Project description:Samples from benthic phototrophic microbial mats of Middle Island Sinkhole, Lake Huron, MI, USA. Peptides labeled in vitro for quantitative analysis by diDO-IPTL (Waldbauer et al. 2017 Anal. Chem.).
Project description:Metaproteomics data for a protein-stable isotope fingerprinting (P-SIF) study of phototrophic, sulfur-cycling benthic microbial mats in Middle Island Sinkhole, Lake Huron, USA
Project description:To determine gene expression differences in the olfactory epithelium of sea lamprey between sequential yet behaviorally distinct adult life history stages 2 samples: parasitic adults removed from fish in northern Lake Huron and Lake Michigan in February and March, and reproductive adults collected from Lake Huron and Lake Michigan tributaries in June