts when facing fluctuating nitrogen environment in future warming ocean.