Project description:RNAseq analysis of human lung tissue explants infected with Influenza B virus Results: Differentially expressed genes after infection Project: Hulu_FluB_2022
Project description:This project involved bulk-RNAseq analysis of mouse brain regions involved in energy balance. Two mouse embryonic stem cell controls were included
Project description:Gene expression changes in the blood was studied by RNAseq Results: Strong differential host reponse after infection with influenza virus compared to healthy controls project SIG_2020
Project description:As part of the RNASeq Genome Annotation Assessment Project (RGASP) selected novel gene model predictions were analysed with RT-PCR-Seq.
Project description:Gene expression changes in the blood was studied by RNAseq; project SIG-2018 Results: Strong differential host reponse after infection with influenza virus compared to healthy controls
Project description:Gene expression changes in the blood was studied by RNAseq; project SIG-2019 Results: Strong differential host reponse after infection with influenza virus compared to healthy controls
Project description:This project involved bulk-RNAseq analysis of four stages across the pluripotency continuum in two cell lines - ground state, naïve, early primitive ectoderm-like and epiblast stem cells