Project description:To study the characteristics of proteins in Chinese Chixiang-flavor Baijiu fermentation, a label-free quantitative proteomics approach was established to identify proteins in Jiuqu starter and fermented grains.
Project description:the original data of black soldier fly larva mass fermentation with Bacillus subtilis and Aspergillus niger, analyzed by Chinese biotechnology company, published by Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences Environment and Plant Protection Institute for research only.
Project description:The traditional Chinese medical formulas have been in clinical use for thousands of years and their therapeutic effects were documented in ancient Chinese pharmacopoeias. High-throughput biological analysis on cell line models has been demonstrated as a useful alternative to elucidate intricate molecular mechanisms associated with drug actions in a number of pharmacogenomic studies. This microarray study is aimed to provide a reliable and feasible means to explore the healing philosophy of Chinese herbalism. Keywords: Pharmacogenetics