Project description:Transcriptional responses to heat stress were assayed in early life-history stages of 11 crosses between and amongst Acropora tenuis colonies originating from reefs along the Great Barrier Reef. We identified a single nucleotide polymorphism outlier (Fst=0.89) between populations in the unannotated gene Acropora25324, which exhibited constitutively higher gene expression in populations with dams originating from Curd reef, a far north, warm adapted inshore reef, suggesting an important role of this gene in adaptation to warmer environments. Further, juveniles exposed to heat and in symbiosis with heat-evolved Symbiodiniaceae displayed intermediate transcriptional responses between its progenitor taxa (Cladocopium goreaui) and the more stress tolerant Durusdinium trenchii, indicating that the development of heat tolerance acquisition is potentially a conserved evolutionary process in Symbiodiniaceae. These findings reveal the underlying mechanisms, and for the first time, their relative contribution, of coral responses to climate change and provide a foundation for optimizing conservation methods like assistant gene flow.