Project description:High cytoglobin expressing cells from the PECA/PJ41 parent cells lines were compared against the trancription expression profile of non-cytoglobin expressing cells also from the PECA/PJ41 cell line
Project description:adt05-04_drn - drn/drn-l expressing cells vs non-expressing cells - DRN targets - In primordia timing (pt) mutant background DRN::erGFP transgenic cell culture (somatic embryos suitable to regenerate plants) has been protoplasted and protoplasts have been sorted for GFP+ and GFP- cells. Total RNA was extracted and sent to Evry for comparison (samples DRN a,b,c). DRN-L::erGFP transgenic cell culture has been protoplasted and protoplasts have been sorted for GFP+ and GFP- cells (samples DRN-L-2-1 and DRN-L-3-1). Keywords: null
Project description:OsPAO5 mainly functions to oxidize spermine and produce H2O2,which finally affects mesocotyl elongation in rice. Meanwhile ethylene and polyamines synthesis crosstalk has been reported in competing the common substrate. To further confirm the relationship between H2O2 and ethylene in contributing to the mesocotyl length, we conducted a transcriptome comparison between pao5-1 vs NIP, ACC-treatment vs Mock (NIP) and H2O2-treatment vs Mock (NIP).
Project description:miRNAs were enriched from HEK293T cells using the ambion FLASHPAGE fractionater after mock transfection, Ago2 transfection, and FLAG-Ago2 IP. miRNAs were labeled and hybridized: Ago2 transfected vs. mock transfection and Ago2 transfected vs. Ago2 IPs. Set of arrays that are part of repeated experiments Keywords: Biological Replicate
Project description:2091 mock vs. 2091 E2F4 IP - Human 13K promoter microarray 2091 cells were serum starved for 72hours and fixed with formaldehyde. Keywords: repeat sample