Project description:To further investigate the differential expression miRNA of multiple myeloma, three multiple myeloma samples and three normal samples were used for miRNA sequencing.
Project description:miRNA profiling in multiple myeloma - microRNAs represent a class of noncoding regulators of gene expression implicated in several biological and pathophysiological processes, including cancer. We investigate here their role in multiple myeloma using miChip-arrays interrogating 559 miRNAs in 92 purified myeloma-, MGUS-, normal plasma cell- and myeloma cell line samples. Impact on gene expression is assessed by Affymetrix U133 2.0 DNA-microarrays in 741 samples including two cohorts of 332 and 345 myeloma patients; chromosomal aberrations are assessed by iFISH, survival for 247 and 345 patients undergoing up-front high-dose therapy and autologous stem cell transplantation. Compared to normal plasma cells, 67/559 (12%) miRNAs are differentially expressed with fold changes of 4.6 to -3.1 in myeloma-, 20 (3.6%) in MGUS-samples, and three (0.5%) between MGUS- and myeloma-samples. Expression of miRNAs is associated with biological and pathophysiological parameters, i.e. proliferation, chromosomal aberrations, e.g. t(4;14), tumor mass, and gene expression-based high-risk scores. This holds true for target-gene signatures of regulated mRNAs. miRNA-expression confers prognostic significance for event-free (72/559) and overall survival (69/559), as do respective target-gene signatures. In conclusion, the miRNome of myeloma confers a pattern of small changes of individual miRNAs compared to normal plasma cells impacting on gene expression, biological functions, and survival.
Project description:In the present study, miRNome profiling was carried out to investigate the microRNA expression patterns of multiple myeloma patients and to assess the pathogenetic role of differentially expressed miRNAs by correlating their expression pattern with the expression of their target genes.
Project description:In the present study, the gene expression profiling was carried out to identify the gene targets affected by miRNAs deregulated in multiple myeloma. A gene expression signature was generated for 45 patients of multiple myeloma as compared to controls (Pooled from 10 Hodgkin's disease samples).
Project description:To identify aberrant miRNAs involved in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma, we performed miRNA expression profiling of a total of 27 samples consisting of 19 clinical specimens, 8 myeloma cell lines and 3 normal peripheral blood samples. The microarray data were analysed by GeneSpring Software v13.0. We had identified 1799 miRNAs, which were differentially expressed by >2.0 fold change at p<0.05. Out of 1799 miRNAs, 1791 and 8 of them were up-regulated and down-regulated, respectively in myeloma group compared to the normal control group. Expression of 2 miRNAs (miR-150-5p and miR-4430) were verified by real-time PCR using the same RNA samples (20-22 samples were used) using SYBR Green. The real-time PCR confirmed that the expression of the miRNAs were consistent with microarray data.