Project description:Salivary glands that produce and secret saliva, which is essential for lubrication, digestion, immunity, and oral homeostasis, consist of diverse cells. The long-term maintenance of diverse salivary gland cells in organoids remains problematic. Here, we established long-term murine salivary gland organoids from 3 major salivary glands, including parotid gland (PG), submandibular gland (SMG), and sublingual gland (SLG). Murine salivary gland organoids expressed gland-specific genes and proteins of acinar, myoepithelial, and duct cells. Organoids were maintained in growth media (named GEM) and further underwent differentiation in differentiation media (named DAM). Our study will provide an experimental platform for the exploration of mechanisms involvled in tissue regeneration, development, or several salivary gland diseases.
Project description:Salivary glands that produce and secret saliva, which is essential for lubrication, digestion, immunity, and oral homeostasis, consist of diverse cells. Maintenance of diverse salivary gland cells in organoids remains problematic. Here, we established human salivary gland organoids, which is composed of multiple cellular subsets, from 3 major salivary glands, including parotid gland (PG), submandibular gland (SMG), and sublingual gland (SLG). Human salivary gland organoids expressed gland-specific genes and proteins of acinar, myoepithelial, and duct cells. Organoids were maintained in growth media (named GEM) and further underwent differentiation in differentiation media (named DAM). Our study will provide an experimental platform for the exploration of mechanisms involvled in tissue regeneration, development, or several salivary gland diseases.
Project description:The characterization of the epigenetic landscape of mouse salivary gland epithelial cells via histone modification ChIP-Seq and whole tissue RNA-Seq Analysis
Project description:Purpose: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionized systems-based analysis of cellular functions. The goal of this study is to compare NGS-derived salivary gland transcriptome profilings (RNA-seq) to better understand the molecular nature of the physiological differences in adult murine salivary glands. Methods: Major murine salivary gland mRNA profiles were generated by deep sequencing, in triplicate, using Illumina HiSeq 2000. The sequence reads that passed quality filters were analyzed at the gene level with STAR followed by Cufflinks. In vivo NaCl reabsorption measurements were performed for validation. Results: Using an optimized data analysis workflow, we mapped about 15 million sequence reads per sample to the mouse genome (build mm10) and identified 1991 genes that were differentially expressed across three major salivary glands. RNA-seq data provided valuable insights into the nature of the functional differences among the major salivary glands Conclusions: Our study represents the first detailed analysis of murine salivary gland transcriptomes, with biologic replicates, generated by RNA-seq technology. Our results confirm functions of many genes, identified using genetically modified mice. We conclude that RNA-seq-based transcriptome characterization would offer a comprehensive and sensitive evaluation of the gene expression.
Project description:Loss of Irf6 leads to disruption of branching morphogenesis and secretory acnii formation in salivary gland. To determine the differentially expressed genes in Irf6 mutant, embryonic salivary gland tissues were extracted at E14.5.
Project description:Ionizing radiation (IR) – induced salivary gland damage is a common adverse effect in radiotherapy for patients with head and neck cancers. Currently, there is no effective treatment for the resulting salivary gland hypofunction and xerostomia (dry mouth). Here we profiled the acute gene expression change in the mouse submandibular salivary gland, and defined its damage response patterns at the transcriptome level.