Project description:Characterization of Early Bacterial and Fungal Communities on Volcanic Deposits along a Vegetation Gradient in the Island of Miyake, Japan
Project description:To characterize basal differences in hepatic gene-expression patterns, we performed a microarray analysis using wild-type and L1-Tg mice fed a control fat diet (CE-2: CLEA Japan, Inc., Tokyo, Japan) for two weeks.
Project description:UPLC-MS/MS or nanoLC-MS/MS data acquired from whole sponge extracts from the marine sponge Theonella swinhoei (yellow chemotype; Hachijo Jima, Japan) or extracts from two Entotheonella enriched cell fractions obtained by differential centrifugation. More than 40 bioactive polyketides and modified peptides that belong to seven structural classes are known to be produced by this sponge. Single-cell genomics and chemical analysis have revealed Entotheonella as the producer of most of the known chemistry from this sponge.
Project description:Copy number analysis of primary esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) from 40 patients in Japan. Integrative analysis of gene expression profiles and genomic alterations obtained from array-CGH and NGS provided us new insight into the pathogenesis of ESCC.
Project description:purified standards of onnamide A, onnamide B and cyclotheonamide isolated from Theonella swinhoei (yellow chemotype, Hachijo Jima, Japan).
Reference: Wilson MC, Mori T, R�ckert C, Uria AR, Helf MJ, Takada K, Gernert C, Steffens UA, Heycke N, Schmitt S, Rinke C, Helfrich EJ, Brachmann AO, Gurgui C, Wakimoto T, Kracht M, Cr�semann M, Hentschel U, Abe I, Matsunaga S, Kalinowski J, Takeyama H, Piel J. An environmental bacterial taxon with a large and distinct metabolic repertoire. Nature. 2014 Feb 6;506(7486):58-62.
Project description:THP-1 is a representative leukemia cell line, and has been widely used all around the world since its establishment in Japan in 1980. Differences in THP-1 cells have been reported; however, the THP-1 genomes have not been accurately characterized.