Project description:Methanotrophs, which help regulate atmospheric levels of methane, are active in diverse natural and man-made environments. This range of habitats and the feast-famine cycles seen by many environmental methanotrophs suggest that methanotrophs dynamically mediate rates of methane oxidation. Global methane budgets require ways to account for this variability in time and space. Functional gene biomarker transcripts are increasingly being studied to inform the dynamics of diverse biogeochemical cycles. Previously, per-cell transcript levels of the methane oxidation biomarker, pmoA, were found to vary quantitatively with respect to methane oxidation rates in model aerobic methanotroph, Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. In the present study, these trends were explored for two additional aerobic methanotroph pure cultures, Methylocystis parvus OBBP and Methylomicrobium album BG8. At steady-state conditions, per cell pmoA mRNA transcript levels strongly correlated with per cell methane oxidation across the three methanotrophs across many orders of magnitude of activity (R2 = 0.91). Additionally, genome-wide expression data (RNA-seq) were used to explore transcriptomic responses of steady state M. album BG8 cultures to short-term CH4 and O2 limitation. These limitations induced regulation of genes involved in central carbon metabolism (including carbon storage), cell motility, and stress response.
Project description:Natural and anthropogenic wetlands are main sources of the atmospheric greenhouse gas methane. Methane emissions from wetlands are mitigated by methanotrophic microorganisms and by processes at the oxic-anoxic interface, such as sulfur cycling, that reduce the activity of methanogens. In this study, we obtained a pure culture (strain HY1) of a versatile wetland methanotroph that oxidizes various organic and inorganic compounds. This strain represents (i) the first isolate that can aerobically oxidize both methane and reduced sulfur compounds and (ii) a new alphapoteobacterial species, named Candidatus Methylovirgula thiovorans. Genomic and proteomic analyses showed that soluble methane monooxygenase and XoxF-type alcohol dehydrogenases are the only enzymes for methane and methanol oxidation, respectively. Unexpectedly, strain HY1 harbors various pathways for respiratory sulfur oxidation and oxidized reduced sulfur compounds to sulfate using the Sox-rDsr pathway (without SoxCD) and the S4I system. It employed the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle for CO2 fixation during chemolithoautotrophic growth on the reduced sulfur compounds. Methane and thiosulfate were independently and simultaneously oxidized by strain HY1 for growth. Proteomic and microrespiratory analyses showed that the metabolic pathways for methane and thiosulfate oxidation were induced in the presence of their substrates. The discovery of this versatile methanotroph demonstrates that methanotrophy and thiotrophy is compatible in a single bacterium and adds a new aspect to interactions of methane and sulfur cycles in oxic-anoxic interface environments.
Project description:Denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation process (DAMO) can achieve methane oxidation and denitrification at the same time, with nitrate or nitrite as electron acceptor. The long-term effects of nitrite on DAMO organisms were studied from micro based
Project description:In this study, we investigated Mn3+-cycling microbial populations enriched from Lake Matano, Indonesia using metagenomics and metaproteomics. Lake Matano contains an active Mn cycle that links the oxic-anoxic interface with anoxic deep waters that are enriched in iron and manganese, and depleted in sulfate, phosphate, and oxidized nitrogen (Crowe et al., 2008; Jones et al., 2011). Sediments were incubated with sequential transfers for ~1 year with Mn3+ as the sole electron acceptor and methane as organic carbon until achieving sediment-free conditions. Here we investigate this novel species of Dechloromonas (Betaproteobacteria), “Candidatus Dechloromonas occultata,” which was the dominant population in enrichment cultures with active Mn3+ reduction. “Ca. D. occultata” expressed electron conduits related to those involved in Fe2+ oxidation (Mto-like), as well as a novel cytochrome c-rich gene cluster putatively involved in extracellular electron transfer, and an atypical nitrous oxide reductase. According to ribosomal counts, Dechloromonas outnumber Geobacter. In terms of functional genes, Dechloromonas expresses a wider variety and number of genes. Dechloromonas therefore seems to have a (selective?) advantage over Geobacter. Previous experiments revealed that Dechloromonas express nitrogen regulators, reductases and scavenging genes, as well as many carbon central metabolic pathways, and aromatic carbon degradation pathways. Dechloromonas is a beta proteobacteria, and these are "experts" in nitrogen metabolism. Geobacter, on the other hand, is well known for carbon degradation. Our previous experiments lead to our hypothesis that Dechloromonas is more active because they are more successful at acquiring nitrogen, a limiting nutrient for Geobacter. This would further suggest that carbon is not the limiting nutrient. We will test 2 hypotheses with the next suite of experiments 1) pyrophosphate supports the community, by allowing carbon fixation , 2)Dechloromonas has a (selective?) advantage over Geobacter. To test this hypothesis, bioreactors will be used to grow biotriplicate cultures of (1)- CH4 vs. pyrophosphate and (2)-CH4 vs. Mn(III) pyrophosphate. Here we have analyzed whole cell pellets using gas phase fractionations on the Q Exactive. Are Dechloromonas capable of out-competing Geobacter when grown in media with methane as the only carbon source bioreactors because they are capable of acquiring more nitrogen? Source of inoculum. Lake Matano is a metal-rich, ancient ocean analog (Crowe et al. 2011, Jones et al. 2011). Organic carbon in Lake Matano is mostly mineralized via methanogenesis before reaching the iron-rich sediments, limiting organic matter bioavailability for metal-reducers (Kuntz et al. 2015). A 15-cm sediment core from 200 m water depth in Lake Matano, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia (02°26′27.1′′S, 121°15′12.3′′E; in situ sediment temperature ~27°C) was sampled in November 2014 and sub-sampled at 5 cm increments. Sediments were sealed in gas-tight Mylar bags with no headspace (Hansen et al. 2000) and stored at 4°C until incubations began in December 2015.
Project description:A biohydrogen and polyhydroxyalkanoates(PHA)-producing natural photoheterotrophic mixed culture composed mainly by Rhodopseudomonas palustris and Clostridium sp was studied by a proteomic analysis under non-growth conditions (nitrogen-absence and organic acids). Proteins in C. pasteurianum were upregulated, particularly those related to stress response. In contrast, C. pasteurianum in the consortium did not present such proteins, showing the advantage of being part of it. Both cultures showed proteins involved in organic acid metabolism and biohydrogen production, such as lactate dehydrogenase, ferredoxins, and hydrogenases. Proteomes of R. palustris as single culture and in consortium showed that organic acids were redirect into central carbon pathways to generate reduced equivalents for biohydrogen production. Light-harvesting proteins and fatty acid metabolism linked to PHA accumulation were also upregulated. This study provides insights into how the proteomes of individual organisms and their consortium counterparts adapt to non-growth conditions, shedding light on how microbial interactions influence protein expression.