Project description:We established simple synthetic microbial communities in a microcosm model system to determine the mechanisms that underlay cross-feeding in microbial methane-consuming communities. Co-occurring strains from Lake Washington sediment were used that are involved in methane consumption, a methanotroph and two non-methanotrophic methylotrophs.
Project description:Custom made functional gene micoarray (E-FGA) consisting of 13,056 mRNA-enriched anonymus microbial clones from dirverse microbial communities to profile microbial gene transcript in agricultural soils with low and high flux of N2O. A total of 96 genes displayed expression that differed significantly between low and high N2O emitting soils. Creation and validation of an cDNA microarray from environmental microbial mRNA, to use as a monitoring tool for microbial gene expression Microbial expression profiles comparing two high N2O-emitting sites (3 soil replicates and microarrays each) and two low N2O-emitting sites (3 soil replicates and microarray each) from sugarcane site in Mackay, Australia
Project description:Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are believed to be driven by dysregulated interactions between the host and the gut microbiota. Our goal is to characterize the relationships between mucosal T cells, the host tissue environment and microbial communities in IBD patients to identify new therapeutic targets. We identified 26 predictors from our combined data set that were effective in distinguishing between regions of the intestine undergoing active inflammation and regions that were normal. Network analysis on these 26 predictors revealed SAA1 as the most connected node linking the abundance of the genus Bacteroides with the production of IL17 and IL22 by CD4+ T cells. The SAA1-linked microbial and transcriptome interactions were further validated with data from the pediatric IBD RISK cohort. This study identifies expression of SAA1 as an important link between mucosal T cells, microbial communities and their tissue environment in IBD patients. A combination of FACS, gene expression and microbial profiling can distinguish between intestinal inflammatory states in IBD regardless of disease types.
Project description:This project aims to investigate the metabolic pathways expressed by the active microbial community occurring at the deep continental subsurface. Subsurface chemoLithoautotrophic Microbial Ecosystems (SLiMEs) under oligotrophic conditions are supported by H2; however, the overall ecological trophic structures of these communities are poorly understood. Some deep, fluid-filled fractures in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa appear to support inverted trophic pyramids wherein methanogens contributing <5% of the total DNA apparently produce CH4 that supports the rest of the community. Here we show the active metabolic relationships of one such trophic structure by combining metatranscriptomic assemblies, metaproteomic and stable isotopic data, and thermodynamic modeling. Four autotrophic β-proteobacteria genera that are capable of oxidizing sulfur by denitrification dominate. They co-occur with sulfate reducers, anaerobic methane oxidizers and methanogens, which each comprises <5% of the total community. Defining trophic levels of microbial chemolithoautotrophs by the number of transfers from the initial abiotic H2-driven CO2 fixation, we propose a top-down cascade influence of the metabolic consumers that enhances the fitness of the metabolic producers to explain the inverted biomass pyramid of a multitrophic SLiME. Symbiotic partnerships are pivotal in the deep biosphere on and potentially beyond the Earth.
Project description:Multiple species of bacteria oxidize methane in the environment after it is produced by anaerobic ecosystems. These organisms provide a carbon and energy source for species that cannot oxidize methane themselves, thereby serving a key role in these niches while also sequestering this potent greenhouse gas before it enters the atmosphere. Deciphering the molecular details of how methane-oxidizing bacteria interact in the environment enables us to understand an important aspect that shapes the structure and function these communities. Here we show that many members of the Methylomonas genus possess a LuxR-type acyl-homoserine lactone (acyl-HSL) receptor/transcription factor highly homologous to MbaR from the quorum sensing (QS) system of Methylobacter tundripaludum, another methane-oxidizer that has been isolated from the same environment. We reconstitute this detection system in Escherichia coli and also use mutant and transcriptomic analysis to show that the receptor from Methylomonas species strain LW13 (LW13) is active and alters LW13 gene expression in response to the acyl-HSL produced by M. tundripaludum. These findings provide a molecular mechanism for how two species of bacteria that may compete for resources in the environment can interact in a specific manner through a chemical signal.
