Project description:Relative expression data from germinating seeds of Columbia (wt), the pkl mutant (pkl), Columbia plus uniconazole-P (Uwt) and the pkl-mutant plus uniconazole-P (Upkl).
Project description:PICKLE (PKL), a Chromodomain Helicase DNA binding domain type 3-type (CHD3) chromatin remodeler, noted for an embryonic structure called pickle root in primary root tip in pkl mutant, has been studied for decades. we obtained a comprehensive genome occupancy of PKL by Chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing (ChIP-seq), and found PKL co-occupy with the major repressors of seed maturation program, VIVIPAROUS1/ABI3-LIKE1/2 (VAL1/2) in genome. Furthermore, PKL physically interacts with VAL1/2 in vivo and phenotype and transcriptome data indicated that PKL and VAL1/2 function in a common pathway. Moreover, ChIP-seq and ChIP-qPCR results showed that VAL1/2 are necessary for the recruitment of PKL to co-target genes