Project description:The mutagenicity of bacteria was assessed by serially exposing human small intestinal organoids to various bacterial species or isolated toxins.
We have used the following abbreviations:
EWT: Organoids exposed to E. coli described in PMID: 32106218
EKO: Organoids exposed to isogenic E. coli as EWT, with knockout of the deltaClbQ gene, rendering them unable to produce colibactin
DYE: Organoids exposed to FastGreen injection control dye
NIS: Organoids exposed to E. coli Nissle
ETBF: Organoids exposed to the protease toxin BTF produced by ETBF-bacteria.
| EGAD00001008687 | EGA
Project description:Earthworms exposed to microplastics (PE and biodegradable)
Project description:C57Bl/6J Mice were exposed to sonication to induce a traumatic optic neuropathy model. Optic nerves were harvested and mitochondrial isolation was performed. Lipids were then extracted from isolated mitochondria. Mass spectrometry was used to analyze mitochondrial lipids.
Project description:au07-05_groundworms - groundworms - Do earthworms affect plant growth through signal molecules? - Plants were grown in a sandy soil from the Centre de Recherche en Ecologie Expérimentale et Prédictive (CEREEP, France), in the presence or absence of earthworms. Soil was dried and sieved at 2 mm before to be put in the pots. There was 2 levels of treatment (presence or absence of earthworms in the soil), and 5 plants per treatments. Keywords: treated vs untreated comparison
Project description:We obtained RNA-seq data from whole body springtail Folsomia candida exposed to the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid or control conditions for a total of 72 hours and sampled every 12 hours .
Project description:Sprague Dawley rats were exposed to Hypobaric Hypoxia for 1, 3 and 7 days followed isolation of Hippocampus. Microarray was performed utilizing RNA isolated from these samples. Each group included 5 animals.
2016-03-01 | GSE66287 | GEO
Project description:Bacterial community structure in artifical soil and enteric bacteria in earthworms exposed to Tributyl phosphate
Project description:12 week male wistar rats were exposed with rotenone (2.5mg/kg b.wt.) and control rats exposed with vehicle (corn oil) intraperetonially for two months. Animals were sacrifised at the end of the experiment and blood was isolated and stored at -80°C in RNALater until further analysis.RNA (including small RNAs) was extracted by Ribopure Blood RNA Isolation Kit by Thermo Fisher as suggested protocol by manufacturer. A custom Taqman OpenArray panel was used to profile the miRNAs expression.