Project description:RNA-seq of Mycobacteriophage Island3 infection of Mycolicibacterium smegmatis mc2155, Mycolicibacterium smegmatis mc2155(Butters), and Mycolicibacterium smegmatis mc2155(Buttersgp57r) to assess the impact of Butters lysogen and specifically Buttersgp57r on transcript levels of island3 during infection.
Project description:p/CIP binds to many nuclear receptors and plays a major role in hormone dependent transcription of genes. Recently, p/CIP was shown to affect mouse stem cell pluripotency. Microarray gene expression analysis was conducted to assess the role of p/CIP in mouse embryonic stem cells.
Project description:We identified a novel transcription factor, MsoA, in response to oxidative stress in Mycolicibacterium smegmatis. We hope to discover the regulatory network and target genes of transcription factor msoA by transcriptome sequencing of wild-type and msoA mutants, so as to help us further elucidate the molecular mechanism of msoA involved in regulation of Mycolicibacterium oxidation.