Project description:We report the genetic plasticity of Newcastle disease virus. We introduced insertional mutation in the virus genome and checked fitness by comparing distribution of mutants in passage 1 and passage 2.
Project description:To investigate the role of gene expression during Newcastle disease virus (NDV) infection.The NDV GM strain was used to infect DEF cells with 1moi, while an uninfected group was set up as a control.
Project description:Airway epithelial cells from 3 different breeds of chicken infected with Newcastle Disease virus were sequenced and compared to cells from uninfected control birds. The 3 breeds were an indigenous breed, commercial Rhode Island Reds and a hybrid breed (Kenbro).
Project description:To investigate the role of m6A modification during Newcastle disease virus (NDV) infection We then performed gene expression profiling analysis using data obtained from RNA-seq and MeRIP-seq of NDV infected CEF cells and normal cells.
Project description:Genotype VIId NDV is characterized by severe tissue damage in chicken lymphoid organs compared to other virulent strains. However, biological basis of this unusual pathological phenotype is unknown. Host response is associated with pathogenicity of Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV). We aim to determine the contribution of host response to the severe tissue destruction in the lymphoid system caused by genotype VIId NDV. We used microarray analysis to evaluate the global transcriptional response in the spleen of chickens infected with genotype VIId NDV strain JS5/05 and genotype IV NDV Herts/33.