Project description:We combined multi-omics approaches including de novo transcriptome assembly, ribosome profiling and MS-based peptidomics to study the global role of mRNA translation and small ORFs (sORFs) in rice herbicide resistant mutant.
Project description:We first report the use of next-generation massively parallel sequencing technologies and de novo transcriptome assembly to gain insight into the wide range of transcriptome of Hevea brasiliensis. The output of sequenced data showed that more than 12 million sequence reads with average length of 90nt were generated. Totally 48,768 unigenes (mean size = 488 bp) were assembled through transcriptome de novo assembly, which represent more than 3-fold of all the sequences of Hevea brasiliensis deposited in the GenBank. Assembled sequences were annotated with gene descriptions, gene ontology and clusters of orthologous group terms. Total 37,373 unigenes were successfully annotated and more than 10% of unigenes were aligned to known proteins of Euphorbiaceae. The unigenes contain nearly complete collection of known rubber-synthesis-related genes. Our data provides the most comprehensive sequence resource available for study rubber tree and demonstrates the availability of Illumina sequencing and de novo transcriptome assembly in a species lacking genome information. The transcriptome of latex and leaf in Hevea brasiliensis
Project description:De novo assembly of transcripts from RNAseq study to examine developmental regulation of S. stercoralis transcripts with a focus on infectious third-stage larvae. Raw read files are part of the submission 'RNAseq of S. stercoralis PV001 strain developmental stages' accession E-MTAB-1164, associated ENA accessions are included where appropriate .
Project description:Purpose: The goal of this study is to screen the candidate genes involved in drought avoidance of Q. liaotungensis Methods:The Q. liaotungensis leaves were generated by deep sequencing, using Illumina Hiseq 4000. The high-quality reads were obtained by removing the reads that contained adaptor contamination, low quality bases and undetermined bases.The transcriptome were de novo assembly. Results:A total of 54153182 raw reads were obtained from Illumina sequencing platform, and 53021436 clean reads were generated after filtering out the low quality reads. The clean reads were assembled into 41207 transcripts with median length 704 and GC content 42.17%, and 25593 unigenes with median length 687 and GC content 42.31%, based on Trinity assembly platform Conclusions:RNA-Seq was applied to polyadenylate-enriched mRNAs from leaves of Q. liaotungensis to obtain the transcriptome. De novo assembly was then applied followed by gene annotation and functional classification. The SSRs and SNPs were also obtained using assembled transcripts as reference sequences. The results of this study lay the foundation for further research on genetic diversity of Quercus.
Project description:Purpose: The goal of this study is to provided a comprehensive genomic information for functional genomic studies in Q. mongolica. Methods:The Quercus mongolica leaves were generated by deep sequencing, using Illumina Hiseq 4000. The high-quality reads were obtained by removing the reads that contained adaptor contamination, low quality bases and undetermined bases.The transcriptome were de novo assembly. Results:A total of 52934562 raw reads were obtained from Illumina sequencing platform. After filtering out the low quality reads, we obtained 52076914 clean reads, which assembled into 39130 transcripts with a mean length of 742 bp and GC content of 42.12%, and 24196 unigenes with a mean length of 732 bp and GC content of 42.34%, based on Trinity assembly platform. Conclusions:RNA-Seq was applied to polyadenylate-enriched mRNAs from leaves of Q. mongolica to obtain the transcriptome. De novo assembly was then applied followed by gene annotation and functional classification. The SSRs and SNPs were also obtained using assembled transcripts as reference sequences. The results of this study lay the foundation for further research on genetic diversity of Quercus.