Project description:We explored the effect of long-term high-concentrate diet feeding on ruminal pH and fermentation, and its effect on the rumen epithelial transcriptomes in Japanese Black beef cattle during a 20-month fattening period.
Project description:The effects of anti-lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antibody on ruminal fermentation, LPS activity, and liver transcriptomes were investigated during the subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) challenge.
Project description:Four mature, non-lactating dairy cattle were transitioned from a high forage diet (HF; 0% grain) to a high grain diet (HG; 65% grain) that was fed for three weeks. Rumen papillae biopsies were performed during the HF baseline (week 0) and after the first (week 1) and third week (week 3) of the grain challenge to create a transcript profile for the the short and long-term adaption of the rumen epithelium during ruminal acidosis. Comparison between three weekly means (n=4 for each week, 12 arrays in total)
Project description:Beef represents a major diet component and one of the major sources of protein in human. The beef industry in the United States is currently undergoing changes and is facing increased demands especially for natural grass-fed beef. The grass-fed beef obtained their nutrients directly from pastures, which contained limited assimilable energy but abundant amount of fiber. On the contrary, the grain-fed steers received a grain-based regime that served as an efficient source of high-digestible energy. Lately, ruminant animals have been accused to be a substantial contributor for the green house effect. Therefore, the concerns from environmentalism, animal welfare and public health have driven consumers to choose grass-fed beef. Rumen is one of the key workshops to digest forage constituting a critical step to supply enough nutrients for animals’ growth and production. We hypothesize that rumen may function differently in grass- and grain-fed regimes. The objective of this study was to find the differentially expressed genes in the ruminal wall of grass-fed and grain-fed steers, and then explore the potential biopathways. In this study, the RNA Sequencing (RNA-Seq) method was used to measure the gene expression level in the ruminal wall. The total number of reads per sample ranged from 24,697,373 to 36,714,704. The analysis detected 342 differentially expressed genes between ruminal wall samples of animals raised under different regimens. The Fisher’s exact test performed in the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software found 16 significant molecular networks. Additionally, 13 significantly enriched pathways were identified, most of which were related to cell development and biosynthesis. Our analysis demonstrated that most of the pathways enriched with the differentially expressed genes were related to cell development and biosynthesis. Our results provided valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms resulting in the phenotype difference between grass-fed and grain-fed cattle.
Project description:Four mature, non-lactating dairy cattle were transitioned from a high forage diet (HF; 0% grain) to a high grain diet (HG; 65% grain) that was fed for three weeks. Rumen papillae biopsies were performed during the HF baseline (week 0) and after the first (week 1) and third week (week 3) of the grain challenge to create a transcript profile for the the short and long-term adaption of the rumen epithelium during ruminal acidosis.
Project description:The biological mechanisms associated with the residual feed intake in ruminants have been harnessed immensely via transcriptome analysis of liver and ruminal epithelium, however, this concept has not been fully explored using whole blood. We applied whole blood transcriptome analysis and gene set enrichment analysis to identify key pathways associated with divergent selection for low or high RFI in beef cattle. A group of 56 crossbred beef steers (average BW = 261.3 ± 18.5 kg) were adapted to a high-forage total mixed ration in a confinement dry lot equipped with GrowSafe intake nodes for period of 49 d to determine their residual feed intake (RFI). After RFI determination, weekly whole blood samples were collected three times from beef steers with the lowest RFI (most efficient; low-RFI; n = 8) and highest RFI (least efficient; high-RFI; n = 8). Prior to RNA extraction, whole blood samples collected were composited for each steer. Sequencing was performed on an Illumina NextSeq2000 equipped with a P3 flow. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) was used to analyze differentially expressed gene sets and pathways between the two groups of steers. Results of GSEA revealed pathways associated with metabolism of proteins, cellular responses to external stimuli, stress, and heat stress were differentially inhibited (false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05) in high-RFI compared to low-RFI beef cattle, while pathways associated with binding and uptake of ligands by scavenger receptors, scavenging of heme from plasma, and erythrocytes release/take up oxygen were differentially enriched (FDR < 0.05) in high-RFI, relative to low-RFI beef cattle. Taken together, our results revealed that beef steers divergently selected for low or high RFI revealed differential expressions of genes related to protein metabolism and stress responsiveness.
Project description:Beef represents a major diet component and one of the major sources of protein in human. The beef industry in the United States is currently undergoing changes and is facing increased demands especially for natural grass-fed beef. The grass-fed beef obtained their nutrients directly from pastures, which contained limited assimilable energy but abundant amount of fiber. On the contrary, the grain-fed steers received a grain-based regime that served as an efficient source of high-digestible energy. Lately, ruminant animals have been accused to be a substantial contributor for the green house effect. Therefore, the concerns from environmentalism, animal welfare and public health have driven consumers to choose grass-fed beef. Rumen is one of the key workshops to digest forage constituting a critical step to supply enough nutrients for animals’ growth and production. We hypothesize that rumen may function differently in grass- and grain-fed regimes. The objective of this study was to find the differentially expressed genes in the ruminal wall of grass-fed and grain-fed steers, and then explore the potential biopathways. In this study, the RNA Sequencing (RNA-Seq) method was used to measure the gene expression level in the ruminal wall. The total number of reads per sample ranged from 24,697,373 to 36,714,704. The analysis detected 342 differentially expressed genes between ruminal wall samples of animals raised under different regimens. The Fisher’s exact test performed in the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software found 16 significant molecular networks. Additionally, 13 significantly enriched pathways were identified, most of which were related to cell development and biosynthesis. Our analysis demonstrated that most of the pathways enriched with the differentially expressed genes were related to cell development and biosynthesis. Our results provided valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms resulting in the phenotype difference between grass-fed and grain-fed cattle. Ruminal wall samples from two randomly chosen animals per group were obtained, totaling four samples. The animals were born, raised and maintained at the Wye Angus farm. This herd, which has been closed for almost 75 years and yielded genetically similar progenies, constitutes an excellent resource to perform transcriptomic analysis. The genetic resemblance among individuals permits us to better control the cause of variation between experimental clusters and individuals. The randomly chosen pairs of animals were part of larger sets of steers that received a particular treatment. All animals received the same diet until weaning. The grain group received conventional diet consisting of corn silage, shelled corn, soy bean and trace minerals. The grass fed steers consumed normally grazed alfalfa; during wintertime, bailage was utilized. The alfalfa has been harvested from land without any fertilizers, pesticides or other chemicals. The steers ate no animal, agricultural or industrial byproducts and never receive any type of grain. Then, the calves were randomly assigned to one diet and exclusively received that regimen until termination. Grain–fed animals reached the market weight around the age of 14 month-old, however, grass-fed steers required approximately 200 additional days to achieve the same weight. Immediately after termination at the Old Line Custom Meat Company (Baltimore, MD) a small piece of ruminal wall was excised, cleaned and preserved at -80°C for posterior processing.
Project description:We investigated changes in rumen fermentation, peripheral blood metabolites and hormones, and hepatic transcriptomic dynamics in Holstein cows with and those without subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) during the periparturient period.
Project description:miRNA profiling of bovine satellite cells (BSC) differentiated into myotubes (6th day of in vitro differentiation). BSC isolated from m. semitendinosus of beef (Hereford & Limousine) and dairy (Holstein-Friesian) cattle. Goal was to determine differences in miRNA expresion during in vitro myogenesis in beef vs dairy cattle used as a control.