Project description:These samples are a part of a study investigating microbial responses to cover crop root exudates. We utilized 4 cover crop species (each with unique root exudate profiles), collected the pure root exudates, and applied them to soil mirocosms. metaG, metaT, metaP, and targeted and untargeted metabolomics were applied to assess the microbial responses.
Project description:These samples are a part of a study investigating microbial responses to cover crop root exudates. We utilized 4 cover crop species (each with unique root exudate profiles), collected the pure root exudates, and applied them to soil mirocosms. metaG, metaT, metaP, and targeted and untargeted metabolomics were applied to assess the microbial responses.
| MSV000092960 | MassIVE
Project description:Cover crop impacts on cash crop microbiome in semi-arid agricultural soil
| PRJNA976730 | ENA
Project description:cover crop
| PRJNA930580 | ENA
Project description:The effect of cover crop mixtures on the soil microbiome
| PRJNA1144384 | ENA
Project description:Soil bacterial community response to cover crops, cover crop termination, and predicted climate conditions
| PRJNA782382 | ENA
Project description:Cover crop soil legacies alter soil microbial composition in corn crop