Project description:Bacteroidaceae are common gut microbiota members in all warm-blooded animals. However, if Bacteroidaceae are to be used as probiotics, the species selected for different hosts should reflect the natural distribution. In this study, we therefore evaluated host adaptation of bacterial species belonging to the family Bacteroidaceae. B. dorei, B. uniformis, B. xylanisolvens, B. ovatus, B. clarus, B. thetaiotaomicron and B. vulgatus represented human-adapted species while B. gallinaceum, B. caecigallinarum, B. mediterraneensis, B. caecicola, M. massiliensis, B. plebeius and B. coprocola were commonly detected in chicken but not human gut microbiota. There were 29 genes which were present in all human-adapted Bacteroides but absent from the genomes of all chicken isolates and these included genes required for the pentose cycle, and glutamate or histidine metabolism. These genes were expressed during an in vitro competitive assay, in which human-adapted Bacteroides species overgrew the chicken adapted isolates. Not a single gene specific for the chicken-adapted species was found. Instead, chicken adapted species exhibited signs of frequent horizontal gene transfer, of KUP, linA and sugE genes in particular. The differences in host adaptation should be considered when the new generation of probiotics for humans or chickens is designed.
Project description:Copy number variation profiles comparing control female Dehong chiken blood DNA with 11 different chicken breeds(Silkie, Tibetan Chicken, Gallus gallus spadiceus, Bearded Chicken, Jinhu Chicken, Anak Chicken, Beijing Fatty Chicken, Langshan Chicken, Qingyuan partridge Chicken, Shek-Ki Chicken, Wenchang Chicken) blood DNA. Each test breeds had one male and one female sample, totally 22 test DNA samples.Goal is to get the golbal copy number variation profile between chicken breeds.
Project description:Copy number variation profiles comparing control female Dehong chicken blood DNA with 3 different chicken breeds (white Leghorn, Cobb broiler, and Dou chicken) blood DNA. Each test breed had one male and one female sample, for a total of 6 test DNA samples. The goal is to determine the global copy number variation profiles between chicken breeds.
Project description:Cellular proteins in central nervous system involved in avian neurotropic virus infection remains completely unknown. To investigate host gene expression profile in NDV infected SPF chicken brains, The microarray initial analysis was performed at LC-Bio (Hangzhou, China). A 44K Agilent chicken whole genome chip (43,803 probes) (Agilent Technologies, USA) was used for gene microarray analysis from F48E9-, LaSota-infected and mock-infected brains through intraocular-nasal routes.The chicken brains were collected at 5 day post infection. The significance analysis was used to evaluate the differences in gene expression. P and fold change (FC) values represent the alteration tendency of gene expression between experimental and control groups. The genes (FC>2) were input in Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway analysis for DEGs.
Project description:Adaptation to hypoxia is a complicated and important physiological course for organisms, but the genetic mechanism underlying the adaptation is not fully understood yet. Tibetan Chicken (T), an indigenous chicken breed in China which inhabit in high areas with an altitude above 2,900 meters. Shouguang Chicken(S) and Dwarf Recessive White Chicken (DRW), two lowland chicken breeds, were used as control groups. The heart was the first functional organ to develop during the embryonic development. Furthermore, the heart is an efficient energy converter utilizing the most appropriate fuel for a given environment. Therefore, GeneChip® Chicken Genome Array was employed to identify the differentially expressed genes in embryonic hearts of Tibetan Chicken and two lowland chicken breeds in both hypoxic and normoxic incubating environments with a genome wide profile. Keywords: stress response
Project description:The conservation and development of chicken has considerably affected human activities, but the admixture history of chicken breeds has so far been poorly demonstrated especially for Chinese indigenous breeds. Using genotypes from 580961 single nucleotide polymorphism markers scored in 1201 animals, we evaluate the genetic diversity (heterozygosity and proportion of polymorphic markers), Linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay, population structure (principal component analysis and neighbor-joining tree), genetic differentiation (FST and genetic distance) and migration events (Treemix and f-statistics) of eight domesticated chicken breeds. All population analytical methods reveal patterns of hybridization which occurred after divergence in Tibetan chicken. We argue that chicken migration and admixture followed by trade have been important forces in shaping modern Chinese chicken genomic variation. Moreover, isolation by distance may play critical role in the shaping genomic variation within Eurasia continent chicken breeds.
