Project description:In this study we examined an anaerobic digester reactor fed with cellulose in order to identify cellulose degrading microorganisms using a culture independent approach. A metagenome was linked to the newly synthesized proteins involved by cellulose, by investigation of labelled proteins (Protein-SIP). The study aims at identifying microorganisms involved in the degradation of plant-based biomass.
Project description:Nitrate-reducing iron(II)-oxidizing bacteria are widespread in the environment contribute to nitrate removal and influence the fate of the greenhouse gases nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide. The autotrophic growth of nitrate-reducing iron(II)-oxidizing bacteria is rarely investigated and poorly understood. The most prominent model system for this type of studies is enrichment culture KS, which originates from a freshwater sediment in Bremen, Germany. To gain insights in the metabolism of nitrate reduction coupled to iron(II) oxidation under in the absence of organic carbon and oxygen limited conditions, we performed metagenomic, metatranscriptomic and metaproteomic analyses of culture KS. Raw sequencing data of 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing, shotgun metagenomics (short reads: Illumina; long reads: Oxford Nanopore Technologies), metagenome assembly, raw sequencing data of shotgun metatranscriptomes (2 conditions, triplicates) can be found at SRA in This dataset contains proteomics data for 2 conditions (heterotrophic and autotrophic growth conditions) in triplicates.
Project description:The fate of the carbon stocked in permafrost soils following global warming and permafrost thaw is of major concern in view of the potential for increased CH4 and CO2 emissions from these soils. Complex carbon compound degradation and greenhouse gas emissions are due to soil microbial communities, but their composition and functional potential in permafrost soils are largely unknown. Here, a 2 m deep permafrost and its overlying active layer soil were subjected to metagenome sequencing, quantitative PCR, and microarray analyses. The active layer soil and 2 m permafrost soil microbial community structures were very similar, with Actinobacteria being the dominant phylum. The two soils also possessed a highly similar spectrum of functional genes, especially when compared to other already published metagenomes. Key genes related to methane generation, methane oxidation and organic matter degradation were highly diverse for both soils in the metagenomic libraries and some (e.g. pmoA) showed relatively high abundance in qPCR assays. Genes related to nitrogen fixation and ammonia oxidation, which could have important roles following climatic change in these nitrogen-limited environments, showed low diversity but high abundance. The 2 m permafrost soil showed lower abundance and diversity for all the assessed genes and taxa. Experimental biases were also evaluated and showed that the whole community genome amplification technique used caused large representational biases in the metagenomic libraries. This study described for the first time the detailed functional potential of permafrost-affected soils and detected several genes and microorganisms that could have crucial importance following permafrost thaw. A 2m deep permafrost sample and it overlying active layer were sampled and their metagenome analysed. For microarray analyses, 8 other soil samples from the same region were used for comparison purposes.
Project description:Nitrate-reducing iron(II)-oxidizing (NDFO) bacteria are widespread in the environment contribute to nitrate removal and influence the fate of the greenhouse gases nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide. The autotrophic growth of nitrate-reducing iron(II)-oxidizing bacteria is rarely investigated and poorly understood. The most prominent model system for this type of studies is enrichment culture KS, which originates from a freshwater sediment in Bremen, Germany. A second NDFO culture, culture BP, was obtained with a sample taken in 2015 at the same pond and cultured in a similar way. To gain insights in the metabolism of nitrate reduction coupled to iron(II) oxidation under in the absence of organic carbon and oxygen limited conditions, we performed metagenomic, metatranscriptomic and metaproteomic analyses of culture BP. Raw sequencing data of 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing (V4 region with Illumina and near full-length with PacBio), shotgun metagenomics, metagenome assembly, raw sequencing data of shotgun metatranscriptomes (2 conditions, triplicates) can be found at SRA in This dataset contains proteomics data for 2 conditions in triplicates. Samples R23, R24, and R25 are grown in autotrophic conditions, samples R26, R27, and R28 in heterotrophic conditions.
Project description:Glaciers are populated by a large number of microorganisms including bacteria, archaea and microeukaryotes. From an ecological point of view, three ecosystems can be differentiated in glaciers: the supraglacial ecosystem, the subglacial ecosystem and the englacial ecosystem. Several factors such as solar radiation, nutrient availability and water content greatly determine the diversity and abundance of microbial populations, the type of metabolism and the biogeochemical cycles. Firstly, the supraglacial ecosystem, sunlit and oxygenated, is predominantly populated by autotrophic microorganisms. Secondly, the subglacial ecosystem contains a majority of chemoautrotophs that are fed on the mineral salts of the rocks and basal soil. Lastly, the englacial ecosystem is the less studied and the one that contains the smallest number of microorganisms. However, these unknown englacial microorganisms establish a true trophic chain and appear to have an active metabolism. In order to study their metabolic potentials, samples of englacial ice were taken from an Antarctic glacier. The cells were harvested and their proteins were extracted and analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI/TOF/TOF). Several proteins and enzymes were found that demonstrate the existence of cellular activity at subzero temperatures. In this way it is shown that the englacial microorganisms are not quiescent, but that they maintain an active metabolism and play an important role in the glacial microbial community.
Project description:Glaciers are populated by a large number of microorganisms including bacteria, archaea and microeukaryotes. From an ecological point of view, three ecosystems can be differentiated in glaciers: the supraglacial ecosystem, the subglacial ecosystem and the englacial ecosystem. Several factors such as solar radiation, nutrient availability and water content greatly determine the diversity and abundance of microbial populations, the type of metabolism and the biogeochemical cycles. Firstly, the supraglacial ecosystem, sunlit and oxygenated, is predominantly populated by autotrophic microorganisms. Secondly, the subglacial ecosystem contains a majority of chemoautrotophs that are fed on the mineral salts of the rocks and basal soil. Lastly, the englacial ecosystem is the less studied and the one that contains the smallest number of microorganisms. However, these unknown englacial microorganisms establish a true trophic chain and appear to have an active metabolism. In order to study their metabolic potentials, samples of englacial ice were taken from an Antarctic glacier. The cells were harvested and their proteins were extracted and analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI/TOF/TOF). Several proteins and enzymes were found that demonstrate the existence of cellular activity at subzero temperatures. In this way it is shown that the englacial microorganisms are not quiescent, but that they maintain an active metabolism and play an important role in the glacial microbial community.