Project description:We compared gene expression in axillary buds from annual and biennial flowering raspberry to identify differentially expressed genes.
Project description:This study compares age matched V. riparia axillary buds at one time point during long photoperiod (paradormancy maintenance) and short photoperiod (endodormancy induced). Keywords: endodormancy, photoperiod, paradormancy, grape, axillary bud
Project description:Shoot branching of flowering plants exhibits phenotypic plasticity and variability. This plasticity is determined by the activity of axillary meristems, which in turn is influenced by endogenous and exogenous cues such as nutrients and light. In many species, not all buds on the main shoot develop into branches despite favorable growing conditions. In petunia, basal buds (buds 1-3) typically do not grow out to form branches, while more apical buds (buds 6 and 7) are competent to grow. The genetic regulation of buds was explored using transcriptome analyses of petunia axillary buds at different positions on the main stem. To suppress or promote bud outgrowth, we grew the plants in media with differing phosphate (P) levels. Using RNA-seq, we found many (>5000) differentially expressed genes between bud 6 or 7, and bud 2. In addition, more genes were differentially expressed when we transferred the plants from low P to high P medium, compared with shifting from high P to low P medium. Buds 6 and 7 had increased transcript abundance of cytokinin and auxin-related genes, whereas the basal non-growing buds (bud 2 and to a lesser extent bud 3) had higher expression of strigolactone, abscisic acid, and dormancy-related genes, suggesting the outgrowth of these basal buds was actively suppressed. Consistent with this, the expression of ABA associated genes decreased significantly in apical buds after stimulating growth by switching the medium from low P to high P. Furthermore, comparisons between our data and transcriptome data from other species suggest that the suppression of outgrowth of bud 2 was correlated with a limited supply of carbon to these axillary buds. Candidate genes that might repress bud outgrowth were identified by co-expression analysis.
Project description:Purpose: observe the difference between potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena) WT and BRC1b RNAi axillary buds in response to the transition from long-day to short-day conditions. The time course includes four time points: Long days, after 2 days in short days, 1 week in short days and 2 weeks in short days. Methods: stem were flash-frozen in N2(l) one hour after dawn and the axillary buds were dissected in the cold room. The four axillary buds bellow the third visible node counting from the apex (those most likely to produce tubers in RNAi line) were collected. RNA was extracted with FavorPrep™ Plant Total RNA Mini Kit from FAVORGEN. DNA was degraded in the column with RNase-free DNase I (Roche). Three biological replicates were used and each replicate is a pool of axillary buds from 4 plants.
Project description:Sugarcane is the raw material for the production of ethanol and sugar, and its by-products are used in cogeneration of energy in addition to various industrial processes. The cane field establishment is dependent of the axillary buds sprouting. The present study aimed to catalog the total proteome of germinative axillary bud and dormant axillary buds, and to identify important budding proteins, which are differentially expressed in these types of axillary buds. The proteome was obtained by extraction of total proteins using the TCA acetone method adapted for axillary buds. The experiment was carried out in biological triplicate. Protein samples were submitted to denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and stained with comassie blue. Each lane of the polyacrylamide gel was fractionated (11 slice) and treated for purification and isolation of the polypeptides. Tryptic digestion was performed on each fragment with subsequent UPLC separation (Nano Acquity). The polypeptides were analyzed on Waters® Micromass® ESI-Q-Tof micro ™ mass spectrometer. Protein samples from the germinative and dormant axillary buds showed distinct bands patterns in the SDS-PAGE gel. Mass spectrometry data were analyzed by MASCOT tool (
Project description:In plant axillary bud dormancy and outgrowth are regulated by phytohoromones, but it is still unknown about its molecular mechanism. We reveal that Arabidopsis axillary buds located at axil of rosette leaves show dormancy and that this is broken by the decapitation of main stem, resulting in the bud outgrowth. To investigate about the molecular mechanisms of dormancy and outgrowth, we carried out gene expression analysis during axillary shoot outgrowth in Arabidopsis wild type Columbia accession. Since axillary buds did not initiate outgrowth (dormancy) at 5 day after bolting of main stem, we used 5-day bolted plants as a control (before decapitation). Then, main stems were decapitated, and axillary shoots were collected at 24 hours after decapitation (named as growing shoot). Total RNA was prepared from either control or growing shoots and used for the microarray analysis. We carried out duplicate microarray analysis using independent plant materials.Ref):Tatematsu et al., Plant Physiol. 138: 757-766 (2005). Keywords: Expression profilling by array
