Project description:Previous work characterized TrmB as a global glucose responsive metabolic transcription factor in archaeal extremophiles. However, it remains unclear how TrmB dynamically regulates its ~100 metabolic enzyme-coding genes. Using a dynamic perturbation approach, we elucidate the topology of the metabolic GRN in Halobacterium salinarum. We assayed gene expression in a wild-type and trmB knockout strain before and immedeatly following glucose perturbation. Clustering dynamic gene expression patterns reveals that TrmB functions alone to regulate central metabolic enzyme-coding genes, but cooperates with various regulators to control peripheral metabolic pathways.
Project description:We set out to determine a) if histone in Halobacterium salinarum regulates transcription and b) whether the magnitude and extent of these changes matches those observed in organisms which use histone protein as their primary DNA packaging agent. To this end, gene expression data for a histone knock-out (Δura3ΔhpyA) strain versus parent (Δura3) were collected.
Project description:Telomere dysfunctional CMP/GMP have deregulated pathways that are associated with DNA damage signaling We compared differentially expressed genes in the G4/G5 CMP relative to the G0 control to identify pathways that may affect CMP differentiation. Bone marrow CMP and GMP cells were sorted from two paired pools of G0 TERTER/+ or G4/G5 TERTER/ER mice (5,000-20,000 cells per sample) using the Influx Cell Sorter. Every paired pool includes CMP or GMP sorted from 4 age and gender matched G0 or G4/G5 mice. RNA from the respective sorted cells was extracted using Trizol (Ambion) and profiled on 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent). Gene expression profiling was performed at the Sequencing and Non-coding RNA Program at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Briefly, the GeneChip® 3 IVT Express Kit (Affymetrix) was used to generate biotin-labeled cRNA, which were purified and fragmented, before target hybridization on the GeneChip® Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (Affymetrix) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Affymetrix raw data (CEL files) were normalized using Affymetrix Microarray Suite (MAS) version 5.0 using a TGT=100. Paired pools used in the study were: CMP pool 1: G0-1 and G4/5-1 CMP pool 2: G0-2 and G4/G5-2 GMP pool 1: G0-1 and G4/G5-1 GMP pool 2: G0-2 and G4/G5-2