Project description:The isoform delta of class I Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3Kδ) is expressed primarily in hematopoietic cells, and its inhibitor, idelalisib, is approved for the treatment of leukemia and lymphoma. PI3K orients the apicobasal axis and regulates lumen formation through assembly of the extracellular matrix. PI3Kδ overexpression in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells (Huh7) leads to profound changes in cell morphogenesis and is associated to the up-regulation of stem cell markers. Transcriptomic analysis performed in triplicate on mRNA of Huh7 cells transfected with PI3Kδ construct (PI3KCD) revealed down regulation of transcripts of hepatocyte differentiation genes and up regulation of transcripts that allow prediction of ICC and mesenchymal stem cells.
Project description:To study the role of Dengue virus serotype 4 NS1 in modulation of host cell transcriptome we performed gene expression profiling using data obtained from RNA- sequencing of total RNA from 3 different samples: Huh7 cells (no transfection), Huh7 cells transfected with pTracer-SV40 empty vector and Huh7 cells transfected with pTracer-SV40 encoding dengue virus serotype 4 NS1 (pDENV4 NS1).
Project description:RNA chemical modifications have been found to play important biological functions. Among which, the 5-methylcytosine (m5C) modification has been reported to participate in viral replication through affecting RNA processing, such as export, decay, translation and so on. In this study, we performed bisulfite sequencing (BS-seq) on HBV 1.1-mer-transfected huh7 cells to identify the m5C sites in HBV mRNA and their function in virus replication was verified. To investigate the mechanism by which m5C methyltransferase NSUN2 suppresses HBV replication, altered global m5C levels in host genes in HBV 1.1-mer-transfected cells were examined by BS-seq. We found that the m5C modification of genes associated with antiviral immunity changed significantly after viral infection. Our study provide new molecular insights into the mechanism of HBV-mediated IFN inhibition
Project description:To understand the roles of JMJD5 in liver cells, we performed DNA microarray analysis by using JMJD5KO Huh7 cells. We noticed that several transcriptional factors involved in differentiation to hepatocytes were down-regulated in JMJD5KO Huh7 cells compared to parent Huh7 cells..
Project description:The Wnt signaling pathway is involved in many differentiation events during embryonic development and can lead to tumor formation after aberrant activation of its components. ?-catenin, a cytoplasmic component, plays a major role in the transduction of the canonical wnt/ ?-catenin signaling. The aim of this study was to identify novel genes that are regulated by active ?-catenin/TCF signaling in hepatocellular carcinoma. We selected and expanded isogenic clones from hepatocellular carcinoma-derived Huh7 cells with high and low ?-catenin/TCF activities. We showed that, high TCF activity Huh7 cells lead to bigger and more aggressive tumors when xenografted into nude mice. We used SAGE (Serial Analysis of Gene Expression), genome-wide microarray and in silico promoter analysis in parallel, to compare gene expression between low (basal) and high (transfected) ?-catenin/TCF activity clones, those had been xenografted into nude mice. We compared and contrasted SAGE and genome-wide microarray data, in parallel. Finally; after combined analysis, we identified BRI3 and HSF2 as novel targets of Wnt/?-catenin signaling in hepatocellular carcinoma. High TCF activity Huh7 cell line (Huh7-S33Y) was compared to control Huh7 cell line (Huh7-Vec) by using 25 ug of total RNA isolated from each sample
Project description:The purpose of this study is to compare the gene profiles of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) capsid transfected and CHIKV infected Huh7 cells to identify the genes differentially expressed in the presence of the capsid protein during CHIKV infection