Project description:Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) is an herbaceous perennial weed that produces vegetatively from an abundance of underground adventitious buds. The objectives of this study were to determine how mimicking natural seasonal conditions (photoperiod and temperature) under controlled environmental conditions affect dormancy and flowering competence; to determine molecular mechanisms associated with well-defined phases of seasonal dormancy transitions based on transcript profiles obtained by microarray analysis; and to link mechanisms regulating induction and release of endodormancy and flowering competence. Reduction in temperature (27 to 10°C) and photoperiod (16 to 8 h) over a three-month period induced a para- to endo-dormant transition in crown buds. An additional eleven weeks of prolonged cold (5-7°C) and short-photoperiod treatment resulted in accelerated shoot growth from crown buds, and 99% floral competence when plants were returned to growth promoting conditions. Exposure of paradormant plants to short-photoperiod and prolonged cold treatment alone had minimal affect growth potential or on flowering (~1%); whereas endodormant crown buds without prolonged cold treatment, had delayed shoot growth and approximately 2% flowering when returned to growth promoting conditions. Transcriptome analyses revealed that 373 and 260 genes were differentially expressed (p<0.005) during para- to endo-dormant and endo- to eco-dormant transitions, respectively. Transcripts from flower competent vs. non-flower competent crown buds identified 607 differentially expressed genes, and genes involved in cell cycle and DNA processing, oxidative stress, flower regulation, and proteolysis were over-represented. Further, sub-network analysis identified expression targets and binding partners associated with circadian clock, dehydration/cold signaling, phosphorylation cascades, and response to abscisic acid, ethylene, gibberellic acid, and jasmonic acid, suggesting these central regulators affect well-defined phases of dormancy. Potential genetic pathways associated with these dormancy transitions and flowering were used to develop a proposed conceptual model.
Project description:In plant axillary bud dormancy and outgrowth are regulated by phytohormones, but it is still unknown about its molecular mechanism. We reveal that Arabidopsis axillary buds located at axil of rosette leaves show dormancy and that this is broken by the decapitation of main stem, resulting in the bud outgrowth. To investigate about the molecular mechanisms of dormancy and outgrowth, we carried out gene expression analysis during axillary shoot outgrowth in Arabidopsis wild type Columbia accession. Since axillary buds did not initiate outgrowth (dormancy) at 5 day after bolting of main stem, we used 5-day bolted plants as a control (before decapitation). Then, main stems were decapitated, and axillary shoots were collected at 24 hours after decapitation (named as growing shoot). Total RNA was prepared from either control or growing shoots and used for the microarray analysis. We carried out duplicate microarray analysis using independent plant materials.Ref):Tatematsu et al., Plant Physiol. 138: 757-766 (2005). Keywords: Expression profilling by array 4 samples were used in this experiment
Project description:The aim of this study is to identify genes differentially expressed during the transition between dormancy and activity in axillary shoot apical meristems. We have chosen to study this by comparing mRNA populations from the axillary buds of the auxin over-responding, apically dominant axr3-1 mutant of Arabidopsis,with those from the axillary buds of the auxin resistant axr1-12 bushy mutant. Preliminary investigation using cDNA AFLP has been successful in identifying differentially expressed transcripts in the buds of these two genotypes, thus demonstrating the importance of this study, however this is a time consuming procedure. Axillary buds from axr3-1 are seen to arrest at an early stage when the buds are approximately 2mm long and harvested at this point. Buds of a similar size were harvested from axr1-12 plants and the RNA extracted using Qiagen columns.These two mRNA samples will represent the dormant and active buds to be comparedin this experiment. The plants from which these buds were harvested were grown in adjacent p40 trays in a plant growth room. Between two and three buds were harvested from each plant.