Project description:The full genome sequencing of the filamentous fungi Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae has opened the possibilities for studying the cellular physiology of these fungi on a systemic level. As a tool to explore this, we are presenting an Affymetrix GeneChip developed for transcriptome analysis of any of the three above-mentioned aspergilli. Transcriptome analysis of triplicate batch cultivations of all three aspergilli on glucose-and xylose media has been performed, and used to validate the performance of the micro array. By doing gene comparisons of all three species, and cross-analysing this with the expression data, 23 genes, including the xylose transcriptional activator XlnR, have been identified to be a conserved response across the Aspergillus sp. Promoter analysis of the upregulated genes in all three species suggest the XlnR-binding site to be 5’-GGNTAAA-3’. We are thus presenting a validated tool for transcription analysis of three Aspergillus species and a methodology for comparative transcriptomics. Keywords: Physiological response
Project description:The full genome sequencing of the filamentous fungi Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae has opened the possibilities for studying the cellular physiology of these fungi on a systemic level. As a tool to explore this, we are presenting an Affymetrix GeneChip developed for transcriptome analysis of any of the three above-mentioned aspergilli. Transcriptome analysis of triplicate batch cultivations of all three aspergilli on glucose-and xylose media has been performed, and used to validate the performance of the micro array. By doing gene comparisons of all three species, and cross-analysing this with the expression data, 23 genes, including the xylose transcriptional activator XlnR, have been identified to be a conserved response across the Aspergillus sp. Promoter analysis of the upregulated genes in all three species suggest the XlnR-binding site to be 5’-GGNTAAA-3’. We are thus presenting a validated tool for transcription analysis of three Aspergillus species and a methodology for comparative transcriptomics. Keywords: Physiological response
Project description:The full genome sequencing of the filamentous fungi Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae has opened the possibilities for studying the cellular physiology of these fungi on a systemic level. As a tool to explore this, we are presenting an Affymetrix GeneChip developed for transcriptome analysis of any of the three above-mentioned aspergilli. Transcriptome analysis of triplicate batch cultivations of all three aspergilli on glucose-and xylose media has been performed, and used to validate the performance of the micro array. By doing gene comparisons of all three species, and cross-analysing this with the expression data, 23 genes, including the xylose transcriptional activator XlnR, have been identified to be a conserved response across the Aspergillus sp. Promoter analysis of the upregulated genes in all three species suggest the XlnR-binding site to be 5’-GGNTAAA-3’. We are thus presenting a validated tool for transcription analysis of three Aspergillus species and a methodology for comparative transcriptomics. Keywords: Physiological response
Project description:The full genome sequencing of the filamentous fungi Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae has opened the possibilities for studying the cellular physiology of these fungi on a systemic level. As a tool to explore this, we are presenting an Affymetrix GeneChip developed for transcriptome analysis of any of the three above-mentioned aspergilli. Transcriptome analysis of triplicate batch cultivations of all three aspergilli on glucose-and xylose media has been performed, and used to validate the performance of the micro array. By doing gene comparisons of all three species, and cross-analysing this with the expression data, 23 genes, including the xylose transcriptional activator XlnR, have been identified to be a conserved response across the Aspergillus sp. Promoter analysis of the upregulated genes in all three species suggest the XlnR-binding site to be 5’-GGNTAAA-3’. We are thus presenting a validated tool for transcription analysis of three Aspergillus species and a methodology for comparative transcriptomics. Keywords: Physiological response Two conditions (glucose and xylose) and three biological replicates
Project description:The full genome sequencing of the filamentous fungi Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae has opened the possibilities for studying the cellular physiology of these fungi on a systemic level. As a tool to explore this, we are presenting an Affymetrix GeneChip developed for transcriptome analysis of any of the three above-mentioned aspergilli. Transcriptome analysis of triplicate batch cultivations of all three aspergilli on glucose-and xylose media has been performed, and used to validate the performance of the micro array. By doing gene comparisons of all three species, and cross-analysing this with the expression data, 23 genes, including the xylose transcriptional activator XlnR, have been identified to be a conserved response across the Aspergillus sp. Promoter analysis of the upregulated genes in all three species suggest the XlnR-binding site to be 5’-GGNTAAA-3’. We are thus presenting a validated tool for transcription analysis of three Aspergillus species and a methodology for comparative transcriptomics. Keywords: Physiological response Two conditions (glucose and xylose) and three biological replicates
Project description:The full genome sequencing of the ?lamentous fungi Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae has opened the possibilities for studying the cellular physiology of these fungi on a systemic level. As a tool to explore this, we are presenting an A?ymetrix GeneChip developed for transcriptome analysis of any of the three above-mentioned aspergilli. Transcriptome analysis of triplicate batch cultivations of all three aspergilli on glucose-and xylose media has been performed, and used to validate the performance of the micro array. By doing gene comparisons of all three species, and cross-analysing this with the expression data, 23 genes, including the xylose transcriptional activator XlnR, have been identi?ed to be a conserved response across the Aspergillus sp. Promoter analysis of the upregulated genes in all three species suggest the XlnR-binding site to be 5’-GGNTAAA-3’. We are thus presenting a validated tool for transcription analysis of three Aspergillus species and a methodology for comparative transcriptomics. Keywords: Physiological response Two conditions (glucose and xylose) and three biological replicates of each.
