Project description:Vero cells were infected with the African ZIKV (Dak84) at MOI:3 to assess the viral transcriptome. Samples were harvested at 24 hours post-infection (h p.i.) by flash-freezing, without cycloheximide pre-treatment. Ribosomal RNA was removed using Illumina's RiboZero kit, and RNA was hydrolysed and then gel purified to select fragments 25-35nt long. Fragments were cloned into adapters using the TruSeq small RNA adapter kit and sequenced on Illumina NextSeq. After bioinformatic analysis, it was discovered that infected cells were contaminated with another arbovirus, Toscana virus (TOSV).
Project description:Dataset for a comparative analysis of protein profiles of three series of mouse macrophage cell line PMJ2R samples including infected with Tick-borne encephalitis virus, strain Hypr original isolate on the second (H2) and sixth day (H6) after infection was carried out using shotgun ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry.
Project description:Vero cells were infected with the African ZIKV (Dak84) at MOI:3 to assess the viral translatome. Samples were harvested at 24 hours post-infection (h p.i.) by flash-freezing, without cycloheximide pre-treatment. RNase I treatment was carried out, following which ribosomes and enclosed RNA were isolated by centrifugation through a sucrose cushion. RNA was extracted, ribosomal RNA was removed using Illumina's RiboZero kit, and remaining RNA was gel purified to select fragments 25-35nt long. Fragments were cloned into adapters using the TruSeq small RNA adapter kit and sequenced on Illumina NextSeq. After bioinformatic analysis, it was discovered that infected cells were contaminated with another arbovirus, Toscana virus (TOSV).
Project description:Dataset for a comparative analysis of protein profiles of three series of mouse macrophage cell line PMJ2R samples including the control uninfected series (sample M) and infected with Tick-borne encephalitis virus, strain Hypr original isolate on the second (H2) and sixth day (H6) after infection was carried out using panoramic ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry. The analysis of measurements was performed using the proteomics search engine. The findings of the panoramic mass spectrometric analysis indicated that the protein composition of the cell samples is quite similar with respect to the number of identified proteins, protein composition and relative abundance. We identified a group of proteins specific for cell series H2 and H6.