Project description:The destiny of the resistance/susceptibility against GCRV has been congenitally destined by epigenetic mechanism in CIK cells (MeDIP-seq)
Project description:The destiny of the resistance/susceptibility against GCRV has been congenitally destined by epigenetic mechanism in CIK cells [miRNA-seq]
Project description:The destiny of the resistance/susceptibility against GCRV has been congenitally destined by epigenetic mechanism in CIK cells [RNA-seq]
Project description:Hemorrhagic disease caused by grass carp reovirus (GCRV) infection is a major problem affecting the grass carp aquaculture industry. Therefore, inhibiting the spread of GCRV infection is of great economic significance. Herein, we sequenced five tissues (gill, liver, intestine, kidney, and muscle) from grass carp before and after GCRV infection using data-independent acquisition proteomic.
Project description:In this study, the resistant and susceptible monoclonal CIK cell lines were first established which would be the ponderable research models for the nosogenesis mechanism of the hemorrhagic disease. C1 (CIK cells), R2 (resistant cells) and S3 (susceptible cells) samples were carried out RNA-Seq, MeDIP-Seq and small RNA-Seq by the next-generation sequencing strategy, bioinformatics analysis as well as experimental verification. It was discovered that the aboriginality of CIK cells were gravitated to the susceptible trait. And the discrepancies between resistance and susceptibility against GCRV could primarily attribute to antioxidant activity, cell killing activity and cell proliferation regulation. Here we comprehensively present the profiling and characteristics of DNA methylation and microRNA in the resistant and susceptible CIK cells and proposed that high mCHH methylation distribution might be a characteristic modulator in C. idella. What’s more, a series of genes modulated by DNA methylation or microRNA were designated as potential biomarkers for the resistance breeding. This study laid the foundation and opened novel avenues for nosogenesis research on hemorragic disease of C. idella.