Project description:Aspergillus display an amazing level of diversity in physiologies, and environments that they occupy. Strategies for coping with diverse environmental stresses have evolved in different Aspergillus species. Therefore, Aspergillus are considered to be good models for investigating the adaptation and response to many natural and anthropogenic environmental stressors. Recent genome sequencing projects in several Aspergillus have provided insights into the molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying their responses to some environmental stressors. However, to better clarify the conserved and differentiated features of the adaptive response to specific stresses and to trace the evolutionary process of environmental adaptation and response in Aspergillus, insight from more Aspergillus species with different evolutionary positions, such as A. glaucus, and thus offer a large number of models of adaptation and response to various environmental stresses. Here, we report a high-quality reference genome assembly of A. glaucus CCHA from the surface of wild vegetation around saltern of Jilin, China, based on sequence data from whole-genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing platforms of Illumina solexa technologies. This assembly contains 106 scaffolds ( >1 Kb; N50 = ~0.795 Mb), has a length of ~28.9 Mb and covers ~97% of the predicted genome size (~120 Mb). Together with the data analyses from comprehensive transcriptomic surveys and comparative genomic analyses, we aim to obtain new insights into molecular mechanisms of the adaptation to living at high salt in the saltern
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE9275: A tri-species Aspergillus array (nidulans arrays) GSE9276: A tri-species Aspergillus array (niger arrays) GSE9277: A tri-species Aspergillus array (oryzae arrays) Keywords: SuperSeries Refer to individual Series
Project description:Vongsangnak2008 - Genome-scale metabolic
network of Aspergillus oryzae (iWV1314)
This model is described in the article:
Improved annotation through
genome-scale metabolic modeling of Aspergillus oryzae.
Vongsangnak W, Olsen P, Hansen K,
Krogsgaard S, Nielsen J.
BMC Genomics 2008; 9: 245
BACKGROUND: Since ancient times the filamentous fungus
Aspergillus oryzae has been used in the fermentation industry
for the production of fermented sauces and the production of
industrial enzymes. Recently, the genome sequence of A. oryzae
with 12,074 annotated genes was released but the number of
hypothetical proteins accounted for more than 50% of the
annotated genes. Considering the industrial importance of this
fungus, it is therefore valuable to improve the annotation and
further integrate genomic information with biochemical and
physiological information available for this microorganism and
other related fungi. Here we proposed the gene prediction by
construction of an A. oryzae Expressed Sequence Tag (EST)
library, sequencing and assembly. We enhanced the function
assignment by our developed annotation strategy. The resulting
better annotation was used to reconstruct the metabolic network
leading to a genome scale metabolic model of A. oryzae.
RESULTS: Our assembled EST sequences we identified 1,046 newly
predicted genes in the A. oryzae genome. Furthermore, it was
possible to assign putative protein functions to 398 of the
newly predicted genes. Noteworthy, our annotation strategy
resulted in assignment of new putative functions to 1,469
hypothetical proteins already present in the A. oryzae genome
database. Using the substantially improved annotated genome we
reconstructed the metabolic network of A. oryzae. This network
contains 729 enzymes, 1,314 enzyme-encoding genes, 1,073
metabolites and 1,846 (1,053 unique) biochemical reactions. The
metabolic reactions are compartmentalized into the cytosol, the
mitochondria, the peroxisome and the extracellular space.
Transport steps between the compartments and the extracellular
space represent 281 reactions, of which 161 are unique. The
metabolic model was validated and shown to correctly describe
the phenotypic behavior of A. oryzae grown on different carbon
sources. CONCLUSION: A much enhanced annotation of the A.
oryzae genome was performed and a genome-scale metabolic model
of A. oryzae was reconstructed. The model accurately predicted
the growth and biomass yield on different carbon sources. The
model serves as an important resource for gaining further
insight into our understanding of A. oryzae physiology.
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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or
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