Project description:Fermenting microbial communities generate hydrogen: its removal through production of acetate, methane, or hydrogen sulfide modulates the efficiency of energy extraction from available nutrients in many ecosystems. We noted that pathway components for acetogenesis are more abundantly and consistently represented in the gut microbiomes of monozygotic twins and their mothers than components for methanogenesis or sulfate reduction, and subsequently analyzed the metabolic potential of two sequenced human gut acetogens, Blautia hydrogenotrophica and Marvinbryantia formatexigens in vitro and in the intestines of gnotobiotic mice harboring a prominent saccharolytic bacterium. To do so, we developed a generally applicable method for multiplex sequencing of expressed microbial mRNAs, and together with mass spectrometry of metabolites, show that these organisms have distinct patterns of substrate utilization. B. hydrogenotrophica targets aliphatic and aromatic amino acids. It increases the efficiency of fermentation by consuming reducing equivalents, thereby maintaining a high NAD+/NADH ratio and boosting acetate production. In contrast, M. formatexigens consumes oligosaccharides, does not impact the redox state of the gut, and boosts the yield of succinate. These findings have strategic implications for those who wish to manipulate the hydrogen economy of gut microbial communities in ways that modulate energy harvest. 119 Samples consisting of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Marvinbryantia formatexigens, and Blautia hydrogenotrophica cecal and fecal samples. Please see the individual Sample descriptions for more information.
Project description:Custom made functional gene micoarray (E-FGA) consisting of 13,056 mRNA-enriched anonymus microbial clones from dirverse microbial communities to profile microbial gene transcript in agricultural soils with low and high flux of N2O. A total of 96 genes displayed expression that differed significantly between low and high N2O emitting soils. Creation and validation of an cDNA microarray from environmental microbial mRNA, to use as a monitoring tool for microbial gene expression
Project description:The ammonia-oxidizing bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea has been widely recognized as an important player in the nitrogen cycle as well as one of the most abundant members in microbial communities for the treatment of industrial or sewage wastewater. Its natural metabolic versatility and extraordinary ability to degrade environmental pollutants enable it to thrive under various harsh environmental conditions. This model of N. europaea (iGC535) is the most accurate metabolic model for a nitrifying organism to date, reaching an average prediction accuracy of over 90% under several growth conditions. The manually curated model can predict phenotypes under chemolithotrophic and chemolithoorganotrophic conditions while oxidating methane and wastewater pollutants.
It is the first upload of the model.
Project description:Fermenting microbial communities generate hydrogen: its removal through production of acetate, methane, or hydrogen sulfide modulates the efficiency of energy extraction from available nutrients in many ecosystems. We noted that pathway components for acetogenesis are more abundantly and consistently represented in the gut microbiomes of monozygotic twins and their mothers than components for methanogenesis or sulfate reduction, and subsequently analyzed the metabolic potential of two sequenced human gut acetogens, Blautia hydrogenotrophica and Marvinbryantia formatexigens in vitro and in the intestines of gnotobiotic mice harboring a prominent saccharolytic bacterium. To do so, we developed a generally applicable method for multiplex sequencing of expressed microbial mRNAs, and together with mass spectrometry of metabolites, show that these organisms have distinct patterns of substrate utilization. B. hydrogenotrophica targets aliphatic and aromatic amino acids. It increases the efficiency of fermentation by consuming reducing equivalents, thereby maintaining a high NAD+/NADH ratio and boosting acetate production. In contrast, M. formatexigens consumes oligosaccharides, does not impact the redox state of the gut, and boosts the yield of succinate. These findings have strategic implications for those who wish to manipulate the hydrogen economy of gut microbial communities in ways that modulate energy harvest.
Project description:Methylomicrobium buryatense 5GB1 is an obligate methylotroph, which grows on methane or methanol with similar growth rates. Core metabolic pathways are similar on both substrates, but recent studies of methane metabolism suggest that growth on methanol might have significant differences from growth on methane. In this study, both a targeted metabolomics approach as well as a 13C tracer approach have been taken to understand core carbon metabolism in M. buryatense 5GB1 during methanol growth, to determine whether such differences occur. Targeted metabolomics analyses were performed on both methane and methanol cultures to identify metabolic nodes with altered fluxes. Several key metabolites showed significant differences in pool size. Noticeably, 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate (KDPG) showed much larger pools under methanol culture, suggesting the Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway was more active. Intermediates in other parts of metabolism also showed differences in pool sizes under methanol growth. A systematic shift of active core metabolism is proposed to explain the changes. In order to distinguish flux partition differences at the C3-C4 node, 13C tracer analysis was also applied to methanol-grown cultures. Using the experimental results as constraints, we applied flux balance analysis to determine the metabolic flux phenotype of M. buryatense 5GB1 growing on methanol. The resulting new insights into core metabolism of this methanotroph provide an improved basis for future strain design.