Project description:Adaptation to hypoxia is a complicated and important physiological course for organisms, but the genetic mechanism underlying the adaptation is not fully understood yet. Tibetan Chicken (T), an indigenous chicken breed in China which inhabit in high areas with an altitude above 2,900 meters. Shouguang Chicken(S) and Dwarf Recessive White Chicken (DRW), two lowland chicken breeds, were used as control groups. The heart was the first functional organ to develop during the embryonic development. Furthermore, the heart is an efficient energy converter utilizing the most appropriate fuel for a given environment. Therefore, GeneChip® Chicken Genome Array was employed to identify the differentially expressed genes in embryonic hearts of Tibetan Chicken and two lowland chicken breeds in both hypoxic and normoxic incubating environments with a genome wide profile. Experiment Overall Design: To obtain general expression profiles of embryonic hearts in Tibetan Chicken(T), Dwarf Recessive White Chicken (DRW)and Shouguang Chicken (S)in hypoxia and normoxia, the fertilized full sib eggs of all the three chicken breeds were incubated under two different conditions. The heart was isolated from all the three chicken breeds under the two different conditions for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays.
Project description:Since Japanese quail and chicken belong to the same order Galliforms, DNA sequence of both species are highly conserved and proved to be applicable for various analyses each other. Quail are commonly used to address physiological questions for reasons of economy. To test whether chicken microarrays are useful to quail samples, we compared hybridization signals of chicken and quail genomic DNA on Affymetrix chicken genome array. Keywords: comparative genomic hybridization
Project description:Background: The chicken (Gallus gallus) is an important model organism that bridges the evolutionary gap between mammals and other vertebrates. Copy number variations (CNVs) are a form of genomic structural variation widely distributed in the genome. CNV analysis has recently gained greater attention and momentum, as the identification of CNVs can contribute to a better understanding of traits important to both humans and other animals. To detect chicken CNVs, we genotyped 475 animals derived from two broiler chicken lines divergently selected for abdominal fat content using chicken 60K SNP array, which is a high-throughput method widely used in chicken genomics studies. Results: Using PennCNV algorithm, we detected 438 and 291 CNVs in the lean and fat lines, respectively, corresponding to 271 and 188 CNV regions (CNVRs), which were obtained by merging overlapping CNVs. Out of these CNVRs, 99% were confirmed also by the CNVPartition program. These CNVRs covered 40.26 and 30.60 Mb of the chicken genome in the lean and fat lines, respectively. Moreover, CNVRs included 176 loss, 68 gain and 27 both (i.e. loss and gain within the same region) events in the lean line, and 143 loss, 25 gain and 20 both events in the fat line. Ten CNVRs were chosen for the validation experiment using qPCR method, and all of them were confirmed in at least one qPCR assay. We found a total of 886 genes located within these CNVRs, and Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway analyses showed they could play various roles in a number of biological processes. Integrating the results of CNVRs, known quantitative trait loci (QTL) and selective sweeps for abdominal fat content suggested that some genes (including SLC9A3, GNAL, SPOCK3, ANXA10, HELIOS, MYLK, CCDC14, SPAG9, SOX5, VSNL1, SMC6, GEN1, MSGN1 and ZPAX) may be important for abdominal fat deposition in the chicken. Conclusions: Our study provided a genome-wide CNVR map of the chicken genome, thereby contributing to our understanding of genomic structural variations and their potential roles in abdominal fat content in the chicken.
Project description:Background: Detecting genetic variation is a critical step in elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying phenotypic diversity. Until recently, such detection has mostly focused on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) because of the ease in screening complete genomes. Another type of variant, copy number variation (CNV), is emerging as a significant contributor to phenotypic variation in many species. Here we describe a genome-wide CNV study using array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) in a wide variety of chicken breeds. Results: We identified 3,154 CNVs, grouped into 1,556 CNV regions (CNVRs). Thirty percent of the CNVs were detected in at least 2 individuals. The average size of the CNVs detected was 46.3 kb with the largest CNV, located on GGAZ, being 4.3 Mb. Approximately 75% of the CNVs are copy number losses relatively to the Red Jungle Fowl reference genome. The genome coverage of CNVRs in this study is 60 Mb, which represents almost 5.4% of the chicken genome. In particular large gene families such as the keratin gene family and the MHC show extensive CNV. Conclusions: A relative large group of the CNVs are line-specific, several of which were previously shown to be related to the causative mutation for a number of phenotypic variants. The chance that inter-specific CNVs fall into CNVRs detected in chicken is related to the evolutionary distance between the species. Our results provide a valuable resource for the study of genetic and phenotypic variation in this phenotypically diverse species.