Project description:Iron-rich pelagic aggregates (iron snow) were collected directly onto silicate glass filters using an electronic water pump installed below the redoxcline. RNA was extracted and library preparation was done using the NEBNext Ultra II directional RNA library prep kit for Illumina. Data was demultiplied by GATC sequencing company and adaptor was trimmed by Trimgalore. After trimming, data was processed quality control by sickle and mRNA/rRNA sequences were sorted by SortmeRNA. mRNA sequences were blast against NCBI-non redundant protein database and the outputs were meganized in MEGAN to do functional analysis. rRNA sequences were further sorted against bacterial/archeal 16S rRNA, eukaryotic 18S rRNA and 10,000 rRNA sequences of bacterial 16S rRNA, eukaryotic 18S rRNA were subset to do taxonomy analysis.
Project description:Total bacterial DNA was isolated from water and sediment samples from a local watershed and 16S rRNA sequences were analyzed using the Illumina MiSeq v3 platform in order to generate snapshots of bacterial community profiles.
Project description:The impact of mono-chronic S. stercoralis infection on the gut microbiome and microbial activities in infected participants was explored. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing of a longitudinal study with 2 sets of human fecal was investigated. Set A, 42 samples were matched, and divided equally into positive (Pos) and negative (Neg) for S. stercoralis diagnoses. Set B, 20 samples of the same participant in before (Ss+PreT) and after (Ss+PostT) treatment was subjected for 16S rRNA sequences and LC-MS/MS to explore the effect of anti-helminthic treatment on microbiome proteomes.
2023-11-07 | PXD037975 | JPOST Repository
Project description:16S rRNA and TPP riboswitch illumina sequences
Project description:Ribosomes of Bacteroidia (formerly Bacteroidetes) fail to recognize Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequences even though they harbor the anti-SD (ASD) of 16S rRNA. This is due to sequestration of the 3’ tail of 16S rRNA in a pocket formed by bS21, bS18, and bS6 on the 30S platform, which functionally occludes the ASD. Interestingly, in many Flavobacteriales, the gene encoding bS21, rpsU, contains an extended SD sequence. In this work, we present genetic and biochemical evidence that bS21 synthesis in Flavobacterium johnsoniae is autoregulated via a subpopulation of ribosomes that specifically lack bS21. Mutation or depletion of bS21 in the cell specifically increases translation of reporters with strong SD sequences, such as rpsU’-gfp. Purified ribosomes lacking bS21 (or its C-terminal region) exhibit higher rates of initiation on rpsU mRNA and lower rates of initiation on other (SD-less) mRNAs than control ribosomes. The mechanism of autoregulation depends on extensive pairing between mRNA and 16S rRNA, and exceptionally strong SD sequences, with predicted pairing free energies of < –13 kcal/mol, are characteristic of rpsU across the Bacteroidia. To our knowledge, this is the first example of biochemically-verified specialized ribosomes with a clear regulatory purpose.
Project description:Total DNA was extracted from stool specimens, amplified to collect amplicons of variable V3–V4 regions of the bacterial 16s rRNA gene and sequenced with MiSeq (2x300bp) Illumina platform.
Project description:Total bacterial DNA was isolated from water and sediment samples from a local watershed and 16S rRNA sequences were analyzed using the Illumina MiSeq v3 platform in order to generate snapshots of bacterial community profiles. A total of 56 samples were collected that represent water and sediment samples from 14 sample sites over two different time points (November 18 and 25, 2011).