Project description:Methylation differences between SIC 5 cocoa seedlings germinated in a common environment before growth for 74 days under semic controlled environmental conditions set to mimic the Malaysian or Brazilian temperature environment. Genomic DNA sonicated and the methylated fraction enriched using a 5-methylcytosine antibody before whole genome amplification and hybridisation to the array. Two-condition experiment, Methyl enriched gDNA Malaysian vs. Brazilian leaf samples. 7 Biological replicates independently grown and harvested. Environmental (temperature) effect
Project description:Methylation differences between SIC 5 cocoa seedlings germinated in a common environment before growth for 74 days under semic controlled environmental conditions set to mimic the Malaysian or Brazilian temperature environment. Genomic DNA sonicated and the methylated fraction enriched using a 5-methylcytosine antibody before whole genome amplification and hybridisation to the array.
Project description:The Malaysian Node of the Human Variome Project Database (MyHVPDb) is a country specific database of human variant and gene mutation that was established in 2011. This ethnic specific mutation and variation databases are being continuously updated, recording extensive information over the genetic heterogeneity of the Malaysian ethnic groups. The database comprises of SNP Database and Mutation Database. The SNP database has stored 291718 SNPs that was obtained by genotyping the SNPs of 101 healthy individuals from six Malay sub-ethnic groups which consist of Malay Kelantan, Malay Banjar, Malay Kedah, Malay Jawa, Malay Bugis and Malay Champa.
Project description:The Malaysian Node of the Human Variome Project Database (MyHVPDb) is a country specific database of human variant and gene mutation that was established in 2011. This ethnic specific mutation and variation databases are being continuously updated, recording extensive information over the genetic heterogeneity of the Malaysian ethnic groups. The database comprises of SNP Database and Mutation Database. The SNP database has stored 291718 SNPs that was obtained by genotyping the SNPs of 101 healthy individuals from six Malay sub-ethnic groups which consist of Malay Kelantan, Malay Banjar, Malay Kedah, Malay Jawa, Malay Bugis and Malay Champa. Affymetrix SNP arrays were performed according to the manufacturer's directions on DNA extracted from blood samples.
Project description:Cocoa consumption is associated with beneficial effects on human health. This has been attributed to its polyphenol components and their oligomers, which have been shown to decrease the risk of cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases, metabolic disorders, and to play a role in cancer prevention. We tested cocoa modulation on the gene expression profile of colon cancer HT-29 cells using Affymetrix microarrays. Among the genes differentially expressed in HT-29 cells upon incubation with cocoa extract, 48 were identified as Interferon regulated genes using the INTERFEROME database. Furthermore, a BAN constructed using the Pathway Architect software revealed that STAT1, IF44 and AGT were all highly interconnected nodes.
Project description:Cocoa protein content is a very interesting source for isolation of antioxidant bio-peptides, which can be used for the prevention of age-related diseases. We use microarrays to study the global genome expression of C. elegans fed with a peptide (13L) isolated from cocoa.
Project description:In order to evaluate the genome differences and find the more tolerant cultivar, first eleven Malaysian rice cultivars namely, MR219, MR276, MR220, MR211, MR219-4, MR253, Q50, Q74, MR159, Masuri and MR263 were subjected under water deficit. Then, based on the morphological and physiological traits, the more drought-tolerant and -susceptible cultivars were screened and time-course gene expression profiling established by a comprehensive transcriptome database sequencing of the leaf RNA of tolerant rice. The current investigation provides pivotal data for understanding the rice drought tolerance mechanisms.
Project description:Cocoa seed storage proteins play an important role in flavour development as aroma precursors are formed from their degradation during fermentation. Major proteins in the beans of Theobroma cacao are the storage proteins belonging to the vicilin and albumin fraction. Although both these classes of proteins have been fully characterized, there is still limited information on the expression and abundance of other proteins present in cocoa beans. This work is the first attempt to characterize the whole cocoa bean proteome by nanoUHPLC-ESI MS/MS analysis using tryptic digests of cocoa bean protein extracts. The results of this analysis show that a total of 906 proteins could be identified using a species-specific Theobroma cacao database. The majority of the identified proteins were involved with metabolism and energy. However, a significant number of the identified proteins were linked to protein synthesis and processing. Several proteins were also involved with plant response to stress conditions and defence. Albumin and vicilin storage proteins showed the highest intensity values among all detected proteins, although only seven entries were identified as storage proteins. A comparison of MS/MS data searches carried out against larger non-specific databases confirmed that using a species-specific database can increase the number of identified proteins, and at the same time reduce the number of false positives. The results of this work will be useful in developing tools which can allow the comparison of the proteomic profile of cocoa beans from different genotypes and geographic origins.
Project description:Interventions: Genomic test CANCERPLEX-JP OncoGuide NCC oncopanel system FndationONe CDx genome profile GUARDANT360 MSI Analysis System BRACAnalysis
Primary outcome(s): Development of genome database
Study Design: Single arm Non-randomized
Project description:Comparative-genomic studies have reported widespread variation in levels of gene expression within and between species. In the vast majority of cases, the phenotypic and evolutionary relevance of regulatory change is unknown. We haveu sed a wild Malaysian population of S. cerevisiae as a testbed in the search to identify organismal correlates of regulatory variation. Malaysian yeast, when cultured in standard medium, activated regulatory programs that protect cells from the toxic effects of high iron. Analysis of differential gene expression between three Malaysian and two Wine/European isolates and allele-specific expression within three Malaysian x Wine/European hybrids.