Project description:Pseudovibrio a-Proteobacteria have been repeatedly isolated from marine sponges and proposed to be beneficial to the host. Bacterial motility is known to contribute to host colonization. We have previously identified pseudovibriamides A and B, produced in culture by Pseudovibrio brasiliensis Ab134, and shown that pseudovibriamide A promotes flagellar motility. Pseudovibriamides are encoded in a hybrid nonribosomal peptide synthetase-polyketide synthase gene cluster that also includes several accessory genes. Pseudovibriamide A is a linear heptapeptide and pseudovibriamide B is a nonadepsipeptide derived from pseudovibriamide A. Here we define the borders of the pseudovibriamides gene cluster, assign function to biosynthetic genes using reverse genetics and test the hypothesis that pseudovibriamides impact motility by modulating gene transcription. RNA-seq transcriptomic analyses of strains having different compositions of pseudovibriamides suggested that both pseudovibriamides A and B affect genes potentially involved in motility, and that a compensatory mechanism is at play in mutants that produce only pseudovibriamide A, resulting in comparable swarming motility as the wild type. The data gathered suggest that pseudovibriamides A and B have opposite roles in modulating a subset of genes, with pseudovibriamide B having a primary effect in gene activation, and pseudovibriamide A on inhibition. Finally, we observed many differentially expressed genes (up to 29% of the total gene number) indicating that pseudovibriamides have a global effect on transcription that goes beyond motility.
Project description:Macroalgae contribute substantially to primary production in coastal ecosystems. Their biomass, mainly consisting of polysaccharides, is cycled into the environment by marine heterotrophic bacteria (MHB), using largely uncharacterized mechanisms. In Zobellia galactanivorans, we discovered and characterized the complete catabolic pathway for carrageenans, major cell wall polysaccharides of red macroalgae, providing a model system for carrageenan utilization by MHB. We further demonstrate that carrageenan catabolism relies on a multifaceted carrageenan-induced regulon, including a non-canonical polysaccharide utilization locus (PUL) and several distal genes. The genetic structure of the carrageenan utilization system is well conserved in marine Bacteroidetes, but modified in other MHB phyla. The core system is completed by additional functions which can be assumed by non-orthologous genes in different species. This complex genetic structure is due to multiple evolutionary events including gene duplications and horizontal gene transfers. These results allow for an extension on the definition of bacterial PUL-mediated polysaccharide digestion.
Project description:This dataset contains several sponge-derived bacteria, along with data from the sponges to enable the assignation of the biosynthetic source of detected metabolite features. Media controls and solvent blanks are also included. Please see metadata for the bacterial source sponge.
Project description:To determine the optimal RNA-Seq approach for animal host-bacterial symbiont analysis, we compared transcriptome bias, depth and coverage achieved by two different mRNA capture and sequencing strategies applied to the marine demosponge Amphimedon queenslandica holobiont, for which genomes of the animal host and three most abundant bacterial symbionts are available.
Project description:In the seabed, chemical defences mediate inter- and intraspecific interactions and may determine organisms’ success, shaping the diversity and function of benthic communities. Sponges represent a prominent example of chemically-defended marine organisms with great ecological success. The ecological factors controlling the production of their defensive compounds and the evolutionary forces that select for these defences remain little understood. Each sponge species produces a specific and diverse chemical arsenal with fish-deterrent, antifouling and antimicrobial properties. However, some small animals (mesograzers), mainly sea slugs, have specialized in living and feeding on sponges. Feeding on chemically-defended organisms provides a strategy to avoid predators, albeit the poor nutritional value of sponges. In order to investigate the mechanisms that control sponge chemical defence, with particular focus on the response to specialist grazers, we investigated the interaction between the sponge Aplysina aerophoba and the sea slug Tylodina perversa. Here we performed controlled experiments and collected sponge samples at different time points (3h, 1d and 6d after treatment). To further elucidate if the sponge response is specific to grazing by T. perversa, we also included a treatment in which sponges were mechanically damaged with a scalpel. We compared gene expression between treatments based on RNA-Seq data.